perl-Algorithm-BaumWelch:538 |
Hidden Markov Chain parameter estimation (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Bayesian:538 |
Bayesian Spam Filtering Algorithm (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-BinPack-2D:538 |
Efficiently pack items into rectangles (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits:538 |
Generate and test check digits (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-ContextVector:538 |
Implementation based on cosine similarity (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Cron:538 |
Abstract implementation of F scheduling (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-CurveFit:538 |
Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Damm:538 |
Damm error correction check digit (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Diff-Any:538 |
Find differences between files (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Diff-Callback:538 |
Use callbacks on computed differences (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-GenerateSequence:538 |
Sequence generator (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-HyperLogLog:538 |
Cardinality estimation algorithm (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix:538 |
Generate prefixes from intervals (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Kuhn-Munkres:538 |
Maximum weight perfect matching (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-LibLinear:538 |
Binding for LINEAR library (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-MarkovChain:538 |
Object oriented Markov chain generator (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-NaiveBayes:538 |
Bayesian prediction of categories (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Networksort:538 |
Create Sorting Networks (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Pair-Swiss:538 |
Generate unique pairings for tournaments (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-QuineMcCluskey:538 |
Solve sets of boolean terms (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-RabinKarp:538 |
Implementation of Rabin-Karp rolling hash (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Shape-RandomTree:538 |
Randomized plant shape object generator (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-SixDegrees:538 |
Find path through linked elements in a set (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-SkipList:538 |
Perl implementation of skip lists (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Step:538 |
Trace execution steps of an algorithm (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-TokenBucket:538 |
Token bucket rate limiting algorithm (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Toy-HashSC:538 |
Toy separate chain hash implementation (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-TravelingSalesman-BitonicTour:538 |
Euclidean traveling-saleman problem solver (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-VectorClocks:538 |
Generates a partial ordering of events (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-Voting:538 |
Voting algorithm implementations (5.38) |
perl-Algorithm-WordLevelStatistics:538 |
Words Level Statics implementation (5.38) |
perl-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild:538 |
Subclass for building Alien::modules (5.38) |
perl-Alien-wxWidgets:538 |
Building and using wxWidgets binaries (5.38) |
perl-Astro-FITS-Header:538 |
Object-oriented interface to FITS HDUs (5.38) |
perl-Commandable:538 |
Utilities for commandline-based programs (5.38) |
perl-Convert-Color-XTerm:538 |
Indexed colors used by XTerm (5.38) |
perl-Convert-Color:538 |
Color space conversions and named lookups (5.38) |
perl-Data-CosineSimilarity:538 |
Computes the Cosine Similarity (5.38) |
perl-Data-Record:538 |
"split" on steroids (5.38) |
perl-Devel-MAT-Dumper:538 |
Write a heap dump file for later analysis (5.38) |
perl-Devel-MAT:538 |
Perl Memory Analysis Tool (5.38) |
perl-Digest-MurmurHash3-PurePerl:538 |
Pure perl implementation of MurmurHash3 (5.38) |
perl-Encode-Detect:538 |
Subclass that detects the encoding of data (5.38) |
perl-Error:538 |
Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way (5.38) |
perl-ExtUtils-CChecker:538 |
Configuration utilities for using C headers (5.38) |
perl-ExtUtils-XSpp:538 |
Thin layer over XS to provide C++ support (5.38) |
perl-Feature-Compat-Try:538 |
Provides try/catch syntax (5.38) |
perl-File-Find-Object:538 |
Object oriented File::Find replacement (5.38) |
perl-File-Map:538 |
Memory mapping made simple and safe (5.38) |
perl-File-Remove:538 |
Remove files and directories (5.38) |
perl-File-Type:538 |
Determine file type using magic (5.38) |
perl-Graph-Convert:538 |
Convert between Graph and Graph::Easy (5.38) |
perl-Graph-Easy-As_svg:538 |
Converts Graph::Easy object to SVG text (5.38) |
perl-Graph-Easy:538 |
Converts or renders graphs (5.38) |
perl-Graphics-GnuplotIF:538 |
Dynamic Perl interface to gnuplot (5.38) |
perl-HTML-Tree:538 |
Work with HTML in a DOM-like tree structure (5.38) |
perl-Hash-FieldHash:538 |
Nimble field hash for inside-out objects (5.38) |
perl-IO-Socket-INET6:538 |
Interface AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets (5.38) |
perl-Lchown:538 |
Use the lchown(2) system call from Perl (5.38) |
perl-List-UtilsBy:538 |
Higher-order list utility functions (5.38) |
perl-Logic-Minimizer:538 |
Parent class for Logic minimizers (5.38) |
perl-Mail-DMARC:538 |
Perl implementation of DMARC (5.38) |
perl-Math-GSL:538 |
Interface to the GNU Scientific Library (5.38) |
perl-Math-MatrixReal:538 |
Manipulate NxN matrices of real numbers (5.38) |
perl-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS:538 |
C implementation of ISAAC PRNG algorithm (5.38) |
perl-Math-Symbolic:538 |
Symbolic calculations (5.38) |
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS:538 |
Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader (5.38) |
perl-Module-Build-XSUtil:538 |
Module::Build class for building XS modules (5.38) |
perl-Module-ExtractUse:538 |
Find out what modules are used (5.38) |
perl-Module-Install:538 |
Standalone, extensible module installer (5.38) |
perl-Module-Runtime:538 |
Runtime module handling (5.38) |
perl-Mouse:538 |
Moose minus the antlers (5.38) |
perl-Mozilla-PublicSuffix:538 |
Search Mozilla Public Suffix List (5.38) |
perl-Net-IDN-Encode:538 |
Internationalizing Domain Names in Apps (5.38) |
perl-Net-LibIDN2:538 |
Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2 (5.38) |
perl-Net-SNMP:538 |
Object oriented interface to SNMP (5.38) |
perl-Net-Write:538 |
Interface to open and send raw network data (5.38) |
perl-Number-Misc:538 |
Number::Misc - handy utilities for numbers (5.38) |
perl-Onyphe:538 |
ONYPHE base class (5.38) |
perl-PPIx-Regexp:538 |
Parse regular expressions (5.38) |
perl-Padre:538 |
Perl Application Dev. and Refactoring Env (5.38) |
perl-Params-Validate:538 |
Validate method/function parameters (5.38) |
perl-Parse-RecDescent:538 |
Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers (5.38) |
perl-Path-Class:538 |
Cross-platform path specification (5.38) |
perl-PerlIO-Layers:538 |
Querying your filehandle's capabilities (5.38) |
perl-Pod-Strip:538 |
Remove POD from Perl code (5.38) |
perl-SUPER:538 |
Control superclass method dispatch (5.38) |
perl-Socket-GetAddrInfo:538 |
Address name resolving functions (5.38) |
perl-Starlink-AST:538 |
Interface to the Starlink AST library (5.38) |
perl-String-Random:538 |
Generate random strings based on a pattern (5.38) |
perl-String-Tagged-Terminal:538 |
Formats terminal output (5.38) |
perl-String-Tagged:538 |
String buffers with value tags on extents (5.38) |
perl-Struct-Dumb:538 |
Simple, lightweight record-like structures (5.38) |
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Match:538 |
Match/Case syntax for Perl (5.38) |
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try:538 |
Try/Catch/Finally syntax for Perl (5.38) |
perl-Test-Compile:538 |
Assert that your Perl files compile OK (5.38) |
perl-Test-Fork:538 |
Test code which forks (5.38) |
perl-Test-MemoryGrowth:538 |
Assert when code increases memory usage (5.38) |
perl-Test-MockModule:538 |
Override subroutines for unit testing (5.38) |
perl-Test-Toolbox:538 |
Test::Toolbox - tools for testing (5.38) |
perl-Text-Aligner:538 |
Module to align text (5.38) |
perl-Text-Table:538 |
Organize Data in Tables (5.38) |
perl-Tie-IxHash:538 |
Ordered associative arrays for Perl (5.38) |
perl-Time-timegm:538 |
UTC version of mktime() (5.38) |
perl-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded:538 |
Parser of application/x-www-form-urlencoded (5.38) |
perl-WebService-MusicBrainz:538 |
Web service API to MusicBrainz database (5.38) |
perl-Wx-Scintilla:538 |
Scintilla source code editing for wxWidgets (5.38) |
perl-XS-Parse-Keyword:538 |
XS functions for parsing keyword syntax (5.38) |
perl-meta:538 |
Meta-programming API (5.38) |
po4a:std |
Tools to ease the translation of documentation |