Port variant v11
Summary Python package development process library (3.11)
Package version 70.3.0
Homepage No known homepage
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v12
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 JUL 2024, 17:52:53 UTC
Port created 21 APR 2017, 15:09:55 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Setuptools is a fully-featured, actively-maintained, and stable library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects. It helps developers to easily share reusable code (in library form) and programs (e.g., CLI/GUI tools implemented in Python), that can be installed with pip and uploaded to PyPI.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY311 ON Build using Python 3.11 PY312 OFF Build using Python 3.12
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-pip:single:v11
Build and Runtime python311:single:standard
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/ef/15/88e46eb9387e905704b69849618e699dc2f54407d8953cc4ec4b8b46528d
Distribution File Information
fe384da74336c398e0d956d1cae0669bc02eed936cdb1d49b57de1990dc11ffc 931070 setuptools-70.3.0-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-setuptools:v11
python-MarkupSafe:v11 Jinja2.Markup string implementation module (3.11)
python-Pillow:v11 Python Imaging Library (Fork) (3.11)
python-PyAudio:v11 Bindings for PortAudio v19 (3.11)
python-PyGObject:v11 Python bindings for GObject Introspection (3.11)
python-PyNaCl:v11 Binding to NaCl Cryptography library (3.11)
python-PyYAML:v11 YAML parser and emitter for Python (3.11)
python-aiohttp:v11 Async http client/server framework (3.11)
python-atomicwrites:v11 Atomic file writes (3.11)
python-bcrypt:v11 Modern password hashing based on blowfish (3.11)
python-borgbackup:v11 Deduplicated, encrypted, compressed backups (3.11)
python-cffi:v11 Foreign Function Interface, C (3.11)
python-compreffor:v11 CFF subroutinizer for fontTools (3.11)
python-coreschema:v11 Core Schema (3.11)
python-coverage:v11 Code coverage measurement for Python (3.11)
python-crontab:v11 Parse and use crontab schedules in Python (3.11)
python-cssmin:v11 YUI compression algorithm (3.11)
python-django-pglocks:v11 Advisory lock context for PostgreSQL (3.11)
python-dulwich:v11 Python Git Library (3.11)
python-e3-core:v11 Adacore testing and building tools (3.11)
python-easysnmp:v11 Library based on official Net-SNMP bindings (3.11)
python-evdev:v11 Linux input handling subsystem bindings (3.11)
python-flake8-import-order:v11 Import order validation tool (3.11)
python-flake8-quotes:v11 Flake8 lint for quotes (3.11)
python-flask-swagger:v11 Extract swagger specs from flask project (3.11)
python-flex:v11 Swagger Schema validation (3.11)
python-freetype-py:v11 Freetype python bindings (3.11)
python-fs:v11 Python's filesystem abstraction layer (3.11)
python-fusepy:v11 Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE (3.11)
python-greenlet:v11 Lightweight concurrent programming (3.11)
python-htmlmin:v11 HTML Minifier with seatbelts (3.11)
python-intervaltree:v11 Editable interval tree data structure (3.11)
python-ioflo:v11 Flow Programming Automated Reasoning Engine (3.11)
python-json2html:v11 JSON to HTML Table Representation (3.11)
python-jsonslicer:v11 Stream JSON parser with iterator interface (3.11)
python-kani-fork-pynetbox:v11 NetBox API client library (3.11)
python-kitchen:v11 Cornucopia of useful code (3.11)
python-lazy-object-proxy:v11 Fast and thorough lazy object proxy (3.11)
python-libversion:v11 Python bindings for libversion (3.11)
python-lxml:v11 Binding to libxml2 and libxslt libraries (3.11)
python-maturin:v11 Build and publish python rust packages (3.11)
python-msgpack:v11 MessagePack serializer (3.11)
python-mwparserfromhell:v11 Parser for MediaWiki wikicode (3.11)
python-napalm:v11 Vendor-agnostic router interaction libary (3.11)
python-ncclient:v11 Python library for NETCONF clients (3.11)
python-netbox-agent:v11 NetBox agent for server (3.11)
python-netbox-ddns:v11 Dynamic DNS Connector for NetBox (3.11)
python-netbox-maintenancecontract-plugin:v11 Manage Maintenance Contracts Netbox (3.11)
python-netbox-network-importer:v11 Tool to import network into Netbox (3.11)
python-netbox-vpn-plugin:v11 Manage VPN Connections in Netbox (3.11)
python-netdoc:v11 Network documentation plugin for NetBox (3.11)
python-netifaces:v11 Portable network interface information (3.11)
python-netmiko:v11 Simplify CLI connections to network devices (3.11)
python-nextbox-ui-plugin:v11 Topology visualization plugin for Netbox (3.11)
python-openapi-codec:v11 OpenAPI codec for Core API (3.11)
python-paginate:v11 Divides large result sets into pages (3.11)
python-pandas:v11 Data structures for time series, statistics (3.11)
python-patch-ng:v11 Library to parse and apply unified diffs (3.11)
python-phonebox-plugin:v11 Phone numbers management plugin for NetBox (3.11)
python-pluginbase:v11 Development basis of flexible plugins (3.11)
python-progressbar:v11 Text progress bar library for Python (3.11)
python-promise:v11 Promises/A+ implementation for Python (3.11)
python-psautohint:v11 Wrapper for Adobe's PostScript autohinter (3.11)
python-psutil:v11 Process utilities module (3.11)
python-psycopg2:v11 Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter (3.11)
python-pycairo:v11 Bindings for cairo graphics library (3.11)
python-pyclipper:v11 Cython wrapper for the AJ Clipper library (3.11)
python-pycryptodome:v11 Cryptographic library for Python (3.11)
python-pycryptodomex:v11 Cryptographic library for Python (3.11)
python-pycups:v11 Python bindings for libcups (3.11)
python-pyeapi:v11 Python Client for eAPI (3.11)
python-pygit2:v11 Python bindings for libgit2 (3.11)
python-python-netbox:v11 Python NetBox Client (3.11)
python-pythran:v11 Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels (3.11)
python-pytidylib:v11 Wrapper around HTML Tidy (3.11)
python-pyvmomi:v11 VMware vSphere Python SDK (3.11)
python-raet:v11 Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport (3.11)
python-rcssmin:v11 CSS Minifier (3.11)
python-readtime:v11 Texing reading time calculator (3.11)
python-regex:v11 Alternative regular expression module (3.11)
python-rjsmin:v11 Javascript Minifier (3.11)
python-ruamel.yaml.clib:v11 C based yaml reader/scanner and emitter (3.11)
python-rubymarshal:v11 Read and write Ruby-marshalled data (3.11)
python-salt:v11 Remote execution and config mgmt system (3.11)
python-scipy:v11 Scientific library for Python (3.11)
python-scour:v11 Scour SVG Optimizer (3.11)
python-setuptools-rust:v11 Setuptools Rust extension plugin (3.11)
python-setuptools-scm:v11 Package to manage versions by scm tags (3.11)
python-sgmllib3k:v11 Py3k port of sgmllib (3.11)
python-sip:v11 Bindings generator for C/C++ libraries (3.11)
python-skia-pathops:v11 Skia library bindings (3.11)
python-social-auth-core2:v11 Social authentication/registration (3.11)
python-sphinxcontrib-adadomain:v11 Sphinx "adadomain" extension (3.11)
python-sqlite3:v11 Python 3.11 bindings to the SQLite3 library
python-strict-rfc3339:v11 Lightweight RFC 3399 timestamp functions (3.11)
python-tornado:v11 Web framework and asynchronous networking (3.11)
python-typed-ast:v11 Ast module with type comment support (3.11)
python-typogrify:v11 Filters to enhance web typography (3.11)
python-uuid:v11 UUID object and generation function (3.11)
python-validate_email:v11 E-mail format and existence checks (3.11)
python-vcversioner:v11 Extract version from version control tag (3.11)
python-watchdog:v11 Filesystem events monitoring (3.11)
python-xml2rfc:v11 Request For Comment authoring with XML (3.11)
python-xxhash:v11 Python binding for xxHash (3.11)
python-zope.interface:v11 Interfaces for Python (3.11)
python-zstandard:v11 Zstandard bindings for Python (3.11)
uwsgi:standard Fast, self-healing, application container server