Port variant py310
Summary Deep difference and search of any object (3.10)
Package version 6.5.0
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v11
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 22 SEP 2023, 12:17:47 UTC
Port created 07 JAN 2023, 04:18:24 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single # DeepDiff v 6.5.0 ![Downloads] ![Python Versions] ![License] [Build Status] [codecov] ## Modules - [DeepDiff]: Deep Difference of dictionaries, iterables, strings, and ANY other object. - [DeepSearch]: Search for objects within other objects. - [DeepHash]: Hash any object based on their content. - [Delta]: Store the difference of objects and apply them to other objects. - [Extract]: Extract an item from a nested Python object using its path. - [commandline]: Use DeepDiff from commandline. Tested on Python 3.7+ and PyPy3. - **[Documentation]** ## What is new? Please check the [ChangeLog] file for the detailed information. DeepDiff 6-5-0 - [parse_path] DeepDiff 6-4-1 - [Add Ignore List Order Option to DeepHash] by [Bobby Morck] - [pyyaml to 6.0.1 to fix cython build problems] by [Robert Bo Davis] - [Precompiled regex simple diff] by [cohml] - New flag: `zip_ordered_iterables` for forcing iterable items to be compared one by one. ## Installation ### Install from PyPi: `pip install deepdiff` If you want to use DeepDiff from commandline: `pip install "deepdiff[cli]"` If you want to improve the performance of DeepDiff with certain functionalities such as improved json serialization: `pip install "deepdiff[optimize]"` Install optional packages: - [yaml] - [tomli] (python 3.10 and older) and [tomli-w] for writing - [clevercsv] for more rubust CSV parsing - [orjson] for speed and memory optimized parsing - [pydantic] # Documentation # ChangeLog Please take a look at the [CHANGELOG] file. # Survey :mega: **Please fill out our [fast 5-question survey]** so that we can learn how & why you use DeepDiff, and what improvements we should make. Thank you! :dancers: # Contribute 1. Please make your PR against the dev branch 2. Please make sure that your PR has tests. Since DeepDiff is used in many sensitive data driven projects, we strive to maintain around 100% test coverage on the code. Please run `pytest --cov=deepdiff --runslow` to see the coverage report. Note that the `--runslow` flag will run some slow tests too. In most cases you only want to run the fast tests which so you wont add the `--runslow` flag. Or to see a more user friendly version, please run: `pytest --cov=deepdiff --cov-report term-missing --runslow`. Thank you! # Citing How to cite this library (APA style): Dehpour, S. (2023). DeepDiff (Version 6.5.0) [Software]. Available from How to cite this library (Chicago style):
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY310 ON Build using Python 3.10 PY311 OFF Build using Python 3.11
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-pip:single:py310
Build and Runtime python310:single:standard
Runtime (only) python-ordered-set:single:py310
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/0a/aa/ad75c66354a1b3619e73879a48219488e5ea91f26569d2f1fd4ba616cacd
Distribution File Information
acdc1651a3e802415e0337b7e1192df5cd7c17b72fbab480466fdd799b9a72e7 71282 deepdiff-6.5.0-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-deepdiff:py310
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