Port variant standard
Summary Interpreted object-oriented programming language
Package version 3.12.4
Keywords lang, python
Maintainer nobody
License Python Software Foundation License
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 JUL 2024, 17:52:53 UTC
Port created 08 OCT 2023, 15:37:52 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the python312-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of python312-standard.
primary Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems, and is extensible in C or C++. It is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface. Finally, Python is portable: it runs on many Unix variants, on the Mac, and on Windows 2000 and later.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the python312-standard port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
man This is the man page subpackage of the python312-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
DEBUG OFF Build with debugging support PYMALLOC ON Enable specialized mallocs
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) libffi:dev:standard
libuuid:dev:standard (sunos, linux)
Build and Runtime libffi:primary:standard
libuuid:primary:standard (sunos, linux)
Runtime (only) autoselect-python:single:standard
Download groups
Distribution File Information
f6d419a6d8743ab26700801b4908d26d97e8b986e14f95de31b32de2b0e79554 20659356 Python-3.12.4.tar.xz
Ports that require python312:standard
ImageMagick:standard Suite to create, edit, compose, or convert images
ImageMagick:x11 Image manipulation tool suite with X support
ORBit2:standard High-Performance CORBA Object Request Broker
accountsservice:standard D-Bus service for user account query/manipulation
ada_spawn:standard Simple API to spawn communicating processes
alsa-lib:standard Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
appstream-glib:standard Library for reading and writing AppStream metadata
appstream:standard Standard for machine-readable software metadata
arandr:standard Another XRandR graphical user interface
asciidoc:standard Text document format for short documents
at-spi2-core:standard Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atkmm16:standard C++ bindings for ATK
atkmm:standard C++ bindings for ATK
avahi:standard Service Discovery using mDNS/DNS-SD
awesome:standard Dynamic WM for X, highly configurable in Lua
aws:standard Adacore Ada Web Server and framework
babl:standard Dynamic pixel format translation library
botan2:standard Crypto library written in C++
botan:standard Crypto library written in C++
cairo:standard Vector graphics library with cross-device support
caja:standard File manager for the MATE desktop
cgit:standard Fast web interface for git
chocolate-doom:standard Source port accurately recreating the DooM engine
clang17:standard C language family frontend for LLVM 17.0
clang:standard C language family frontend for LLVM 18.1
clipit:standard Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
compiler-rt:standard Compiler runtime libraries for clang
consolekit:standard Framework for defining and tracking users
cppcheck:standard Static analysis tool for C/C++
cups-filters:standard OpenPrinting CUPS filters
cython2:v12 Compiler to write C extensions for Python (3.12)
dbus-glib:standard D-Bus GLib binding
dbus:standard Message bus system for IPC communication
dconf:standard Configuration database system for GNOME
deadbeef:standard Ultimate music player for Unix-like systems
desktop-file-utils:standard Utilities for manipulating .desktop files
dia:standard Diagram creation program, similar to MS-Visio
doxygen:standard Source code documentation generator tool
edelib:standard Component construction library for EDE
emacs:desktop GNU Emacs text editor with X11 support
enchant1:standard Dictionary/spellchecking framework (legacy)
enchant:standard Dictionary/spellchecking framework
farstream:standard Audio/video communications framework
ffmpeg5:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg6:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
filezilla:standard Cross-platform graphical FTP, FTPS & SFTP client
fish:standard Friendly Interactive SHell
fluent-bit:standard Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder
fluidsynth:standard RT software synthesizer based on SoundFont2 specs
fontconfig:standard XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
fontforge:standard Outline and bitmap font editor
fonts-terminus:standard Monospace bitmap font (for X11 and console)
gamin:standard Monitor files and directories for changes
garcon:standard Library implementing menu specs
gcab:standard Cabinet file library and tool
gconf:standard Configuration database system for GNOME
gcr3:standard Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gcr:standard Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gdb:standard GNU debugger
gdk-pixbuf-xlib:standard Legacy Xlib integration for GdkPixbuf
gdk-pixbuf:standard Graphic library for GIMP toolkit
gdl:standard GNOME Docking Library
geany:standard Fast and lightweight IDE
gegl:standard Graph based image processing framework
geoclue:standard D-Bus service to provide location information
gexiv2:standard GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
gimp:standard GNU Image Manipulation Program
git:standard Distributed version control system
gjs:standard Javascript bindings for GNOME
glade:standard User interface builder for GTK+3
glib-networking:standard Network-related giomodules for GLib
glib:standard Some useful routines of C programming
glibmm24:standard C++ interfaces for glib2
glibmm:standard C++ interfaces for glib2
gmrun:standard Small GTK based 'Run application' dialog
gn:standard Meta-build system to generate Ninja build files
gnatcoll-bindings:standard Core packages of GNAT Components Collection
gnatcoll-db:standard GNAT Components Collection - Database packages
gnatstudio:standard Multilanguage IDE for Ada, SPARK, C/C++, and more
gnome-keyring:standard Program that keeps passwords and other secrets
gnucash:standard Financial accounting software
gnuplot:standard Command-line driven graphing utility
gobject-introspection:standard Introspection data generator for GObject libraries
graphene:standard Thin layer of graphic data types
graphviz:standard Graph visualization tools
gsettings-desktop-schemas:standard Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop
gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec:standard GStreamer1 ATSC A/52 stream (AC-3) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-aalib:standard GStreamer1 ASCII art plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-bad:standard GStreamer Multimedia Framework "Bad" Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-base:standard GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-cairo:standard GStreamer1 vector graphics plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-curl:standard GStreamer1 CURL-based output plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-dvdread:standard GStreamer1 DVD access plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-faac:standard GStreamer1 MPEG-2/4 AAC decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-faad:standard GStreamer1 MPEG-2/4 AAC decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-flac:standard GStreamer1 free lossless audio codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-gdkpixbuf:standard GStreamer1 image decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-good:standard GStreamer Multimedia Framework "Good" Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-jpeg:standard GStreamer1 jpeg codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libav:standard GStreamer1 AV library plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libpng:standard GStreamer1 png plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ogg:standard GStreamer1 Ogg bitstream plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-pango:standard GStreamer1 pango textoverlay plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-resindvd:standard GStreamer1 DVD playback plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-soup:standard GStreamer1 soup (SOAP) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-speex:standard GStreamer1 speex voice plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-taglib:standard GStreamer1 APEv2/ID3v2 tag plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-theora:standard GStreamer1 theora plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-twolame:standard GStreamer1 MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly:standard GStreamer1 plugins with potential dist. problems
gstreamer1-plugins-v4l2:standard GStreamer1 video4linux2 plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis:standard GStreamer1 vorbis encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-vpx:standard GStreamer1 vp8 codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-wavpack:standard GStreamer1 wavpack codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-webp:standard GStreamer1 WebP image decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x264:standard GStreamer1 H.264 video encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x265:standard GStreamer1 H.265 video encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x:standard GStreamer1 XImageSrc plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-xshm:standard GStreamer1 XvImageSink plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-xvideo:standard GStreamer1 XImageSink plugin
gstreamer1:standard Media applications framework
gtk-doc:standard GTK+ DocBook Documentation Generator
gtk-murrine-engine:standard Murrine GTK+2 theme engine
gtk2:standard Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk3:standard Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk4:standard Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtkada:standard Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk3 components
gtkdatabox:standard GTK+ widget to display fluctuating numerical data
gtkmm30:standard C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+ v3
gtkmm40:standard C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk4
gtksourceview3:standard GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
gtksourceview4:standard GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
gtksourceview5:standard GTK4 syntax highlighting text widget
gtkspell:standard Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
gts:standard GNU Triangulated Surface Library
gvfs:standard GNOME virtual file system
harfbuzz:standard OpenType text shaping engine
hexchat:standard Graphical IRC client based on XChat
htop:standard Interactive process viewer for Unix
icu:standard International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
inkscape:standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
irssi:standard Modular IRC client with many features
iso-codes:standard Lists of country, language and currency iso names
itstool:standard ITS-based XML translation tool
ixion:standard General purpose formula parser and interpreter
json-glib:standard JSON (RFC 4627) interface for Glib
kf6-breeze-icons:standard Breeze icon theme for KDE
kf6-ki18n:standard KF6 advanced internationalization framework
klavaro:standard Flexible touch typing tutor and trainer
ktoblzcheck:standard Check bank codes of German banks
langkit:standard Syntactic and semantic language analysis compiler
leafpad:standard Light-weight and simple GTK+2 text editor
libIDL:standard Library for creating trees of CORBA IDL files
libadalang:standard High-performance semantic engine for Ada
libadwaita:standard GTK4 building blocks for modern GNOME applications
libavif:standard Library for encoding and decoding .avif files
libcanberra:standard Implementation of the XDG sound theme specs
libclc:standard Required library functions for OpenCL C language
libcroco:standard CSS2 parsing library
libcxx:standard LLVM C++ standard library
libdbusmenu:standard Library for passing menus over DBus
libepoxy:standard OpenGL function pointer management library
libevdev:standard Wrapper library for evdev devices
libexo:standard Xfce application development library
libfm-extra:standard Extra library of PCManFM file manager
libfm-qt:standard Core library of PCManFM-Qt file manager
libfm:standard Core library of PCManFM file manager
libgee:standard GObject collection library
libgit2:standard Library providing Git core methods
libglade:standard Library for dynamically loading GLADE interfaces
libgpr2:standard Parser for GPR Project files
libgsf:standard Extensible I/O abstraction of file formats
libgtop:standard GNOME library to collect system monitoring data
libgudev-devd:standard GObject bindings for libudev
libgudev:standard GObject bindings for libudev
libgxps:standard GObject-based lib for handling/rendering XPS docs
libhandy:standard Library with GTK+ widgets for mobile phones
libical:standard Reference implementation of the iCalendar format
libinput:standard Generic input library
liblqr:standard Seam-carving C/C++ library called Liquid Rescaling
libmanette:standard Simple GObject game controller library
libmypaint:standard Library for making brushstrokes
libnice:standard Implementation of ICE standard (RFC 5245)
libnotify:standard Library for desktop notifications
liborcus:standard File import library for spreadsheet documents
libpeas:v12 GObject-based plugins engine (3.12)
libproxy:standard Library for automatic proxy configuration mgmt
libreoffice:standard Free Software Productivity Suite
librsvg-c:standard SVG vector-graphic files rendering library
librsvg:standard SVG vector-graphic files rendering library
libsecret:standard Library to access the secret service API
libsndfile:standard Library for reading and writing sound files
libsoup-2.4:standard Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C
libsoup:standard Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C
libtcod:standard Roguelike game development library
libvips:loaded Threaded image processing library (more features)
libvips:standard Threaded image processing library (std. options)
libvisual-plugins:standard Set of plugins for the libvisual framework
libwacom:standard Library to supply metadata about tablet devices
libwnck:standard GNOME window navigator construction kit library
libwpd:standard Import filter and tools for WordPerfect Documents
libxfce4ui:standard Xfce UI library containing various GTK+ widgets
libxfce4util:standard Xfce utility library for non-GUI components
libxklavier:standard Library providing a high-level API for XKB
libxmlb:standard Library to help create and query binary XML blobs
llvm17:standard Low Level Virtual Machine (version 17.0)
llvm:standard Low Level Virtual Machine (version 18.1)
loudmouth:standard Lightweight Jabber client library
lua-lgi:lua52 Bindings using gobject-introspection for Lua 5.2
lua-lgi:lua53 Bindings using gobject-introspection for Lua 5.3
lyx:standard Document Processor WYSIWYM Editor & Latex frontend
marco:standard Fully-fledged but low-frills WM for the MATE DE
mariadb1011:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb105:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb106:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb11:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mate-desktop:standard MATE desktop common UI API library
mbedtls13:standard Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
mbedtls:standard Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
mcabber:standard Small Jabber console client
megatools:standard Command line tools for MEGA.NZ cloud drive
meld:standard Visual diff and merge tool
menu-cache:standard Caching mechanism for freedesktop-compliant menus
mercurial:standard Scalable distributed version control system
mesa:standard Mesa 3D Graphics Library
meson:standard High performance build system
midnight-commander:desktop Free Norton Commander clone (X11)
midnight-commander:standard Free Norton Commander clone
mousepad:standard Simple text editor for the Xfce DE
mpv:standard Advanced general-purpose multimedia player
mtr:x11 Ping/Traceroute network diagnostic tool [x11]
netpbm:standard Toolkit for manipulation of graphic images
nginx-unit:standard Dynamic web application server
ninja:standard Small build system closest in spirit to Make
nlopt:standard Nonlinear optimization library
npm:standard Node.js Package Manager
openbox:standard Configurable and lightweight X11 window manager
openpgm:standard Implementation of PGM reliable multicast protocol
pango:standard Open-source framework for rendering of i18n text
pangomm14:standard C++ bindings for Pango
pangomm:standard C++ bindings for Pango
parole:standard Gstreamer-based media player for Xfce
pcmanfm-qt:standard File manager for the LXQt desktop
pcmanfm:standard Extremely fast and lightweight file manager
pcsc-lite:standard Smartcard development library
pidgin:standard Multi-protocol instant messaging client
pinentry:fltk Assuan passphrase entry dialog (FLTK)
pinentry:gnome3 Assuan passphrase entry dialog (GNOME3)
pinentry:ncurses Assuan passphrase entry dialog (ncurses)
pinentry:qt5 Assuan passphrase entry dialog (Qt5)
pinentry:standard Assuan passphrase entry dialog (console)
polkit-qt-1:qt5 Qt5 wrapper around polkit-1
polkit-qt-1:qt6 Qt6 wrapper around polkit-1
polkit:standard Framework for access control to system components
poppler:standard PDF rendering library
postgis:standard Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL
postgresql12:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql13:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql14:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql15:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql16:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
profanity:standard Console based XMPP client
python-Automat:v12 Self-service finite-state machines (3.12)
python-Babel:v12 Internationalization utilities (3.12)
python-ConfigArgParse:v12 Drop-in replacement for argparse (3.12)
python-Cython:v12 Compiler to write C extensions for Python (3.12)
python-Deprecated:v12 Implements @deprecated decorator (3.12)
python-Django:v12 High-level Python Web framework (3.12)
python-Flask-Cors:v12 Cross Origin Resource Sharing extension (3.12)
python-Flask-RESTful:v12 Simple framework for creating REST APIs (3.12)
python-Flask:v12 Lightweight WSGI web application framework (3.12)
python-FormEncode:v12 HTML form validation and generation package (3.12)
python-Genshi:v12 Web output generation toolkit (3.12)
python-GitPython:v12 Python Git Library (3.12)
python-Jinja2:v12 Fully featured template engine (3.12)
python-Mako:v12 Super-fast template library (3.12)
python-Markdown:v12 John Gruber's Markdown implementation (3.12)
python-MarkupSafe:v12 Jinja2.Markup string implementation module (3.12)
python-Pillow:v12 Python Imaging Library (Fork) (3.12)
python-PyAudio:v12 Bindings for PortAudio v19 (3.12)
python-PyDriller:v12 Framework for MSR (3.12)
python-PyGObject:v12 Python bindings for GObject Introspection (3.12)
python-PyJWT:v12 JSON Web Token implementation in Python (3.12)
python-PyNaCl:v12 Binding to NaCl Cryptography library (3.12)
python-PyYAML:v12 YAML parser and emitter for Python (3.12)
python-Pygments:v12 Syntax highlighting package (3.12)
python-SQLAlchemy:v12 Database Abstraction Library (3.12)
python-Sphinx:v12 Python documentation generator (3.12)
python-Twisted:v12 Asynchronous networking framework (3.12)
python-Werkzeug:v12 Comprehensive WSGI web application library (3.12)
python-acme-tiny:v12 Issue and renew Let's Encrypt TLS certs (3.12)
python-aiohappyeyeballs:v12 Happy Eyeballs for asyncio (3.12)
python-aiohttp:v12 Async http client/server framework (3.12)
python-aiosignal:v12 List of registered asynchronous callbacks (3.12)
python-aiostream:v12 Asynchronous iteration operators (3.12)
python-alabaster:v12 Light, configurable Sphinx theme (3.12)
python-amqp:v12 Low-level AMQP client (3.12)
python-aniso8601:v12 Library for parsing ISO 8601 strings (3.12)
python-annotated-types:v12 Reusable constraint types (3.12)
python-ansible-core:v12 Radically simple IT automation (3.12)
python-ansible:v12 Radically simple IT automation (3.12)
python-anyio:v12 Layer built on asyncio or trio libraries (3.12)
python-appdirs:v12 Determines platform-specific directores (3.12)
python-asgiref:v12 ASGI specs, helper code, and adapters (3.12)
python-asn1:v12 Simple ASN.1 encoder and decoder (3.12)
python-asn1crypto:v12 Performant ASN.1 handling library (3.12)
python-astroid:v12 Abstract syntax tree with inference support (3.12)
python-async-timeout:v12 Asyncio-compatible timeout context manager (3.12)
python-atomicwrites:v12 Atomic file writes (3.12)
python-attrs:v12 Classes Without Boilerplate (3.12)
python-autopep8:v12 Automatic Python code formatter (3.12)
python-backports.entry-points-selectable:v12 Compatibility shim for importlib_metadata (3.12)
python-backports_abc:v12 Containers Base Classes backported fixes (3.12)
python-bcrypt:v12 Modern password hashing based on blowfish (3.12)
python-beautifulsoup4:v12 Screen-scraping library (3.12)
python-beniget:v12 Python static analyzer (3.12)
python-billiard:v12 Multiprocessing Pool Extensions (3.12)
python-black:v12 Uncompromising code formatter (3.12)
python-bleach:v12 Easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool (3.12)
python-blinker:v12 Fast object/object and broadcast signaling (3.12)
python-booleanOperations:v12 Boolean operations on paths (3.12)
python-borgbackup:v12 Deduplicated, encrypted, compressed backups (3.12)
python-boto3:v12 AWS SDK for Python (3.12)
python-botocore:v12 Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3 (3.12)
python-bottle:v12 WSGI-framework for small web applications (3.12)
python-breathe:v12 Sphinx Doxygen renderer (3.12)
python-build:v12 Simple, correct Python build frontend (3.12)
python-cached-property:v12 Decorator for caching properties in classes (3.12)
python-cachetools:v12 Extensible memoizing collections (3.12)
python-cattrs:v12 Composable complex class support for attrs (3.12)
python-celery:v12 Distributed Task Queue (3.12)
python-certifi:v12 Collection of SSL Root Certificates (3.12)
python-cffi:v12 Foreign Function Interface, C (3.12)
python-chardet:v12 Universal character encoding detector (3.12)
python-charset-normalizer:v12 Charset Detection, for Everyone (3.12)
python-click-didyoumean:v12 Enables git-like did-you-mean feature (3.12)
python-click-log:v12 Logging integration for Click (3.12)
python-click-plugins:v12 Registers external CLI commands (3.12)
python-click-repl:v12 REPL plugin for Click (3.12)
python-click-threading:v12 Multithreaded Click apps made easy (3.12)
python-click:v12 Optparse wrapper for CLI capabilities (3.12)
python-colorama:v12 Cross-platform colored terminal text (3.12)
python-commonmark:v12 Parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec (3.12)
python-compreffor:v12 CFF subroutinizer for fontTools (3.12)
python-configobj:v12 Config file reading, writing and validation (3.12)
python-constantly:v12 Symbolic constants in Python (3.12)
python-coreapi:v12 Python client library for Core API (3.12)
python-coreschema:v12 Core Schema (3.12)
python-coverage:v12 Code coverage measurement for Python (3.12)
python-croniter:v12 Iteration for datetime object like cron (3.12)
python-crontab:v12 Parse and use crontab schedules in Python (3.12)
python-cryptography:v12 Cryptographic recipes and primitives (3.12)
python-css-html-js-minify:v12 CSS HTML JS Minifier (3.12)
python-cssmin:v12 YUI compression algorithm (3.12)
python-cssselect:v12 CSS3 Selector parser and XPath translater (3.12)
python-cssutils:v12 Cascading Style Sheets library (3.12)
python-cu2qu:v12 Cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion (3.12)
python-dbus-python:v11 Python bindings for libdbus (3.11)
python-dbus-python:v12 Python bindings for libdbus (3.12)
python-ddt:v12 Data-Driven/Decorated Tests (3.12)
python-decorator:v12 Decorators for Humans (3.12)
python-deepdiff:v12 Deep difference and search of any object (3.12)
python-defusedxml:v12 XML bomb protection for stdlib modules (3.12)
python-deprecation:v12 Library to handle automated deprecations (3.12)
python-dictdiffer:v12 Library to diff and patch dictionaries (3.12)
python-dill:v12 Serialize all of Python (3.12)
python-distlib:v12 Distribution utilities (3.12)
python-distro:v12 Distro - an OS platform information API (3.12)
python-django-appconf:v12 Django configure defaults helper class (3.12)
python-django-bootstrap3:v12 Bootstrap 3 for Django (3.12)
python-django-celery:v12 Old django celery integration project (3.12)
python-django-colorful:v12 Django color field database (3.12)
python-django-compressor:v12 Django CSS/JS cache and compressor (3.12)
python-django-cors-headers:v12 Django handler for CORS server headers (3.12)
python-django-debug-toolbar:v12 Debug info of current request/response (3.12)
python-django-downloadview:v12 Serve files with Django and reverse-proxies (3.12)
python-django-extensions:v12 Extensions for Django (3.12)
python-django-filter:v12 Django dynamic filter of querysets (3.12)
python-django-formtools:v12 Set of abstractions for Django forms (3.12)
python-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar:v12 Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE (3.12)
python-django-js-asset:v12 Django forms.Media script tag (3.12)
python-django-model-utils:v12 Django model mixins and utilities (3.12)
python-django-mptt:v12 Django Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (3.12)
python-django-pglocks:v12 Advisory lock context for PostgreSQL (3.12)
python-django-prometheus:v12 Django app monitor with (3.12)
python-django-redis:v12 Redis cache backend for Django (3.12)
python-django-rich:v12 Extensions for using Rich with Django (3.12)
python-django-rq:v12 Django integration of Redis Queue (3.12)
python-django-solo:v12 Djanjo manipulator of database singletons (3.12)
python-django-stronghold:v12 Django app requiring login for all views (3.12)
python-django-suit:v12 Modern theme for Django admin interface (3.12)
python-django-tables2:v12 Table/data-grid framework for Django (3.12)
python-django-tagging:v12 Generic tagging application for Django (3.12)
python-django-taggit:v12 Reusable Django app for simple tagging (3.12)
python-django-timezone-field:v12 Django app that provides timezone info (3.12)
python-django-widget-tweaks:v12 Django template form field customizer (3.12)
python-djangorestframework:v12 Web APIs for Django, made easy (3.12)
python-dnspython:v12 DNS toolkit for Python (3.12)
python-docutils:v12 Python Documentation Utilities (3.12)
python-drf-spectacular-sidecar:v12 Swagger UI and Redoc builds for Django (3.12)
python-drf-spectacular:v12 OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST (3.12)
python-drf-yasg:v12 Django Swagger/OpenAPI spec generator (3.12)
python-dulwich:v12 Python Git Library (3.12)
python-e3-core:v12 Adacore testing and building tools (3.12)
python-easysnmp:v12 Library based on official Net-SNMP bindings (3.12)
python-et-xmlfile:v12 Low memory library for large XML files (3.12)
python-evdev:v12 Linux input handling subsystem bindings (3.12)
python-exceptiongroup:v12 Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) (3.12)
python-exhale:v12 C++ library API documentation generator (3.12)
python-eyed3:v12 Python audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3) (3.12)
python-fasteners:v12 Python package that provides useful locks (3.12)
python-feedparser:v12 Universal feed parser: RSS, CDF, Atom (3.12)
python-filelock:v12 Platform independent file lock (3.12)
python-filetype:v12 Infer file and MIME type of file or buffer (3.12)
python-flake8-builtins:v12 Python builtins validation tool (3.12)
python-flake8-import-order:v12 Import order validation tool (3.12)
python-flake8-quotes:v12 Flake8 lint for quotes (3.12)
python-flake8:v12 Source code checker wrapper (3.12)
python-flask-swagger:v12 Extract swagger specs from flask project (3.12)
python-flex:v12 Swagger Schema validation (3.12)
python-fontMath:v12 Perform math operations on font data (3.12)
python-fonttools:v12 Tools to manipulate font files (3.12)
python-freetype-py:v12 Freetype python bindings (3.12)
python-freezegun:v12 Let your Python tests travel through time (3.12)
python-frozenlist:v12 Mutable lists until Freeze set (3.12)
python-fs:v12 Python's filesystem abstraction layer (3.12)
python-funcsigs:v12 Signature functions backport from 3.3 (3.12)
python-funcy:v12 Fancy and practical functional tools (3.12)
python-furl:v12 URL manipulation made simple (3.12)
python-fusepy:v12 Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE (3.12)
python-future:v12 Compatibility layer for python 2 apps (3.12)
python-gast:v12 Generic Abstract Syntax Tree (3.12)
python-ghp-import:v12 Copies docs directly to gh-pages branch (3.12)
python-gi-docgen:v12 Documentation tool for GObject-based libs (3.12)
python-gitdb:v12 Git Object Database (3.12)
python-google-i18n-address:v12 Address validation for Google's i18n DB (3.12)
python-graphene-django:v12 Graphene Django integration (3.12)
python-graphene:v12 GraphQL Framework for Python (3.12)
python-graphql-core:v12 GraphQL implementation (3.12)
python-graphql-relay:v12 Relay library for graphql-core (3.12)
python-graphviz:v12 Simple Python interface for Graphviz (3.12)
python-greenlet:v12 Lightweight concurrent programming (3.12)
python-gunicorn:v12 WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX (3.12)
python-h11:v12 HTTP/1.1 implementation (3.12)
python-html5lib:v12 HTML parser based on WHATWG specification (3.12)
python-htmlmin:v12 HTML Minifier with seatbelts (3.12)
python-httpcore:v12 Minimal low-level HTTP client (3.12)
python-httplib2:v12 Comprehensive HTTP client library (3.12)
python-humanize:v12 Python humanize utilities (3.12)
python-hyperlink:v12 Featureful, immutable, and correct URL (3.12)
python-idna:v12 Int. Domain Names in Applications (3.12)
python-imagesize:v12 Size utility for jpeg/png/gif images (3.12)
python-importlib-metadata:v12 Read metadata from Python packages (3.12)
python-importlib-resources:v12 Read resources from Python packages (3.12)
python-incremental:v12 Library for versioning python projects (3.12)
python-inflection:v12 Port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python (3.12)
python-intervaltree:v12 Editable interval tree data structure (3.12)
python-invoke:v12 Pythonic task execution (3.12)
python-ioflo:v12 Flow Programming Automated Reasoning Engine (3.12)
python-ipaddress:v12 IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library (3.12)
python-isort:v12 Utility library to sort Python imports (3.12)
python-itsdangerous:v12 Trusted data handlers for unsafe env (3.12)
python-itypes:v12 Simple immutable types for python (3.12)
python-jedi:v12 Static analysis and autocompletion library (3.12)
python-jmespath:v12 JSON Matching Expressions (3.12)
python-json2html:v12 JSON to HTML Table Representation (3.12)
python-jsonargparse:v12 JSON argument and config file parser (3.12)
python-jsonpickle:v12 Serialize arbitrary object graph into JSON (3.12)
python-jsonpointer:v12 Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (3.12)
python-jsonschema-specifications:v12 JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies (3.12)
python-jsonschema:v12 Alternate implementation of JSON Schema (3.12)
python-jsonslicer:v12 Stream JSON parser with iterator interface (3.12)
python-junos-eznc:v12 Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers (3.12)
python-kani-fork-pynetbox:v12 NetBox API client library (3.12)
python-kitchen:v12 Cornucopia of useful code (3.12)
python-kombu:v12 Messaging library for Python (3.12)
python-lazy-object-proxy:v12 Fast and thorough lazy object proxy (3.12)
python-libnacl:v12 Python bindings for libsodium (3.12)
python-libversion:v12 Python bindings for libversion (3.12)
python-libxml2:v12 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.12)
python-lizard:v12 Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer (3.12)
python-loguru:v12 Python logging made (stupidly) simple (3.12)
python-lxml:v12 Binding to libxml2 and libxslt libraries (3.12)
python-macaddress:v12 MAC hardware identifier module (3.12)
python-markdown-include:v12 Include extension for Markdown (3.12)
python-markdown-it-py:v12 Port of Markdown-it, markdown done right (3.12)
python-markdown2:v12 Complete implementation of Markdown (3.12)
python-maturin:v12 Build and publish python rust packages (3.12)
python-mccabe:v12 McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 (3.12)
python-mdit-py-plugins:v12 Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py (3.12)
python-mdurl:v12 Markdown URL utilities (3.12)
python-meraki-netbox-plugin-pdu:v12 Power Distribution Unit plugin for Netbox (3.12)
python-mergedeep:v12 Deep merge function for 🐍 (3.12)
python-meson-python:v12 Meson Python build backend (PEP 517) (3.12)
python-mkdocs-autorefs:v12 Automatically link across pages in MkDocs (3.12)
python-mkdocs-get-deps:v12 List dependencies from by mydocs.yml file (3.12)
python-mkdocs-material-extensions:v12 MkDocs extension for Markdown (3.12)
python-mkdocs-material:v12 Documentation that simply works (3.12)
python-mkdocs:v12 Project documentation with Markdown (3.12)
python-mkdocstrings:v12 Documentation from sources for MkDocs (3.12)
python-mock:v12 Rolling backport of standard mock library (3.12)
python-more-itertools:v12 Iterable routine tools (3.12)
python-msgpack:v12 MessagePack serializer (3.12)
python-multidict:v12 Multidict implementation (3.12)
python-mutagen:v12 Read and write audio tags for many formats (3.12)
python-mwparserfromhell:v12 Parser for MediaWiki wikicode (3.12)
python-mypy-extensions:v12 Experimental extensions of mypy typechecker (3.12)
python-mypy:v12 Optional static typing for Python (3.12)
python-myst-parser:v12 Extended commonmark compliant parser (3.12)
python-n2g:v12 Need To Graph (3.12)
python-napalm:v12 Vendor-agnostic router interaction libary (3.12)
python-nb-service:v12 Netbox plugin for ITSM service mapping (3.12)
python-nb2an:v12 Netbox to Ansible config comparison tool (3.12)
python-ncclient:v12 Python library for NETCONF clients (3.12)
python-netaddr:v12 Network address manipulation library (3.12)
python-netbox-acls:v12 NetBox plugin for Access List management (3.12)
python-netbox-agent:v12 NetBox agent for server (3.12)
python-netbox-app-systems:v12 Application systems plugin for Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-bgp:v12 BGP related stuff (3.12)
python-netbox-config-backup:v12 NetBox Configuration Backup (3.12)
python-netbox-ddns:v12 Dynamic DNS Connector for NetBox (3.12)
python-netbox-disk:v12 Netbox Disk Plugin (3.12)
python-netbox-dns:v12 Domain Name Services plugin for Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-fusioninventory-plugin:v12 Fusion inventory agent device import plugin (3.12)
python-netbox-gateways:v12 Manage simple prefix default gateways (3.12)
python-netbox-inventory:v12 Inventory asset management in NetBox (3.12)
python-netbox-is-risks:v12 Info Security risk plugin for Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-lists:v12 IP list generator for Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-maintenancecontract-plugin:v12 Manage Maintenance Contracts Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-napalm-plugin:v12 NetBox plugin for Napalm (3.12)
python-netbox-network-importer:v12 Tool to import network into Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-proxbox:v12 Proxmox plugin for Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-qrcode:v12 QR Code generation for netbox objects (3.12)
python-netbox-secretstore:v12 Netbox Secret Store (3.12)
python-netbox-slm:v12 Software Lifecycle Management Netbox Plugin (3.12)
python-netbox-static-routes-plugin:v12 Manage static routes in Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-users-and-computers:v12 Netbox plugin to manage Active Directory (3.12)
python-netbox-vpn-plugin:v12 Manage VPN Connections in Netbox (3.12)
python-netbox-vrf-context:v12 VRF Context plugin for Netbox (3.12)
python-netdoc:v12 Network documentation plugin for NetBox (3.12)
python-netifaces:v12 Portable network interface information (3.12)
python-netmiko:v12 Simplify CLI connections to network devices (3.12)
python-netutils:v12 Network automation helper functions (3.12)
python-nextbox-ui-plugin:v12 Topology visualization plugin for Netbox (3.12)
python-node-semver:v12 Port of node-semver (3.12)
python-nornir-netbox:v12 Netbox plugin for Nornir (3.12)
python-nornir-netmiko:v12 Netmiko's plugins for Nornir (3.12)
python-nornir-rich:v12 Pretty display functions for nornir (3.12)
python-nornir-utils:v12 Collection of simple plugins for nornir (3.12)
python-nornir:v12 Automation framework to manage devices (3.12)
python-nose:v12 Extends unittest to make testing easier (3.12)
python-ntc-templates:v12 TextFSM Templates for network devices (3.12)
python-numpy:v12 Array computing for Python (3.12)
python-oauthlib:v12 Spec-compliant OAuth implementation (3.12)
python-openapi-codec:v12 OpenAPI codec for Core API (3.12)
python-openpyxl:v12 Read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files (3.12)
python-ordered-set:v12 Custom MutableSet that stays in order (3.12)
python-orderedmultidict:v12 Ordered Multivalue Dictionary (3.12)
python-orjson:v12 Fast, correct Python JSON library (3.12)
python-ouilookup:v12 MAC lookup from OUI source at (3.12)
python-packaging:v12 Core utilities for Python packages (3.12)
python-paginate:v12 Divides large result sets into pages (3.12)
python-pandas:v12 Data structures for time series, statistics (3.12)
python-paramiko:v12 SSH2 protocol library (3.12)
python-parso:v12 Python Parser (3.12)
python-passlib:v12 Comprehensive password hashing framework (3.12)
python-patch-ng:v12 Library to parse and apply unified diffs (3.12)
python-patchman:v12 Django based patch status monitoring tool (3.12)
python-pathspec:v12 Library for git file pattern matching (3.12)
python-pbr:v12 Python Build Reasonableness (3.12)
python-pep8:v12 Python style guide checker (3.12)
python-phonebox-plugin:v12 Phone numbers management plugin for NetBox (3.12)
python-pika:v12 Pika Python AMQP Client Library (3.12)
python-pip:v12 Tool for installing python packages (3.12)
python-pipdeptree:v12 Utility to show package dependency tree (3.12)
python-pkgconfig:v12 Interface Python with pkg-config (3.12)
python-platformdirs:v12 Finds platform-specific directories (3.12)
python-pluginbase:v12 Development basis of flexible plugins (3.12)
python-ply:v12 Python Lex & Yacc (3.12)
python-polib:v12 Library to manipulate gettext files (3.12)
python-premailer:v12 Turns CSS blocks into style attributes (3.12)
python-progressbar:v12 Text progress bar library for Python (3.12)
python-prometheus-client:v12 Client for Prometheus monitoring system (3.12)
python-promise:v12 Promises/A+ implementation for Python (3.12)
python-prompt-toolkit:v12 Builds powerful interactive command lines (3.12)
python-protobuf:v12 Protocol Buffers (3.12)
python-proxmoxer:v12 Support Proxmox API v2 (3.12)
python-psautohint:v12 Wrapper for Adobe's PostScript autohinter (3.12)
python-pspdfutils:v12 Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents (3.12)
python-psutil:v12 Process utilities module (3.12)
python-psycopg2:v12 Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter (3.12)
python-puremagic:v12 Magic file detection (3.12)
python-pyaml:v12 Produce readable YAML-serialized data (3.12)
python-pyasn1:v12 ASN.1 types and codecs (3.12)
python-pybind11:v12 Seamless operability with C++11 (3.12)
python-pycairo:v12 Bindings for cairo graphics library (3.12)
python-pyclipper:v12 Cython wrapper for the AJ Clipper library (3.12)
python-pycodestyle:v12 Python style guide checker (3.12)
python-pycountry:v12 ISO country and language databases (3.12)
python-pycparser:v12 C parser in Python (3.12)
python-pycryptodome:v12 Cryptographic library for Python (3.12)
python-pycryptodomex:v12 Cryptographic library for Python (3.12)
python-pycups:v12 Python bindings for libcups (3.12)
python-pydantic-core:v12 Core module for pydantic (3.12)
python-pydantic:v12 Data validation using Python type hints (3.12)
python-pyeapi:v12 Python Client for eAPI (3.12)
python-pyflakes:v12 Passive checker of Python programs (3.12)
python-pygit2:v12 Python bindings for libgit2 (3.12)
python-pylint:v12 Python code static checker (3.12)
python-pymdown-extensions:v12 Extension pack for Python Markdown (3.12)
python-pymemcache:v12 Pure Python memcached client (3.12)
python-pynetbox:v12 NetBox API client library (3.12)
python-pyocr:v12 Wrapper for OCR engines (Tesseract, etc) (3.12)
python-pyparsing:v12 Defines and executes parsing grammers (3.12)
python-pypdf:v12 PDF transformation library (3.12)
python-pypng:v12 Native library for handling PNG images (3.12)
python-pyproject-metadata:v12 PEP 621 metadata parsing (3.12)
python-pyproject_hooks:v12 Pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks (3.12)
python-pyquery:v12 Jquery-like library for python (3.12)
python-pyrsistent:v12 Persistent, Immutable data structures (3.12)
python-pyserial:v12 Python Serial Port Extension (3.12)
python-pytest-runner:v12 Scripts to add test support (3.12)
python-python-dateutil:v12 Extension to the standard datetime module (3.12)
python-python-debian:v12 Debian package related modules (3.12)
python-python-dotenv:v12 Sets environment from .env file (3.12)
python-python-gnupg:v12 Wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard library (3.12)
python-python-magic:v12 File type identification using libmagic (3.12)
python-python-memcached:v12 Pure python memcached client (3.12)
python-python-netbox:v12 Python NetBox Client (3.12)
python-python-slugify:v12 Unicode-capable slug generator (3.12)
python-python-sql:v12 Library to write SQL queries (3.12)
python-python-stdnum:v12 Handles standardized numbers and codes (3.12)
python-python3-openid:v12 OpenID support for servers and consumers (3.12)
python-pythran:v12 Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels (3.12)
python-pytidylib:v12 Wrapper around HTML Tidy (3.12)
python-pytz:v12 World timezone definitions (3.12)
python-pyudev:v12 Libudev binding (3.12)
python-pyvmomi:v12 VMware vSphere Python SDK (3.12)
python-pywikibot:v12 Python MediaWiki Bot Framework (3.12)
python-pyxdg:v12 Implementation of standards (3.12)
python-pyyaml-env-tag:v12 YAML tag for environment variables (3.12)
python-pyzmq:v12 Python bindings for 0MQ (3.12)
python-qrcode:v12 QR Code image generator (3.12)
python-raet:v12 Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport (3.12)
python-rcssmin:v12 CSS Minifier (3.12)
python-readtime:v12 Texing reading time calculator (3.12)
python-recommonmark:v12 Docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark (3.12)
python-redis:v12 Redis database and key-value store client (3.12)
python-referencing:v12 JSON Referencing + Python (3.12)
python-regex:v12 Alternative regular expression module (3.12)
python-relatorio:v12 Templating library for odt and pdf files (3.12)
python-reportlab:v12 Library for generating PDFs and graphics (3.12)
python-requests-cache:v12 Persistent cache for python requests (3.12)
python-requests-oauthlib:v12 Authentication support for Requests (3.12)
python-requests-toolbelt:v12 Utilities collection for Requests (3.12)
python-requests:v12 Python HTTP for Humans (3.12)
python-resolvelib:v12 Abstract dependencies resolver library (3.12)
python-rfc3987:v12 Parsing and validation of URIs and IRIs (3.12)
python-rich:v12 Rich text library (3.12)
python-rjsmin:v12 Javascript Minifier (3.12)
python-rlPyCairo:v12 Plugin for (3.12)
python-rpds-py:v12 Bindings to Rust persistent data structures (3.12)
python-rq-scheduler:v12 Job scheduling capabilities to Redis Queue (3.12)
python-rq:v12 Library for procesing background jobs (3.12)
python-ruamel.yaml.clib:v12 C based yaml reader/scanner and emitter (3.12)
python-ruamel.yaml:v12 YAML 1.2 parser/emitter (3.12)
python-rubymarshal:v12 Read and write Ruby-marshalled data (3.12)
python-s3transfer:v12 Amazon S3 Transfer Manager (3.12)
python-salt:v12 Remote execution and config mgmt system (3.12)
python-scikit-build-core:v12 Build backend for CMake based projects (3.12)
python-scipy:v12 Scientific library for Python (3.12)
python-scour:v12 Scour SVG Optimizer (3.12)
python-scp:v12 Scp module for paramiko (3.12)
python-semantic-version:v12 Library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme (3.12)
python-sentry-sdk:v12 Sentry client (3.12)
python-setuptools-git-ls-files:v12 Invokes git to list all files (3.12)
python-setuptools-git:v12 Revision control system plugin for Git (3.12)
python-setuptools-rust:v12 Setuptools Rust extension plugin (3.12)
python-setuptools-scm-git-archive:v12 Setuptools_scm plugin for git archives (3.12)
python-setuptools-scm:v12 Package to manage versions by scm tags (3.12)
python-setuptools:v12 Python package development process library (3.12)
python-sgmllib3k:v12 Py3k port of sgmllib (3.12)
python-sh:v12 Python subprocess replacement (3.12)
python-simpleeval:v12 Single expression evaluator library (3.12)
python-simplejson:v12 Fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder (3.12)
python-singledispatch:v12 Backport of single-dispatch functions (3.12)
python-sip:v12 Bindings generator for C/C++ libraries (3.12)
python-six:v12 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities (3.12)
python-skia-pathops:v12 Skia library bindings (3.12)
python-smartypants:v12 Python with the SmartyPants (3.12)
python-smmap:v12 Sliding window memory map manager (3.12)
python-sniffio:v12 Determine which async library is used (3.12)
python-snowballstemmer:v12 Snowball stemming library collection (3.12)
python-social-auth-app-django:v12 Social authentication for Django (3.12)
python-social-auth-core2:v12 Social authentication/registration (3.12)
python-social-auth-core:v12 Python social authentication made simple (3.12)
python-sortedcontainers:v12 Sorted List, Dict, and Set containers (3.12)
python-soupsieve:v12 Modern CSS selector implementation (3.12)
python-sphinx-rtd-theme:v12 Read the Docs theme for Sphinx (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-adadomain:v12 Sphinx "adadomain" extension (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp:v12 Sphinx extension: apple help books (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp:v12 Sphinx extension: Devhelp documents (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp:v12 Sphinx extension: Help support via HTML (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-jquery:v12 Use jQuery for newer Sphinx releases (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath:v12 Sphinx extension: Math via javascript (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp:v12 Sphinx extension: QtHelp documents (3.12)
python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml:v12 Sphinx extension: HTML serialization (3.12)
python-spin:v12 Developer tool for scientific libraries (3.12)
python-sqlite3:v12 Python 3.12 bindings to the SQLite3 library
python-sqlparse:v12 Non-validating SQL parser (3.12)
python-statmake:v12 Applies STAT Stylespace to a variable font (3.12)
python-stevedore:v12 Dynamic plugins for Python applications (3.12)
python-strict-rfc3339:v12 Lightweight RFC 3399 timestamp functions (3.12)
python-svgwrite:v12 Python library to create SVG drawings (3.12)
python-swagger-spec-validator:v12 Validation of Swagger specifications (3.12)
python-tablib:v12 Format-agnostic tabular dataset library (3.12)
python-tenacity:v12 Retry code until it succeeds (3.12)
python-text-unidecode:v12 Most basic Text::Unidecode port (3.12)
python-textfsm:v12 Module for parsing semi-structured text (3.12)
python-toml:v12 Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language (3.12)
python-tomli:v12 Lil' TOML parser (3.12)
python-tomlkit:v12 Style preserving TOML library (3.12)
python-tornado:v12 Web framework and asynchronous networking (3.12)
python-tqdm:v12 Fast, Extensible Progress Meter (3.12)
python-transitions:v12 Extensible state machine implementation (3.12)
python-tryton:v12 Tryton desktop client (3.12)
python-trytond-account-asset:v12 Tryton module for assets management (3.12)
python-trytond-account-de-skr03:v12 German chart of accounts SKR03 module (3.12)
python-trytond-account-invoice-stock:v12 Tryton module to link stock and invoice (3.12)
python-trytond-account-invoice:v12 Tryton module for invoicing (3.12)
python-trytond-account-product:v12 Tryton module to add accounting on product (3.12)
python-trytond-account:v12 Tryton module for accounting (3.12)
python-trytond-company:v12 Tryton module with companies and employees (3.12)
python-trytond-country:v12 Tryton module with countries (3.12)
python-trytond-currency:v12 Tryton module with currencies (3.12)
python-trytond-party:v12 Tryton module with parties and addresses (3.12)
python-trytond-product:v12 Tryton module with products (3.12)
python-trytond-purchase:v12 Tryton module for purchase (3.12)
python-trytond-stock:v12 Tryton module for stock and inventory (3.12)
python-trytond:v12 Tryton server (3.12)
python-ttp-templates:v12 Template Text Parser Templates collections (3.12)
python-ttp:v12 Template Text Parser (3.12)
python-typed-ast:v12 Ast module with type comment support (3.12)
python-types-pytz:v12 Typing stubs for pytz (3.12)
python-typing-extensions:v12 Backported type hints for Python 3.5+ (3.12)
python-typogrify:v12 Filters to enhance web typography (3.12)
python-tzdata:v12 Provider of IANA time zone data (3.12)
python-ufoLib2:v12 UfoLib2 is a UFO font processing library (3.12)
python-uritemplate:v12 Implementation of RFC 6570 URI Templates (3.12)
python-url-normalize:v12 URL normalization for Python (3.12)
python-urllib3:v12 Powerful HTTP client library (3.12)
python-uuid:v12 UUID object and generation function (3.12)
python-validate_email:v12 E-mail format and existence checks (3.12)
python-vcversioner:v12 Extract version from version control tag (3.12)
python-vdirsyncer:v12 Synchronize calendars and contacts (3.12)
python-version-utils:v12 Library to compare package versions (3.12)
python-versioneer:v12 VCS-based management of version strings (3.12)
python-vine:v12 Python promises (3.12)
python-virtualenv:v12 Virtual Python Environment builder (3.12)
python-vobject:v12 Parser for iCalendar and vCard files (3.12)
python-voluptuous:v12 Python data validation library (3.12)
python-watchdog:v12 Filesystem events monitoring (3.12)
python-wcwidth:v12 Measures number of terminal column cells (3.12)
python-webencodings:v12 Legacy web character encoding aliases (3.12)
python-wheel:v12 Built-package format for Python (3.12)
python-wrapt:v12 Decorators, wrappers and monkey patching (3.12)
python-xml2rfc:v12 Request For Comment authoring with XML (3.12)
python-xmltodict:v12 Makes XML feel like JSON (3.12)
python-xxhash:v12 Python binding for xxHash (3.12)
python-yamlordereddictloader:v12 Ordered YAML loader and dump for PyYAML (3.12)
python-yapf:v12 Formatter for Python code (3.12)
python-yarl:v12 Yet another URL library (3.12)
python-zipp:v12 Backport of pathlib wrapper for zip files (3.12)
python-zope.interface:v12 Interfaces for Python (3.12)
python-zstandard:v12 Zstandard bindings for Python (3.12)
qemu:standard Fast CPU emulator and virtualizer for x86 platform
qt5-qtbase:standard Qt5 - QtBase component
qt5-qtdeclarative:standard Qt5 - QtDeclarative component
qt5-qtlocation:standard Qt5 - QtLocation component
qt5-qtwebchannel:standard Qt5 - QtWebChannel component
qt6-qtbase:standard Qt6 - QtBase component
qt6-qtdeclarative:standard Qt6 - QtDeclarative component
radicale:standard CalDAV and CardDAV Server
rarian:standard Documentation metadata library
re2c:standard Generator of C-based recognizers from regex
recoll:standard Full text search tool based on Xapian backend
rest:standard Easy access to RESTful web services
ristretto:standard Light-weight image viewer for Xfce
rofi:standard Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
rpm:standard RPM Package Manager
rrdtool:standard Round Robin Database tools
rspamd:standard Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
rust:standard Systems programming language from Mozilla
sakura:standard Simple tabbed terminal emulator using GTK+
scons:standard Alternative build tool competing with make
scribus:standard Page Layout and Desktop Publishing
shared-mime-info:standard MIME types database from project
smpeg:standard SDL MPEG video/audio player and library
sparforte:standard Shell and scripting for mission-critical projects
surf:standard Simple webkit browser adhering suckless principles
tdb:standard Trivial Database
thunar:standard File manager for Xfce
tilda:standard Quake-style popup terminal
tint2:standard Lightweight panel/taskbar/systray/clock
toxic:standard Ncurses-based Tox client
transmission:daemon Lightweight BitTorrent client (daemon)
transmission:gtk Lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI)
transmission:qt Lightweight BitTorrent client (Qt GUI)
transmission:standard Lightweight BitTorrent client (CLI client)
tumbler:standard D-Bus thumbnailing service for Xfce
upower:standard D-Bus daemon for power management tasks
vala:standard Compiler for the GObject type system
vim:loaded VIsual editor iMproved (all options + X)
vimb:standard Vim-like browser
vte:standard Virtual Terminal Emulator widget
webkit2:api40 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.0)
webkit2:api41 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.1)
webkit2:api60 Opensource browser engine using GTK4 (API 6.0)
weechat:standard Fast, light and extensible chat client
wget2:standard File retrieval tool using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP
wmctrl:standard Command-line tool to control X window managers
wv:standard Library and tools to access MS Word files
wxWidgets30:gtk2 GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk2)
wxWidgets30:standard GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk3)
wxWidgets:standard GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
xcb-proto:standard X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) protocol
xfburn:standard Optical Disc burning application for Xfce
xfce4-appfinder:standard Application finder and launcher for Xfce
xfce4-dev-tools:standard Xfce development tools
xfce4-notifyd:standard Simple notification daemon for Xfce
xfce4-panel:standard Panel for the Xfce4 desktop environment
xfce4-power-manager:standard Power manager for Xfce
xfce4-screenshooter:standard Screenshot utility and panel plugin for Xfce
xfce4-session:standard Session manager for the Xfce DE
xfce4-settings:standard Settings manager for Xfce
xfce4-terminal:standard Terminal emulator for Xfce
xfconf:standard Simple client-server configuration system for Xfce
xfdesktop:standard Desktop manager for the Xfce DE
xfwm4:standard Standard-complient window manager from Xfce
xorg-xcb:standard X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) library
xorg-xkeyboard-config:standard X Keyboard Configuration Database
xscreensaver:standard Screen saver and locker for X11
yelp:standard Help browser for the GNOME desktop
youtube-dl:standard Program for downloading videos from
zenity:standard Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
zim:standard Desktop wiki and notekeeper
znc:standard Advanced IRC bouncer
zziplib:standard Provide transparent read access to zipped data