Port variant std
Summary GNU Command Line Calculator
Package version 1.07.1_1
Homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/bc/bc.html
Keywords math
Maintainer nobody
License GPLv3+
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 11 AUG 2024, 22:51:45 UTC
Port created 17 MAY 2018, 18:33:43 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set Subpackage description undefined (port maintainer error).
primary Bc is an arbitrary precision calculator language. Syntax is similar to C, but differs in many substantial areas. It supports interactive execution of statements It can also be used as a simple console-based calculator. This GNU version of bc contains several extensions beyond traditional bc implementations and the POSIX draft standard. This package also includes dc, another arbitrary precision calculator. Dc is a reverse-polish desk calculator which supports unlimited precision arithmetic. It also allows you to define and call macros.
man This is the man page subpackage of the bc:std port.
info Subpackage description undefined (port maintainer error).
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) ed:primary:std
Build and Runtime readline:primary:std
Runtime (only) indexinfo:single:std (info subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://GNU/bc
Distribution File Information
62adfca89b0a1c0164c2cdca59ca210c1d44c3ffc46daf9931cf4942664cb02a 419850 bc-1.07.1.tar.gz
Ports that require bc:std
brotli:std Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
xscreensaver:std Screen saver and locker for X11