Port variant standard
Summary Inter Client Exchange library for X11
Package version 1.1.1
Homepage https://www.x.org/
Keywords x11
Maintainer nobody
License MIT
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 01 NOV 2023, 15:23:41 UTC
Port created 02 JUN 2017, 23:15:04 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the xorg-ice-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of xorg-ice-standard.
primary This package contains the Inter Client Exchange library for X11.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the xorg-ice-standard port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) xorg-xorgproto:single:standard
Download groups
main mirror://XORG/individual/lib
Distribution File Information
03e77afaf72942c7ac02ccebb19034e6e20f456dcf8dddadfeb572aa5ad3e451 335960 xorg/libICE-1.1.1.tar.xz
Ports that require xorg-ice:standard
GraphicsMagick:standard Image processing system
ImageMagick:x11 Image manipulation tool suite with X support
R:standard Statistical computing and graphics environment
at-spi2-core:standard Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
copyq:standard Qt6-based clipboard manager
dbus:standard Message bus system for IPC communication
emacs:desktop GNU Emacs text editor with X11 support
firefox:standard Mozilla web browser
freeglut:standard FOSS implementation of the GLUT library
ftgl:standard OpenGL FreeType fonts rendering library
ghostscript:standard Postscript and PDF Rendering Engine
gimp:standard GNU Image Manipulation Program
gle:standard GL Tubing and Extrusion Library
graphviz:standard Graph visualization tools
libexo:standard Xfce application development library
m17n-lib:standard Multilingual text processing library
minetest:standard Infinite-world block sandbox game
openbox:standard Configurable and lightweight X11 window manager
parole:standard Gstreamer-based media player for Xfce
pekwm:standard Light, unobtrusive and configurable WM
perl-OpenGL-GLUT:538 Perl bindings to the GLUT/FreeGLUT toolkit (5.38)
perl-OpenGL-GLUT:540 Perl bindings to the GLUT/FreeGLUT toolkit (5.40)
perl-OpenGL:538 Bindings to OpenGL API, GLU, GLUT/FreeGLUT (5.38)
perl-OpenGL:540 Bindings to OpenGL API, GLU, GLUT/FreeGLUT (5.40)
perl-PDL:538 Perl Data Language (5.38)
perl-PDL:540 Perl Data Language (5.40)
ssvnc:standard Enhanced TightVNC Viewer
utox:standard Lightweight Tox client
vim:loaded VIsual editor iMproved (all options + X)
webkit2:api40 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.0)
webkit2:api41 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.1)
webkit2:api60 Opensource browser engine using GTK4 (API 6.0)
xfce4-panel:standard Panel for the Xfce4 desktop environment
xfce4-screenshooter:standard Screenshot utility and panel plugin for Xfce
xfwm4:standard Standard-complient window manager from Xfce
xlockmore:standard X Window System Lock Screen
xorg-iceauth:standard ICE authority file utility for X
xorg-luit:standard Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
xorg-sm:standard Session Management library for X11
xterm:standard Terminal emulator for the X Window System
xvkbd:standard Virtual (on-screen) keyboard for X