Port variant standard
Summary FreeBSD's lockf command
Package version 1_3
Homepage https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=lockf
Keywords sysutils
Maintainer nobody
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 26 NOV 2019, 05:40:10 UTC
Port created 15 MAY 2018, 16:45:24 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Imported from FreeBSD: The lockf utility acquires an exclusive lock on a file, creating it if necessary, and removing the file on exit unless explicitly told not to.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
This package has no dependency requirements of any kind.
Download groups
This port does not download anything.
Distribution File Information
This port does not contain distinfo information.
Ports that require lockf:standard
ravensys-root-dragonfly:REL62 DragonFly 6.2.2 builder system root
ravensys-root-dragonfly:standard DragonFly 6.4.0 builder system root
ravensys-root-freebsd_amd64:REL12 FreeBSD/AMD64 12.2 builder system root
ravensys-root-freebsd_amd64:standard FreeBSD/AMD64 13.2 builder system root
ravensys-root-linux:ABI26 Linux 2.6.32 builder system root
ravensys-root-linux:standard Linux 3.2.0 builder system root
ravensys-root-midnightbsd_amd64:standard MidnightBSD/AMD64 3.0.0 builder system root
ravensys-root-netbsd_amd64:standard NetBSD/AMD64 10.0 builder system root
ravensys-root:sunos Solaris 10 system root for Ravenports build env