ruby-abbrev:v31 |
Calculates a set of unique abbreviations (v31) |
ruby-actioncable:v31 |
WebSocket framework for Rails (v31) |
ruby-actionmailbox:v31 |
Inbound email handling framework (v31) |
ruby-actionmailer:v31 |
Email support on Rails (v31) |
ruby-actionpack:v31 |
MVC web applications on Rails (v31) |
ruby-actiontext:v31 |
Rich text framework (v31) |
ruby-actionview:v31 |
Web page conventions and helpers (v31) |
ruby-activejob:v31 |
Job framework with pluggable queues (v31) |
ruby-activemodel:v31 |
Support for attributes, callbacks + (v31) |
ruby-activerecord:v31 |
Database mapper for Rails (v31) |
ruby-activestorage:v31 |
Local and cloud file storage framework (v31) |
ruby-activesupport:v31 |
Rails support for multibyte strings + (v31) |
ruby-addressable:v31 |
URI Implementation (v31) |
ruby-arel:v31 |
SQL AST manager for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-arr-pm:v31 |
RPM reader and writer library (v31) |
ruby-asciidoctor:v31 |
AsciiDoc to HTML5/DocBook5 converter (v31) |
ruby-avro:v31 |
Apache Avro for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-backports:v31 |
Backports of Ruby features for older Ruby (v31) |
ruby-base64:v31 |
Base64 binary data encoder and decoder (v31) |
ruby-bcrypt:v31 |
Wrapper for handling passwords via bcrypt (v31) |
ruby-benchmark:v31 |
Performance benchmarking library (v31) |
ruby-bigdecimal:v31 |
Arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point (v31) |
ruby-builder:v31 |
Builders for MarkUp (v31) |
ruby-cabin:v31 |
Structured and contextual logging (v31) |
ruby-carrierwave:v31 |
Ruby file upload library (v31) |
ruby-childprocess:v31 |
Controls external background programs (v31) |
ruby-clamp:v31 |
Minimal framework for command-line utilities (v31) |
ruby-concurrent-ruby1.1:v31 |
Concurrency tools like futures, promises + (v31) |
ruby-concurrent-ruby:v31 |
Concurrency tools like futures, promises + (v31) |
ruby-connection_pool:v31 |
Generic connection pool for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-cookiejar:v31 |
Client-side HTTP Cookie library (v31) |
ruby-crass:v31 |
Pure ruby CSS Level 3 parser (v31) |
ruby-csv:v31 |
CSV Reading and Writing (v31) |
ruby-daemons:v31 |
Allows existing scripts to be daemonized (v31) |
ruby-date:v31 |
Module for handling dates (v31) |
ruby-dbm:v31 |
Database Manager Library wrapper (v31) |
ruby-deep_merge:v31 |
Merge Deeply Nested Hashes (v31) |
ruby-delayed_job:v31 |
Asynchronous execution of background tasks (v31) |
ruby-devise:v31 |
Flexible authentication for Rails/Warden (v31) |
ruby-diff-lcs:v31 |
Longest Common Sequence algorithm (v31) |
ruby-digest:v31 |
Message digest libraries framework (v31) |
ruby-domain_name:v31 |
Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-dotenv:v31 |
Loads environment variables from `.env` (v31) |
ruby-drb:v31 |
Distributed object system for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-elastic-transport:v31 |
Low level Ruby client for Elastic services (v31) |
ruby-elasticsearch-api:v31 |
Ruby API for Elasticsearch (v31) |
ruby-elasticsearch-transport:v31 |
Ruby client for Elasticsearch (v31) |
ruby-elasticsearch:v31 |
Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch (v31) |
ruby-em-http-request:v31 |
EventMachine based async HTTP Request client (v31) |
ruby-em-socksify:v31 |
Transparent proxy support for EventMachine (v31) |
ruby-erubi:v31 |
Small ERB Implementation (v31) |
ruby-erubis:v31 |
Embedded Ruby implementation (v31) |
ruby-eventmachine:v31 |
Ruby/EventMachine library (v31) |
ruby-excon:v31 |
Speed, persistence, http(s) (v31) |
ruby-execjs:v31 |
Run JavaScript code from Ruby (v31) |
ruby-facter:v31 |
Facter, a system inventory tool (v31) |
ruby-faraday-em_http:v31 |
Faraday adapter for Em::Http (v31) |
ruby-faraday-em_synchrony:v31 |
Faraday adapter for EM::Synchrony (v31) |
ruby-faraday-excon:v31 |
Faraday adapter for Excon (v31) |
ruby-faraday-httpclient:v31 |
Faraday adapter for HTTPClient (v31) |
ruby-faraday-net_http:v31 |
Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP (v31) |
ruby-faraday-net_http_persistent:v31 |
Faraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent (v31) |
ruby-faraday-patron:v31 |
Faraday adapter for Patron (v31) |
ruby-faraday-rack:v31 |
Faraday adapter for Rack (v31) |
ruby-faraday:v31 |
HTTP/REST API client library (v31) |
ruby-fast_gettext:v31 |
Good, threadsafe implementation of GetText (v31) |
ruby-ffi:v31 |
Foreign Function Interface library (v31) |
ruby-forwardable:v31 |
Delegation of methods to designated object (v31) |
ruby-fpm:v31 |
Fpm - package building and mangling (v31) |
ruby-gdbm:v31 |
Ruby extension for GNU dbm (v31) |
ruby-getoptlong:v31 |
GetoptLong for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-gettext-setup:v31 |
Sets up i18n localization for Ruby projects (v31) |
ruby-gettext:v31 |
L10N localization library and tools (v31) |
ruby-git:v31 |
Wraps system calls to the git library (v31) |
ruby-globalid:v31 |
URIs to pass model references (v31) |
ruby-haml:v31 |
HTML Abstraction Markup Language (v31) |
ruby-hashie:v31 |
Your friendly neighborhood hash library (v31) |
ruby-highline:v31 |
High-level IO library for CLI (v31) |
ruby-hocon:v31 |
HOCON Config Library (v31) |
ruby-hpricot:v31 |
Swift, liberal HTML parser (v31) |
ruby-http-accept:v31 |
Parse Accept and Accept-Language headers (v31) |
ruby-http-cookie:v31 |
Handles RFC 6265 HTTP cookies (v31) |
ruby-http_parser.rb:v31 |
Http-parser bindings (v31) |
ruby-httpclient:v31 |
HTTP accessing library (v31) |
ruby-i18n:v31 |
New wave Internationalization support (v31) |
ruby-image_processing:v31 |
High-level wrapper for processing images (v31) |
ruby-insist:v31 |
Block-driven assertion library (v31) |
ruby-io-console:v31 |
Console interface (v31) |
ruby-io-wait:v31 |
Non-blocking I/O read/write operations (v31) |
ruby-jquery-rails:v31 |
Use jQuery with Rails 4+ (v31) |
ruby-json:v31 |
JSON Implementation for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-json_pure:v31 |
JSON Implementation for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-kaminari-actionview:v31 |
Kaminari Action View adapter (v31) |
ruby-kaminari-activerecord:v31 |
Kaminari Active Record adapter (v31) |
ruby-kaminari-core:v31 |
Kaminari's core pagination library (v31) |
ruby-kaminari:v31 |
Sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+ (v31) |
ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm:v31 |
Parser for the GFM dialect of Markdown (v31) |
ruby-kramdown:v31 |
Fast pure-Ruby markdown parser (v31) |
ruby-locale:v31 |
Library for basic APIs of localization (v31) |
ruby-logger:v31 |
Simple logging utility for messages (v31) |
ruby-loofah:v31 |
HTML/XML transformation library (v31) |
ruby-mail:v31 |
Really Ruby mail handler (v31) |
ruby-marcel:v31 |
Simple MIME type detection (v31) |
ruby-method_source:v31 |
Retrieve the sourcecode for a method (v31) |
ruby-mime-types-data:v31 |
MIME media type definitions (v31) |
ruby-mime-types:v31 |
MIME content type and registry library (v31) |
ruby-mimemagic:v31 |
Fast mime detection by extension or content (v31) |
ruby-mini_magick:v31 |
Memory-efficient image manipulation (v31) |
ruby-mini_mime:v31 |
Minimal mime type library (v31) |
ruby-mini_portile2:v31 |
Simple autoconf and cmake builder (v31) |
ruby-minitest:v31 |
Comple suite of testing facilities (v31) |
ruby-msgpack:v31 |
Binary-based object serialization library (v31) |
ruby-multi_json:v31 |
Common interface to multiple JSON libraries (v31) |
ruby-multipart-post:v31 |
Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP (v31) |
ruby-mustache:v31 |
Logic-free view renderer (v31) |
ruby-mutex_m:v31 |
Extends objects to be handled as a mutex (v31) |
ruby-mysql2:v31 |
Bindings for libmysql (v31) |
ruby-net-http-persistent:v31 |
Manages persistent HTTP connections (v31) |
ruby-net-http:v31 |
HTTP client api for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-net-imap:v31 |
API for Internet Message Access Protocol (v31) |
ruby-net-pop:v31 |
Ruby client library for POP3 (v31) |
ruby-net-protocol:v31 |
Abstract interface for net-* client (v31) |
ruby-net-scp:v31 |
Implementation of the SCP client protocol (v31) |
ruby-net-smtp:v31 |
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client library (v31) |
ruby-net-ssh:v31 |
Implementation of the SSH2 client protocol (v31) |
ruby-netrc:v31 |
Library to read and write netrc files (v31) |
ruby-nio4r:v31 |
New IO for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-nokogiri:v31 |
HTML/XML/SAX/Reader parser (v31) |
ruby-orm_adapter:v31 |
Wrapper for supporting multiple ORMs (v31) |
ruby-patron:v31 |
Patron HTTP Client (v31) |
ruby-pg:v31 |
Interface to PostgreSQL servers (v31) |
ruby-pleaserun:v31 |
Startup and service script generator (v31) |
ruby-polyamorous:v31 |
Extraction from Ransack/Squeel (v31) |
ruby-prime:v31 |
Prime numbers and factorization library (v31) |
ruby-process_executer:v31 |
API for executing commands in a subprocess (v31) |
ruby-psych:v31 |
Psych is a YAML parser and emitter (v31) |
ruby-public_suffix:v31 |
Domain name parser and decomposer (v31) |
ruby-puppet-resource_api:v31 |
Native resource creator for Puppet (v31) |
ruby-puppet:v31 |
Aautomated configuration management tool (v31) |
ruby-rack-session:v31 |
Session implementation for Rack (v31) |
ruby-rack-test:v31 |
Simple testing API built on Rack (v31) |
ruby-rack:v31 |
Modular Ruby webserver interface (v31) |
ruby-rackup:v31 |
General server command for Rack applications (v31) |
ruby-rails-dom-testing:v31 |
Nokogiri DOM comparison tool (v31) |
ruby-rails-html-sanitizer:v31 |
HTML sanitization for Rails applications (v31) |
ruby-rails:v31 |
Full-stack web application framework (v31) |
ruby-railties:v31 |
Rails bootup, plugins and other internals (v31) |
ruby-rainbow:v31 |
Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals (v31) |
ruby-rake:v31 |
Make-like program implemented in Ruby (v31) |
ruby-ransack:v31 |
Creation of advanced search forms for Rails (v31) |
ruby-rchardet:v31 |
Character encoding auto-detection (v31) |
ruby-rdiscount:v31 |
Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown (v31) |
ruby-red-datasets:v31 |
Common datasets such as Iris and CIFAR-100 (v31) |
ruby-reline:v31 |
Ruby implementation of readline library (v31) |
ruby-responders:v31 |
Set of reponders for Rails (v31) |
ruby-rest-client:v31 |
Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-rexml:v31 |
XML toolkit for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-ronn-ng:v31 |
Builds man pages from Markdown (v31) |
ruby-rspec-core:v31 |
Rspec-core-3.13.2 (v31) |
ruby-rspec-expectations:v31 |
Rspec-expectations-3.13.3 (v31) |
ruby-rspec-mocks:v31 |
Rspec-mocks-3.13.2 (v31) |
ruby-rspec-support:v31 |
Rspec-support-3.13.1 (v31) |
ruby-rspec:v31 |
Behavior-driven development for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-ruby-vips:v31 |
Binding for vips image processor (v31) |
ruby-ruby-xz:v31 |
Bindings for liblzma compression library (v31) |
ruby-ruby2_keywords:v31 |
Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords (v31) |
ruby-rubyzip:v31 |
Zip file reading and creation library (v31) |
ruby-scanf:v31 |
Ruby implementation of scanf (v31) |
ruby-searchkick:v31 |
Intelligent search (Rails + Elasticsearch) (v31) |
ruby-securerandom:v31 |
Interface for secure random number generator (v31) |
ruby-semantic_puppet:v31 |
Puppet Semantic Version comparison tool (v31) |
ruby-simple_form:v31 |
Forms made easy! (v31) |
ruby-singleton:v31 |
Singleton pattern implementation (v31) |
ruby-sprockets-rails:v31 |
Sprockets Rails integration (v31) |
ruby-sprockets:v31 |
Rack-based asset packaging system (v31) |
ruby-sqlite3:v31 |
Interface with SQLite3 database engine (v31) |
ruby-ssrf_filter:v31 |
Server-side request forgery prevention (v31) |
ruby-stringio:v31 |
Pseudo IO on String (v31) |
ruby-strscan:v31 |
Lexical scanning operations on a String (v31) |
ruby-stud:v31 |
Stud - common code techniques (v31) |
ruby-sys-filesystem:v31 |
Cross-platform filesystem information (v31) |
ruby-temple:v31 |
Template compilation framework in Ruby (v31) |
ruby-text:v31 |
Collection of text algorithms (v31) |
ruby-thor:v31 |
Command-line interface toolkit (v31) |
ruby-tilt:v31 |
Generic interface to template engines (v31) |
ruby-timeout:v31 |
Auto-terminate long-running operations (v31) |
ruby-tzinfo:v31 |
Time Zone Library (v31) |
ruby-unf_ext:v31 |
Unicode Normalization Form support/CRuby (v31) |
ruby-uri:v31 |
Uniform Resource Identifiers module (v31) |
ruby-useragent:v31 |
HTTP User Agent parser (v31) |
ruby-warden:v31 |
Rack Authentication libary (v31) |
ruby-webrick:v31 |
HTTP server toolkit (v31) |
ruby-websocket-driver:v31 |
Pluggable I/O WebSocket protocol handler (v31) |
ruby-websocket-extensions:v31 |
Extension manager for WebSocket connections (v31) |
ruby-yard:v31 |
Document generation tool for Ruby (v31) |
ruby-zeitwerk:v31 |
Implements constant autoloading (v31) |