ruby-actioncable:v33 |
WebSocket framework for Rails (v33) |
ruby-actionmailbox:v33 |
Inbound email handling framework (v33) |
ruby-actionmailer:v33 |
Email support on Rails (v33) |
ruby-actionpack:v33 |
MVC web applications on Rails (v33) |
ruby-actiontext:v33 |
Rich text framework (v33) |
ruby-actionview:v33 |
Web page conventions and helpers (v33) |
ruby-activejob:v33 |
Job framework with pluggable queues (v33) |
ruby-activemodel:v33 |
Support for attributes, callbacks + (v33) |
ruby-activerecord:v33 |
Database mapper for Rails (v33) |
ruby-activestorage:v33 |
Local and cloud file storage framework (v33) |
ruby-carrierwave:v33 |
Ruby file upload library (v33) |
ruby-delayed_job:v33 |
Asynchronous execution of background tasks (v33) |
ruby-git:v33 |
Wraps system calls to the git library (v33) |
ruby-globalid:v33 |
URIs to pass model references (v33) |
ruby-kaminari:v33 |
Sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+ (v33) |
ruby-rails-dom-testing:v33 |
Nokogiri DOM comparison tool (v33) |
ruby-rails:v33 |
Full-stack web application framework (v33) |
ruby-railties:v33 |
Rails bootup, plugins and other internals (v33) |
ruby-ransack:v33 |
Creation of advanced search forms for Rails (v33) |
ruby-sprockets-rails:v33 |
Sprockets Rails integration (v33) |