Port variant | MAMD64_R3 |
Summary | C/Ada cross-compiler, tgt: MidnightBSD/AMD64 (R3) |
Package version | 14.2.0 |
Homepage | http://www.dragonlace.net |
Keywords | lang |
Maintainer | John Marino |
License | GPLv3+ , LGPL3+ , GPLv3RLE+ (multi) |
Other variants | FARM64_R11 | FAMD64_R12 | FI386_R12 | SOL10 | MI386_R3 |
Ravenports | Buildsheet | History |
Ravensource | Port Directory | History |
Last modified | 19 NOV 2024, 16:32:14 UTC |
Port created | 11 OCT 2017, 22:12:54 UTC |
single | This package contains a C/C++/Fortran/Ada cross-compiler based on GCC 11 that targets the MidnightBSD/AMD64 operating system (Release 3). |
Build (only) |
gmp:dev:std mpfr:dev:std mpc:dev:std gmake:primary:std perl-5.38:primary:std zlib:dev:std |
Build and Runtime | gnatcross-binutils:single:MAMD64_R3 |
main | mirror://GCC/releases/gcc-14.2.0 |
draco | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrmarino/draco/14.2.0-base/generated/patches-14.2.0/ |
No other ports depend on this one. |