Port variant standard
Summary KF6 add-ons to QtCore
Package version 6.3.0
Homepage https://api.kde.org/frameworks/kcoreaddons/html/index.html
Keywords devel
Maintainer Michael Reim
License GPLv2+ , LGPL20 , LGPL20+ , LGPL21 , LGPL21+ , LGPL3 , MPL , The Qt Company Qt LGPL Exception version 1.1 (multi)
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 JUL 2024, 17:52:53 UTC
Port created 07 MAR 2024, 20:16:13 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the kf6-kcoreaddons-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of kf6-kcoreaddons-standard.
primary KCoreAddons provides classes built on top of QtCore to perform various tasks such as manipulating mime types, autosaving files, creating backup files, generating random sequences, performing text manipulations such as macro replacement, accessing user information and more.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the kf6-kcoreaddons-standard port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
nls This is the native language support subpackage of the kf6-kcoreaddons-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) kf6-extra-cmake-modules:primary:standard
Build and Runtime qt6-qtbase:primary:standard
libinotify:single:standard (freebsd, darwin, netbsd, openbsd, dragonfly, midnightbsd)
gamin:single:standard (freebsd, darwin, netbsd, openbsd, dragonfly, midnightbsd)
Runtime (only) shared-mime-info:primary:standard
Download groups
main https://download.kde.org/stable/frameworks/6.3/
Distribution File Information
b8bb93bac2a1175ff60583f6fca14b8707eb878eefe074121741b3c85cc5c756 2565712 kde6/kcoreaddons-6.3.0.tar.xz
Ports that require kf6-kcoreaddons:standard
kf6-baloo:standard KF6 file indexing and file search framework
kf6-kauth:standard KF6 abstraction for system policy / auth features
kf6-kbookmarks:standard KF6 bookmarks management library
kf6-kconfigwidgets:standard KF6 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf6-kcrash:standard KF6 library for crash analysis and bug reports
kf6-kded:standard KF6 extensible daemon for system level services
kf6-kfilemetadata:standard KF6 library for extracting metadata from files
kf6-kglobalaccel:standard KF6 lib supporting global workspace shortcuts
kf6-kio:standard KF6 network transparent access to files and data
kf6-kjobwidgets:standard KF6 widgets for tracking KJob instance
kf6-kservice:standard KF6 advanced plugin and service introspection
kf6-kwallet:standard KF6 safe desktop-wide storage for passwords