Port variant sunos
Summary Install turnkey Ravenports on Solaris 10u8
Package version 20240712
Homepage https://github.com/jrmarino/Ravenports
Keywords raven
Maintainer John Marino
License Not yet specified
Other variants dragonfly | freebsd_amd64 | netbsd_amd64 | linux | mbsd_amd64
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 12 JUL 2024, 13:12:46 UTC
Port created 10 MAY 2017, 15:07:44 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single This is a metapackage to install a turnkey Ravenports system. This package installs a system root and toolchain tailored to the host platform. It then ensures that ravensw(8) is available on the host, and finally it installs the ravenadm administration tool. At this point the user can use ravenadm to install the latest Ravenports conspiracy (ports tree consisting of buildsheets) and start building packages.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
DRAGONFLY OFF DragonFly support FREEBSDAMD64 OFF FreeBSD/amd64 support LINUX OFF Linux support MID64 OFF MidnightBSD/amd64 support NET64 OFF NetBSD/amd64 support SUNOS ON Solaris/Illumos support
Package Dependencies by Type
Runtime (only) rvn:complete:standard
Download groups
This port does not download anything.
Distribution File Information
This port does not contain distinfo information.
Ports that require ravenports:sunos
No other ports depend on this one.