Port variant standard
Summary Practical Extraction and Report Language
Package version 5.38.2
Keywords lang, perl, devel
Maintainer John Marino
License ART10 , GPLv1+ (dual)
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 01 DEC 2023, 16:14:35 UTC
Port created 09 JUL 2023, 18:50:47 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the perl-5.38-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of perl-5.38-standard.
primary Perl is a language that combines some of the features of C, sed, awk and shell. See the manual page for more hype. There are also many books published by O'Reilly & Assoc. See pod/perlbook.pod for more information. This package contains everything except the man pages.
man This is the man page subpackage of the perl-5.38-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
BIT64INT OFF Use 64 bit integers (on i386) DEBUG OFF Build with debugging support MULTIPLICITY ON Multiple interpret instances in same process THREADS ON Build threaded perl
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) gdbm:dev:standard
Build and Runtime gdbm:primary:standard
Runtime (only) autoselect-perl:single:standard
ravensys-gcc:libs:standard (primary subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://CPAN/../../src/5.0
Distribution File Information
d91115e90b896520e83d4de6b52f8254ef2b70a8d545ffab33200ea9f1cf29e8 13679524 perl5/perl-5.38.2.tar.xz
Ports that require perl-5.38:standard
ImageMagick:standard Suite to create, edit, compose, or convert images
ImageMagick:x11 Image manipulation tool suite with X support
OpenSP:standard Collection of SGML/XML tools
R:standard Statistical computing and graphics environment
aom:standard Alliance for Open Media video codec
apache:standard Secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server
aspell:standard GNU spell checker
autoconf213:standard Automatic config tool for *nix (legacy version)
autoconf:standard Unix platform automatic configuration tool
automake:standard GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
bind:standard Berkeley Internet Name Domain (Domain Name Server)
bison:standard Yacc-compatible parser generator from FSF
ccache:standard Fast C/C++ compiler cache tool
comtrya:standard Configuration Management for Localhost
curl:embed Tiny curl PIC, http/s, file, scp protocol only
curl:standard Tool and library for transferring data with URLs
cyrus-imapd:standard High-performance mail store with IMAP support
cyrus-sasl:standard Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL)
ding:standard TK-based lookup program and dictionary (DE/EN)
docbook2X:standard Convert docbook into man and Texinfo
doxygen:standard Source code documentation generator tool
dpkg:standard Debian package maintenance system
ecl:standard ANSI Common Lisp implementation
erlang:standard Concurrent functional programming language
feh:standard Fast command line image viewer using Imlib2
ffmpeg5:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg6:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
fftw:float Fast Fourier Transform library (float)
fftw:long Fast Fourier Transform library (long double)
fftw:quad Fast Fourier Transform library (quad precision)
fftw:standard Fast Fourier Transform library (double)
firefox:standard Mozilla web browser
gcc11:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 11
gcc12:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 12
gcc13:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 13
gdk-pixbuf:standard Graphic library for GIMP toolkit
git:standard Distributed version control system
gitolite:standard Finely-grained git repository hosting
glib:standard Some useful routines of C programming
glibmm:standard C++ interfaces for glib2
gnatcross-bootstrap:standard Gnatcross-to-native compiler generator
gnatcross:FAMD64_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/AMD64 (R12)
gnatcross:FARM64_R11 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/ARM64 (R11)
gnatcross:FI386_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/I386 (R11)
gnatcross:MAMD64_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler, tgt: MidnightBSD/AMD64 (R3)
gnatcross:MI386_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler, tgt: MidnightBSD/I386 (R3)
gnatcross:SOL10 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: Solaris 10 (x86-64)
gnatstudio:standard Multilanguage IDE for Ada, SPARK, C/C++, and more
gnucash:standard Financial accounting software
groff:standard GNU troff text-formatting system
gsettings-desktop-schemas:standard Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop
gstreamer1:standard Media applications framework
gtk2:standard Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk3:standard Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk4:standard Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtkada:standard Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk3 components
gtksourceview3:standard GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
help2man:standard Simple man page generator using program output
hexchat:standard Graphical IRC client based on XChat
hspell:hunspell Hunspell Hebrew dictionary
hunspell-de:standard Hunspell German dictionary
hunspell:standard Most popular spellchecking library
hyphen:standard Library for high quality hyphenation/justification
i3:standard Improved dynamic tiling window manager
i3status:standard Status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar
icon-naming-utils:standard Mapping for icons to naming scheme
imake:standard X.Org imake program and related utilities
inkscape:standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
intltool:standard Tools to internationalize various kinds of data
irssi:standard Modular IRC client with many features
kf6-kdoctools:standard KF6 documentation generation from docbook
krb5:standard MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system
ldns:standard Library for programs conforming to DNS RFCs
libabw:standard Library for parsing the AbiWord format
libcss:standard CSS parser and selection engine
libexo:standard Xfce application development library
libfm-qt:standard Core library of PCManFM-Qt file manager
libfreehand:standard Library for import of FreeHand drawings
libgtop:standard GNOME library to collect system monitoring data
libhubbub:standard HTML5 compliant parsing library
libical:standard Reference implementation of the iCalendar format
libidn:standard Internationalized Domain Name support library
libksba:standard Library handling X.509 certificates and CMS data
libparserutils:standard Library for building efficient parsers
libreoffice:standard Free Software Productivity Suite
librsvg-c:standard SVG vector-graphic files rendering library
librsvg:standard SVG vector-graphic files rendering library
libsigcxx2:standard Typesafe signal framework for C++
libsigcxx:standard Typesafe signal framework for C++
libvisio:standard Import filter and tools for MS Visio Diagrams
libvpx:standard VP8 Video Codec SDK
libvterm:standard VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator
libwpg:standard Import filter and tools for WordPerfect graphics
libxfce4util:standard Xfce utility library for non-GUI components
libxmlxx:standard API 5.0 C++ wrapper for libxml2 parser library
lxqt-menu-data:standard compliant menu files for LXQt
lyx:standard Document Processor WYSIWYM Editor & Latex frontend
mariadb1011:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb105:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb106:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb11:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
midnight-commander:desktop Free Norton Commander clone (X11)
midnight-commander:standard Free Norton Commander clone
mosh:standard Mobile terminal that supports ratty connectivity
mozjs128:standard Standalone JS interpreter from Mozilla 128-esr
mpv:standard Advanced general-purpose multimedia player
mutt:standard Powerful terminal mail client
mysql80:standard Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql84:standard Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql:standard Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mythes:standard Simple thesaurus library for Libreoffice
nasm:standard General-purpose x86 and amd64 assembler
ncftp:standard Set of free application programs implementing FTP
net-snmp:standard Extensible SNMP implementation
netpbm:standard Toolkit for manipulation of graphic images
nfsen:standard Web based frontend to nfdump netflow collector
nginx-unit:standard Dynamic web application server
nginx:loaded HTTP and reverse proxy server (all options)
nss:standard Application security development libraries
ntl:standard Victor Shoup's Number Theory Library
oath-toolkit:standard Library and tools for OATH authentication
openblas:standard Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
openjade:standard SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
openmp:standard LLVM Open Multi-Processing Runtime Library
openpgm:standard Implementation of PGM reliable multicast protocol
openssl10:standard SSL and crypto library
openssl11:standard SSL and crypto library
openssl30:standard SSL and crypto library
pango:standard Open-source framework for rendering of i18n text
parallel:standard Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
pcmanfm-qt:standard File manager for the LXQt desktop
pcsc-lite:standard Smartcard development library
perl-Algorithm-AM:538 Classify data with Analogical Modeling (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-AdaBoost:538 AdaBoost learning algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-AhoCorasick:538 Efficient search for multiple strings (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Annotate:538 Represent change series in annotate form (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BIT-XS:538 Binary indexed trees / Fenwick trees (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BaumWelch:538 Hidden Markov Chain parameter estimation (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Bayesian:538 Bayesian Spam Filtering Algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BestChoice:538 Choose the best (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BinPack-2D:538 Efficiently pack items into rectangles (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BinPack:538 Efficiently pack items into bins (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BinarySearch-Vec:538 Binary search for vectors (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BitVector:538 Bit vector operations (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Bitonic-Sort:538 Sorting numbers with Bitonic Sort (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BloomFilter:538 Simple bloom filter data structure (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-BreakOverlappingRectangles:538 Break up overlapping rectangles (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Bucketizer:538 Distribute sized items to buckets (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Burg:538 Extrapolate time series using Burg's method (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-C3:538 Merge hierarchies using C3 algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-CRF:538 Perl binding for CRF++ (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits:538 Generate and test check digits (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Closest-NetworkAddress:538 Find closest network address (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Cluster-Thresh:538 Adds thresholds to hierarchical clustering (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Cluster:538 Perl interface to the C Clustering Library (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ClusterPoints:538 Find clusters inside a set of points (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics:538 Generation of combinatorial sequences (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ConsistentHash-CHash:538 XS bindings to Consistent Hash library (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ConsistentHash-JumpHash:538 Jump consistent hash algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ConsistentHash-Ketama:538 Ketama Consistent Hashing for Perl (XS) (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ConstructDFA-XS:538 C++ version of Algorithm::ConstructDFA (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ConstructDFA:538 Deterministic finite automaton construction (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ContextVector:538 Implementation based on cosine similarity (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-CouponCode:538 Generate and validate 'CouponCode' strings (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-CriticalPath:538 Critical path analysis over a Graph Object (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Cron:538 Abstract implementation of F scheduling (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-CurveFit:538 Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-DBSCAN:538 Density-Based Spatial Clustering (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Damm:538 Damm error correction check digit (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-DecisionTree:538 Classification of multidimensional data (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Dependency-MapReduce:538 Map/Reduce routines for Alg:Dep graphs (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Dependency-Objects:538 Object Dependency Algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Dependency:538 Base class for various dependency trees (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-DependencySolver:538 Solve scheduling access to shared resource (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Diff-Any:538 Find differences between files (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Diff-Callback:538 Use callbacks on computed differences (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Diff-HTMLTable:538 Show differences of a file as a HTML table (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Diff-XS:538 Algorithm::Diff with XS core loop (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Diff:538 Compute differences between two files/lists (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-DimReduction:538 Octave-based dimension Reduction tool (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-DistanceMatrix:538 Compute distance matrix for any metric (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Easing:538 Calculate eased translations over time (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple:538 Run canonical evolutionary algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Evolutionary:538 Paradigm-free evolutionary algorithms (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-ExpectationMaximization:538 Expectation Maximization of clustering data (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-FEC:538 Forward Error Correction, Vandermonde (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-FastPermute:538 Rapid generation of permutations (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-FeatureSelection:538 Feature selection methods for text mining (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-FloodControl:538 Limit event processing to count/time ratio (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Functional-BFS:538 Functional approach to the breadth-first (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-FuzzyCmeans:538 Fuzzy c-means clustering (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-GDiffDelta:538 Generate GDIFF format binary deltas (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-GaussianElimination-GF2:538 Solve linear systems of equations on GF(2) (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-GenerateSequence:538 Sequence generator (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Genetic-Diploid:538 Extensible diploid genetic algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-GooglePolylineEncoding:538 Google's Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Graphs-TransitiveClosure:538 Calculate the transitive closure (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-HITS-Lite:538 HITS Algorithm implementation not using PDL (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-HITS:538 Implementation of HITS algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-HyperLogLog:538 Cardinality estimation algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-IRCSRP2:538 IRC channel encryption algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude:538 Build and evaluate include/exclude lists (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix:538 Generate prefixes from intervals (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-KMeans:538 Perl Module for K-Means Clustering (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Kelly:538 Calculate fraction of a bankroll to bet (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-KernelKMeans:538 Weighted kernel k-means clusterer (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Kmeanspp:538 Perl implementation of K-means++ (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Knap01DP:538 0-1 Knapsack problem solver (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Knapsack:538 Brute-force solution of knapsack problem (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Kuhn-Munkres:538 Maximum weight perfect matching (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LBFGS:538 Perl extension for L-BFGS (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LUHN:538 Modulus 10 double add double checksum (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LatticePoints:538 Run code for each lattice points (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LeakyBucket:538 Leaky bucket rate limiting (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LibLinear:538 Binding for LINEAR library (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Line-Bresenham:538 Simple pixellated line-drawing algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LineSegments:538 Piecewise linear function approximation (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LinearManifoldDataClusterer:538 Clusters data in low dimensional manifold (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Loops:538 Looping constructs (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-LossyCount:538 Approximate frequency count (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-MarkovChain:538 Object oriented Markov chain generator (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Merge:538 Three-way merge and diff (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Metric-Chessboard:538 Calculate distances on a square grid (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Munkres:538 Matrix assignment problem solution (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-NGram:538 Analyze token sequences with n-grams (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-NaiveBayes:538 Bayesian prediction of categories (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-NeedlemanWunsch:538 Sequence alignment (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Networksort-Chooser:538 Helper utility for Algorithm::Networksort (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Networksort:538 Create Sorting Networks (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Nhash:538 Exim nhash algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Numerical-Sample:538 Draw samples from a set (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle:538 Shuffle a list (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-PageRank-XS:538 Fast PageRank implementation (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-PageRank:538 Calculate PageRank (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Pair-Best2:538 Pairings selector (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Pair-Swiss:538 Generate unique pairings for tournaments (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Partition:538 Partition a set of integers (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Paxos:538 Implementation of the Paxos protocol (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Permute:538 Object-oriented fast permutations (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Prefixspan:538 Prefix-projected Sequential Pattern mining (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-QuineMcCluskey:538 Solve sets of boolean terms (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-RabinKarp:538 Implementation of Rabin-Karp rolling hash (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-RandomMatrixGeneration:538 Generate internal cell values for a matrix (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-RandomPointGenerator:538 Generates sets of random points in 2D plane (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot:538 Find rectangles containing a given dot (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot_XS:538 Fast find rectangles containing a dot (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SAT-Backtracking:538 Simple Backtracking SAT solver (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Scale2x:538 Implementation of Scale2x algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Search:538 Module for traversing an object (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Shape-RandomTree:538 Randomized plant shape object generator (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Simplex:538 Tucker Tableaux simplex algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SixDegrees:538 Find path through linked elements in a set (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SkipList:538 Perl implementation of skip lists (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SlopeOne:538 Slope One collaborative filtering (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SocialNetwork:538 Social Network Analysis (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SpatialIndex-Storage-Redis:538 Redis storage backend (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SpatialIndex-Strategy-MedianQuadTree:538 QuadTree splitting on bucket medians (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-SpatialIndex:538 Flexible 2D/3D spacial indexing (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Statistic:538 Different statistical algorithms library (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Step:538 Trace execution steps of an algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-StringHash-FromCSharp35-XS:538 C#'s string Hashing Algorithm in V3.5 (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-TSort:538 Perl extension for topological sort (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-TokenBucket:538 Token bucket rate limiting algorithm (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Toy-HashSC:538 Toy separate chain hash implementation (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-TravelingSalesman-BitonicTour:538 Euclidean traveling-saleman problem solver (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Tree-NCA:538 Constant time retrieval of I (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-VSM:538 Retrieves files using VSM and LSA methods (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-VectorClocks:538 Generates a partial ordering of events (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-Voting:538 Voting algorithm implementations (5.38)
perl-Algorithm-WordLevelStatistics:538 Words Level Statics implementation (5.38)
perl-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild:538 Subclass for building Alien::modules (5.38)
perl-Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab:538 Alien::Build plugin to download from GitLab (5.38)
perl-Alien-Build:538 Build external dependencies for use in CPAN (5.38)
perl-Alien-CFITSIO:538 Build and Install the CFITSIO library (5.38)
perl-Alien-GSL:538 Easy installation of GNU Scientific Library (5.38)
perl-Alien-Libxml2:538 Installs libxml2 library on the system (5.38)
perl-Alien-Role-Dino:538 Support for dynamic share Alien install (5.38)
perl-Alien-cmake3:538 Find or download or build cmake 3 or better (5.38)
perl-Alien-patch:538 Find or build patch (5.38)
perl-Alien-wxWidgets:538 Building and using wxWidgets binaries (5.38)
perl-Any-Moose:538 (DEPRECATED) use Moo instead! (5.38)
perl-AnyEvent-HTTP-Message:538 AnyEvent::HTTP Request/Response objects (5.38)
perl-AnyEvent-HTTP:538 Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client (5.38)
perl-AnyEvent-I3:538 Communicate with the i3 window manager (5.38)
perl-AnyEvent:538 Event loop programming interface (5.38)
perl-Apache-Htpasswd:538 Manage Unix crypt-style password file (5.38)
perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler:538 Compile a log format string to perl-code (5.38)
perl-App-Cmd:538 Write command line apps with less suffering (5.38)
perl-App-cpanminus:538 Get, build and install modules from CPAN (5.38)
perl-AppConfig:538 Reads and parses command line arguments (5.38)
perl-Archive-Any-Lite:538 Simple CPAN package extractor (5.38)
perl-Archive-Extract:538 Generic archive extracting mechanism (5.38)
perl-Archive-Zip:538 Provide an interface to ZIP archive files (5.38)
perl-Array-Diff:538 Find the differences between two arrays (5.38)
perl-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO:538 Extension for using the cfitsio library (5.38)
perl-Astro-FITS-Header:538 Object-oriented interface to FITS HDUs (5.38)
perl-Async-Interrupt:538 Allow C/XS to interrupt perl asynchronously (5.38)
perl-Authen-SASL:538 SASL Authentication framework (5.38)
perl-Authen-Simple:538 Simple Authentication (5.38)
perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope:538 Execute code after scope compilation (5.38)
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check:538 Wrap OP check callbacks (5.38)
perl-BSD-Resource:538 BSD process resource limits and priority (5.38)
perl-Bit-Vector:538 Efficient bit vector and "big int" library (5.38)
perl-CGI-Deurl-XS:538 Fast decoder for URL parameter strings (5.38)
perl-CGI:538 Common Gateway Interface actions (5.38)
perl-CLI-Osprey:538 MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity (5.38)
perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo:538 Extract distribution name and version (5.38)
perl-CPAN-Meta-Check:538 Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object (5.38)
perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements:538 Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist (5.38)
perl-CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic:538 Dynamic prerequisites in meta files (5.38)
perl-Cache-FastMmap:538 Shared memory interprocess cache (5.38)
perl-Cache-Memcached-Fast:538 Perl client for memcached, in C language (5.38)
perl-Cache-Memcached:538 Client library for memory cache daemon (5.38)
perl-Canary-Stability:538 Compatibility canary for schmorp's modules (5.38)
perl-Capture-Tiny:538 Capture STDOUT and STDERR streams (5.38)
perl-Carp-Clan-Share:538 Share Carp settings with your whole Clan (5.38)
perl-Carp-Clan:538 Report errors from view of clan caller (5.38)
perl-Class-Accessor:538 Automated accessor generation (5.38)
perl-Class-Adapter:538 Implementation of "Adapter" Design Pattern (5.38)
perl-Class-Data-Inheritable:538 Inheritable, overridable class data (5.38)
perl-Class-Inspector:538 Get information about class structure (5.38)
perl-Class-Load-XS:538 XS implementation of parts of Class::Load (5.38)
perl-Class-Load:538 Working (require "Class::Name") and more (5.38)
perl-Class-Method-Modifiers:538 Provides Moose-like method modifiers (5.38)
perl-Class-Multimethods:538 Support subroutine overloading in perl (5.38)
perl-Class-Singleton:538 Implementation of a "Singleton" class (5.38)
perl-Class-Tiny:538 Minimalist class construction (5.38)
perl-Class-XSAccessor:538 Generate fast XS accessors (5.38)
perl-Clone-PP:538 Recursively copy Perl datatypes (5.38)
perl-Clone:538 Recursively copy Perl datatypes (5.38)
perl-Commandable:538 Utilities for commandline-based programs (5.38)
perl-Config-Any:538 Load configuration from various formats (5.38)
perl-Config-AutoConf:538 Module to implement some of AutoConf macros (5.38)
perl-Config-General:538 Generic Config Module (5.38)
perl-Config-INI-Tiny:538 Compact INI file parser (5.38)
perl-Config-JFDI:538 Scans directories for matching file names (5.38)
perl-Config-Tiny:538 Read/Write .ini style files efficiently (5.38)
perl-Context-Preserve:538 Preserve context after subroutine call (5.38)
perl-Convert-Color-XTerm:538 Indexed colors used by XTerm (5.38)
perl-Convert-Color:538 Color space conversions and named lookups (5.38)
perl-Convert-UU:538 Module for uuencode and uudecode (5.38)
perl-Cookie-Baker:538 Cookie string generator / parser (5.38)
perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS:538 Perl structure to JSON converter (5.38)
perl-Crypt-DES:538 Perl DES encryption module (5.38)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES:538 Wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library (5.38)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum:538 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic (5.38)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess:538 Guess OpenSSL include path (5.38)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA:538 RSA encoding/decoding using OpenSSL library (5.38)
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random:538 Pseudo-random number generator access (5.38)
perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5:538 Interoperable MD5-based crypt functions (5.38)
perl-Crypt-RC4:538 No description provided (5.38)
perl-Crypt-Rijndael:538 Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption (5.38)
perl-Crypt-URandom:538 Provide non blocking randomness (5.38)
perl-CryptX:538 Cryptographic toolkit (5.38)
perl-DBD-CSV:538 DBI driver for CSV files (5.38)
perl-DBD-SQLite:538 Self Contained SQLite RDBMS in a DBI Driver (5.38)
perl-DBI:538 Database independent interface for Perl (5.38)
perl-DBIx-Simple:538 Object-Oriented interface to DBI (5.38)
perl-Dancer2:538 Lightweight web application framework (5.38)
perl-Data-AutoBimap:538 Bidirectional map for enumerated strings (5.38)
perl-Data-Binary:538 Detection of binary vs text in strings (5.38)
perl-Data-CosineSimilarity:538 Computes the Cosine Similarity (5.38)
perl-Data-Dump:538 Pretty printing of data structures (5.38)
perl-Data-Dumper-Concise:538 Compact data dumps (5.38)
perl-Data-IEEE754:538 Big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles (5.38)
perl-Data-OptList:538 Parse and validate name/value option pairs (5.38)
perl-Data-Printer:538 Color pretty printer for Perl (5.38)
perl-Data-Record:538 "split" on steroids (5.38)
perl-Data-Section:538 Read multiple hunks from DATA section (5.38)
perl-Data-Validate-IP:538 IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods (5.38)
perl-Data-Visitor:538 Visitor style traversal of data structures (5.38)
perl-Date-Manip:538 Date manipulation routines (5.38)
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime:538 Parse and format time patterns (5.38)
perl-DateTime-Locale:538 Localization support for (5.38)
perl-DateTime-TimeZone:538 Time zone object base class and factory (5.38)
perl-DateTime:538 Date and time object for Perl (5.38)
perl-Debug-Client:538 Debug client side code for Padre (5.38)
perl-Devel-Caller:538 Meatier version of the core caller (5.38)
perl-Devel-CheckCompiler:538 Check the compiler's availability (5.38)
perl-Devel-CheckLib:538 Library availability checker (5.38)
perl-Devel-Declare:538 Deprecated - Adds keywords to perl in perl (5.38)
perl-Devel-Dumpvar:538 Pure-OO reimplementation of (5.38)
perl-Devel-Gladiator:538 Walk Perl's arena (5.38)
perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction:538 Functionality of global PHASE and DESTRUCT (5.38)
perl-Devel-Hide:538 Forces unavailability of specified modules (5.38)
perl-Devel-LexAlias:538 Alias lexical variables (5.38)
perl-Devel-MAT-Dumper:538 Write a heap dump file for later analysis (5.38)
perl-Devel-MAT:538 Perl Memory Analysis Tool (5.38)
perl-Devel-OverloadInfo:538 Introspect overloaded operators (5.38)
perl-Devel-PartialDump:538 Partial dumping of data structures (5.38)
perl-Devel-Refactor:538 Extension for refactoring Perl code (5.38)
perl-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML:538 Displays stack trace in HTML (5.38)
perl-Devel-StackTrace:538 Object representing a stack trace (5.38)
perl-Devel-Symdump:538 Dump symbol names or the symbol table (5.38)
perl-Digest-BubbleBabble:538 Create bubble-babble fingerprints (5.38)
perl-Digest-HMAC:538 Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication (5.38)
perl-Digest-MurmurHash3-PurePerl:538 Pure perl implementation of MurmurHash3 (5.38)
perl-Digest-Perl-MD5:538 Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm (5.38)
perl-Digest-SHA1:538 Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm (5.38)
perl-Dist-CheckConflicts:538 Declare version conflicts for your dist (5.38)
perl-EV:538 High-performance full-featured event loop (5.38)
perl-Email-Abstract:538 Unified interface to mail representations (5.38)
perl-Email-Address-XS:538 Parse and format RFC 5322 email addresses (5.38)
perl-Email-Date-Format:538 Produce RFC 2822 date strings (5.38)
perl-Email-MIME-ContentType:538 MIME Content-Type header handling (5.38)
perl-Email-MIME-Encodings:538 Interface to MIME encoding and decoding (5.38)
perl-Email-MIME:538 Easy MIME message handling (5.38)
perl-Email-MessageID:538 Generate world unique message-ids (5.38)
perl-Email-Sender:538 Library for sending email (5.38)
perl-Email-Simple:538 RFC2822 message parser (5.38)
perl-Encode-Detect:538 Subclass that detects the encoding of data (5.38)
perl-Encode-Locale:538 Determine the locale encoding (5.38)
perl-Error:538 Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way (5.38)
perl-Eval-Closure:538 Safely create closures via string eval (5.38)
perl-Exception-Class:538 Supports real exception classes in perl (5.38)
perl-Exporter-Easy:538 Takes the drudgery out of Exporting symbols (5.38)
perl-Exporter-Lite:538 Lightweight functions and variables export (5.38)
perl-Exporter-Tiny:538 Small exporter using only core modules (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-CChecker:538 Configuration utilities for using C headers (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-Config:538 Wrapper for perl's configuration (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-Depends:538 Build XS extensions on top of XS extensions (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-F77:538 Simple interface to F77 libs (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-HasCompiler:538 Check for the presence of a compiler (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-Helpers:538 Portability utilities for module builders (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths:538 Build.PL install path logic made easy (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile:538 Cpanfile support for EUMM (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig:538 Simplistic interface to pkg-config (5.38)
perl-ExtUtils-XSpp:538 Thin layer over XS to provide C++ support (5.38)
perl-FFI-CheckLib:538 Check that a library is available for FFI (5.38)
perl-Feature-Compat-Try:538 Provides try/catch syntax (5.38)
perl-File-ConfigDir:538 Get directories of configuration files (5.38)
perl-File-Copy-Recursive:538 Recursively copy files and directories (5.38)
perl-File-Find-Object:538 Object oriented File::Find replacement (5.38)
perl-File-Find-Rule:538 Alternative interface to File::Find (5.38)
perl-File-HomeDir:538 Locate home directory on any plaform (5.38)
perl-File-Listing:538 Parse directory listing (5.38)
perl-File-Map:538 Memory mapping made simple and safe (5.38)
perl-File-Remove:538 Remove files and directories (5.38)
perl-File-Share:538 Extend File::ShareDir to Local Libraries (5.38)
perl-File-ShareDir-Install:538 Install shared files (5.38)
perl-File-ShareDir:538 Locate per-dist and per-module shared files (5.38)
perl-File-Slurp-Tiny:538 Discouraged simple file slurper (5.38)
perl-File-Slurp:538 Reading/Writing/Modifying of complete files (5.38)
perl-File-Slurper:538 Read entire contents of file at once (5.38)
perl-File-Type:538 Determine file type using magic (5.38)
perl-File-Which:538 Implementation of which utility as an API (5.38)
perl-File-chdir:538 More sensible way to change directories (5.38)
perl-File-pushd:538 Change directory temporarily (5.38)
perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple:538 Simple and dumb file system watcher (5.38)
perl-Finance-Quote:538 Get quotes from various stock exchanges (5.38)
perl-Font-AFM:538 Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files (5.38)
perl-Font-TTF:538 TTF font support for Perl (5.38)
perl-FusionInventory-Agent:538 FusionInventory unified Agent for UNIX (5.38)
perl-GD:538 Interface to the libgd graphics library (5.38)
perl-GSSAPI:538 Access to the GSSAPIv2 library (5.38)
perl-Geo-IP:538 IP Address location and network lookup (5.38)
perl-Geography-Countries:538 Country codes in various formats (5.38)
perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive:538 Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful (5.38)
perl-Getopt-Usaginator:538 Usage function creator for applications (5.38)
perl-Graph-Convert:538 Convert between Graph and Graph::Easy (5.38)
perl-Graph-Easy-As_svg:538 Converts Graph::Easy object to SVG text (5.38)
perl-Graph-Easy-Manual:538 HTML manual for Graph::Easy (5.38)
perl-Graph-Easy:538 Converts or renders graphs (5.38)
perl-Graph-RandomPath:538 Find random path between 2 graph vertices (5.38)
perl-Graph:538 Graph data structures and algorithms (5.38)
perl-Graphics-GnuplotIF:538 Dynamic Perl interface to gnuplot (5.38)
perl-Guard:538 Safe cleanup blocks (5.38)
perl-HTML-Element-Extended:538 Enhanced HTML::Element classes (5.38)
perl-HTML-Formatter:538 Base class for HTML formatters (5.38)
perl-HTML-Parser:538 HTML parser class (5.38)
perl-HTML-Selector-XPath:538 CSS Selector to XPath compiler (5.38)
perl-HTML-TableExtract:538 HTML table information extractor (5.38)
perl-HTML-Tagset:538 Data tables useful in parsing HTML (5.38)
perl-HTML-Tree:538 Work with HTML in a DOM-like tree structure (5.38)
perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath:538 Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Body:538 HTTP Body Parser (5.38)
perl-HTTP-CookieJar:538 Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Cookies:538 HTTP cookie jars (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Daemon:538 Simple http server class (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Date:538 HTTP::Date - date conversion routines (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser:538 PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Headers-Fast:538 Faster implementation of HTTP::Headers (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Message:538 HTTP style message (base class) (5.38)
perl-HTTP-MultiPartParser:538 HTTP MultiPart Parser (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Negotiate:538 Choose a variant to serve (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Proxy:538 Pure Perl HTTP proxy (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen:538 Authentication plugin for HTTP (5.38)
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple:538 Lightweight HTTP server (5.38)
perl-HTTP-XSCookies:538 Fast XS cookie mangling for Perl (5.38)
perl-HTTP-XSHeaders:538 Fast XS Header library (5.38)
perl-Hash-FieldHash:538 Nimble field hash for inside-out objects (5.38)
perl-Hash-Merge-Simple:538 Recursively merge two or more hashes (5.38)
perl-Hash-MultiValue:538 Store multiple values per key (5.38)
perl-Hash-Ordered:538 Fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class (5.38)
perl-Heap:538 Extension for keeping data partially sorted (5.38)
perl-Hook-LexWrap:538 Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers (5.38)
perl-IO-Capture:538 Base Class for modules to capture output (5.38)
perl-IO-Compress-Brotli:538 Read/write Brotli buffers/streams (5.38)
perl-IO-HTML:538 Open HTML file with auto charset detection (5.38)
perl-IO-Socket-INET6:538 Interface AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets (5.38)
perl-IO-Socket-SSL:538 Nearly ransparent SSL encapsulation (5.38)
perl-IO-Socket-Timeout:538 IO::Socket with read/write timeout (5.38)
perl-IO-String:538 Emulate file interface for in-core strings (5.38)
perl-IO-Stringy:538 I/O on core strings and arrays (5.38)
perl-IO-Tee:538 Multiplex output to multiple output handles (5.38)
perl-IO-TieCombine:538 Produce tied separate, combined variables (5.38)
perl-IO-Tty:538 Pseudo ttys and constants (5.38)
perl-IP-Country-DB_File:538 IPv4 and IPv6 to country translation (5.38)
perl-IP-Country:538 Country code lookup from IP addresses (5.38)
perl-IPC-Run3:538 Run subprocess with input/ouput redirection (5.38)
perl-IPC-Run:538 System() and background processes (5.38)
perl-IPC-System-Simple:538 Run commands with detailed diagnostics (5.38)
perl-Image-ExifTool:538 Read and write meta information (5.38)
perl-Image-Info:538 Extract meta information from image files (5.38)
perl-Import-Into:538 Import packages into other packages (5.38)
perl-Importer:538 Alternative interface for symbol export (5.38)
perl-Inline-C:538 C Language Support for Inline (5.38)
perl-Inline:538 Write Perl subroutines in other languages (5.38)
perl-JSON-Any:538 Deprecated JSON wrapper class (5.38)
perl-JSON-MaybeXS:538 Use fallback versions of XS (5.38)
perl-JSON-Parse:538 Convert JSON into perl (5.38)
perl-JSON-XS:538 Correct and fast JSON (de)serialising (5.38)
perl-JSON:538 JavaScript Object Notation encoder/decoder (5.38)
perl-LWP-MediaTypes:538 Guess media type for a file or a URL (5.38)
perl-LWP-Protocol-https:538 Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent (5.38)
perl-Lchown:538 Use the lchown(2) system call from Perl (5.38)
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect:538 Convert singular to plural
perl-List-AllUtils:538 Combines several list utilities (5.38)
perl-List-Compare:538 Compare elements of two or more lists (5.38)
perl-List-MoreUtils-XS:538 Provide XS-base list utilities (5.38)
perl-List-MoreUtils:538 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util (5.38)
perl-List-SomeUtils:538 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util (5.38)
perl-List-UtilsBy:538 Higher-order list utility functions (5.38)
perl-Locale-Msgfmt:538 Compile .po files to .mo files (5.38)
perl-Locale-gettext:538 Message handling functions (v538)
perl-Log-Any:538 Bringing loggers and listeners together (5.38)
perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate:538 Log to Files that Archive/Rotate Themselves (5.38)
perl-Log-Dispatch:538 Dispatches messages to one or more outputs (5.38)
perl-Log-Log4perl:538 Log4j implementation for Perl (5.38)
perl-Logic-Minimizer:538 Parent class for Logic minimizers (5.38)
perl-MIME-Charset:538 Charset Information for MIME (5.38)
perl-MIME-Types:538 Definition of MIME types (5.38)
perl-MRO-Compat:538 MRO::* interfaces for Perls < 5.9.5 (5.38)
perl-Mail-AuthenticationResults:538 Authentication-Results headers (5.38)
perl-Mail-DKIM:538 Handles internet mail DKIM signatures (5.38)
perl-Mail-DMARC:538 Perl implementation of DMARC (5.38)
perl-Mail-IMAPClient:538 IMAP4 client library (5.38)
perl-Mail-SPF:538 Sender Policy Framework implemenation (5.38)
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin:538 Extensible mail filter that identifies spam (5.38)
perl-MailTools:538 Various ancient e-mail related modules (5.38)
perl-Math-Base-Convert:538 Very fast base to base conversion (5.38)
perl-Math-Big:538 Routines (cos, sin, etc.) with big numbers (5.38)
perl-Math-BigInt-GMP:538 Replacement library for Math::BigInt::Calc (5.38)
perl-Math-Cephes:538 Perl interface to the math cephes library (5.38)
perl-Math-Combinatorics:538 Perform list combinations and permutations (5.38)
perl-Math-GSL-Alien:538 Easy installation of the GSL shared library (5.38)
perl-Math-GSL:538 Interface to the GNU Scientific Library (5.38)
perl-Math-Int128:538 Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl (5.38)
perl-Math-Int64:538 Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl (5.38)
perl-Math-MatrixReal:538 Manipulate NxN matrices of real numbers (5.38)
perl-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS:538 C implementation of ISAAC PRNG algorithm (5.38)
perl-Math-Random:538 Random Number Generators (5.38)
perl-Math-Symbolic:538 Symbolic calculations (5.38)
perl-MaxMind-DB-Common:538 Common MaxMind DB functions (5.38)
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS:538 Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader (5.38)
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader:538 Read MaxMind DB files for IP address lookup (5.38)
perl-Mixin-Linewise:538 Supports linewise code for handles (5.38)
perl-Mock-Config:538 Temporarily set Config or XSConfig values (5.38)
perl-Module-Build-Tiny:538 Tiny replacement for Module::Build (5.38)
perl-Module-Build-XSUtil:538 Module::Build class for building XS modules (5.38)
perl-Module-Build:538 Build and install Perl modules (5.38)
perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse:538 Generate Kwalitee ratings for distribution (5.38)
perl-Module-CPANfile:538 Parse cpanfile (5.38)
perl-Module-Compile:538 Perl Module Compilation (5.38)
perl-Module-ExtractUse:538 Find out what modules are used (5.38)
perl-Module-Find:538 Find installed modules in a (sub)category (5.38)
perl-Module-Implementation:538 Multiple module implementation loader (5.38)
perl-Module-Install:538 Standalone, extensible module installer (5.38)
perl-Module-Manifest:538 Parse Perl distribution MANIFEST file (5.38)
perl-Module-Pluggable:538 Provide module ability to have plugins (5.38)
perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts:538 Conflicts information for Module::Runtime (5.38)
perl-Module-Runtime:538 Runtime module handling (5.38)
perl-Module-ScanDeps:538 Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies (5.38)
perl-Module-Starter:538 Simple starter kit for any module (5.38)
perl-Mojo-DOM58:538 Minimalistic HTML/XML DOM parser (5.38)
perl-Mojolicious:538 Real-time web framework (5.38)
perl-Moo:538 Minimalist Object Orientation (5.38)
perl-MooX-Locale-Passthrough:538 Provide API to skip translations (5.38)
perl-MooX-Options:538 Explicit Options eXtension for Object Class (5.38)
perl-MooX-StrictConstructor:538 Moo-based object constructor exceptions (5.38)
perl-MooX-TypeTiny:538 Optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny (5.38)
perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric:538 Moo types for numbers (5.38)
perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike:538 Some Moosish types and a type builder (5.38)
perl-Moose:538 Postmodern object system for Perl 5 (5.38)
perl-MooseX-FollowPBP:538 Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo() (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Getopt:538 Role for processing command line options (5.38)
perl-MooseX-LazyRequire:538 Required attributes that fail only upon use (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion:538 Force coercion when validating constraints (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures:538 Deprecated method declarations (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized:538 Moose roles with composition parameters (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Traits:538 Apply roles at object creation time (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Types-Common:538 Library of commonly used type constraints (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Types-Structured:538 Structured Type Constraints for Moose (5.38)
perl-MooseX-Types:538 Organise your Moose types in libraries (5.38)
perl-Mouse:538 Moose minus the antlers (5.38)
perl-Mozilla-CA:538 Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format (5.38)
perl-Mozilla-PublicSuffix:538 Search Mozilla Public Suffix List (5.38)
perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID:538 Interface for MusicBrainz libdiscid library (5.38)
perl-Net-CIDR-Lite:538 Merges IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses (5.38)
perl-Net-CUPS:538 Common Unix Printing System Interface (5.38)
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock:538 Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing (5.38)
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable:538 Programmable offline emulation of DNS (5.38)
perl-Net-DNS:538 Perl Interface to the Domain Name System (5.38)
perl-Net-HTTP:538 Low-level HTTP connection (client) (5.38)
perl-Net-IDN-Encode:538 Internationalizing Domain Names in Apps (5.38)
perl-Net-IMAP-Simple:538 Simple IMAP account handling (5.38)
perl-Net-IP:538 Manipulation of IPv4/IPv6 addresses (5.38)
perl-Net-IPv4Addr:538 No description provided (5.38)
perl-Net-LibIDN2:538 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2 (5.38)
perl-Net-LibIDN:538 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn (5.38)
perl-Net-NBName:538 NetBIOS Name Service Requests (5.38)
perl-Net-Patricia:538 Patricia Trie for fast IP address lookups (5.38)
perl-Net-Pcap:538 Interface to the packet capture library (5.38)
perl-Net-SMTPS:538 SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP (5.38)
perl-Net-SNMP:538 Object oriented interface to SNMP (5.38)
perl-Net-SSLeay:538 Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL (5.38)
perl-Net-Write:538 Interface to open and send raw network data (5.38)
perl-NetAddr-IP:538 Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets (5.38)
perl-Number-Compare:538 Numeric comparisons (5.38)
perl-Number-Format:538 Perl extension for formatting numbers (5.38)
perl-Number-Misc:538 Number::Misc - handy utilities for numbers (5.38)
perl-OLE-Storage_Lite:538 Read and write OLE storage files (5.38)
perl-ORLite-Migrate:538 Nimble SQLite-specific schema migration (5.38)
perl-ORLite:538 Extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM (5.38)
perl-Object-Array:538 Array references with accessors (5.38)
perl-Onyphe:538 ONYPHE base class (5.38)
perl-OpenGL-GLUT:538 Perl bindings to the GLUT/FreeGLUT toolkit (5.38)
perl-OpenGL:538 Bindings to OpenGL API, GLU, GLUT/FreeGLUT (5.38)
perl-PAR-Dist:538 Create and manipulate PAR distributions (5.38)
perl-PDL:538 Perl Data Language (5.38)
perl-PGPLOT:538 PGPLOT wrapper for perl (5.38)
perl-POD2-Base:538 Base module for translations of Perl docs (5.38)
perl-POSIX-strftime-Compiler:538 GNU C library compatible strftime (5.38)
perl-POSIX-strptime:538 POSIX date parsing strptime(3) function (5.38)
perl-PPI:538 Parse and Manipulate Perl without Perl (5.38)
perl-PPIx-EditorTools:538 PPI base class and utility methods (5.38)
perl-PPIx-Regexp:538 Parse regular expressions (5.38)
perl-Package-DeprecationManager:538 Manage deprecation warnings of distribution (5.38)
perl-Package-Pkg:538 Handy package munging utilities (5.38)
perl-Package-Stash-XS:538 Better implementation of Package::Stash API (5.38)
perl-Package-Stash:538 Routines for manipulating stashes (5.38)
perl-PadWalker:538 Play with other peoples' lexical variables (5.38)
perl-Padre:538 Perl Application Dev. and Refactoring Env (5.38)
perl-Parallel-ForkManager:538 Simple parallel processing fork manager (5.38)
perl-Params-Util:538 Simple and compact param-checking functions (5.38)
perl-Params-Validate:538 Validate method/function parameters (5.38)
perl-Params-ValidationCompiler:538 Compile subroutine parameter validator (5.38)
perl-Parse-Distname:538 Parse a distribution name (5.38)
perl-Parse-EDID:538 Extended display identification data parser (5.38)
perl-Parse-ErrorString-Perl:538 Parse error messages from perl interpreter (5.38)
perl-Parse-ExuberantCTags:538 Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files (5.38)
perl-Parse-Functions:538 List all the functions in source code (5.38)
perl-Parse-Method-Signatures:538 Perl6 like method signature parser (5.38)
perl-Parse-RecDescent:538 Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers (5.38)
perl-Path-Class:538 Cross-platform path specification (5.38)
perl-Path-Iter:538 Simple Efficient Path Iteration (5.38)
perl-Path-Tiny:538 File path utility (5.38)
perl-Pegex:538 Acmeist PEG Parser Framework (5.38)
perl-Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite:538 Perl code prerequisite scanner (5.38)
perl-Perl-Tidy:538 Indent and reformat perl scripts (5.38)
perl-Perl6-Export-Attrs:538 Implement Perl 6 'is export(...) in Perl 5 (5.38)
perl-PerlIO-Layers:538 Querying your filehandle's capabilities (5.38)
perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict:538 Fast and correct UTF-8 IO (5.38)
perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout:538 Layer that adds read and write timeouts (5.38)
perl-PkgConfig:538 Perl core-only replacement for pkg-config (5.38)
perl-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect:538 Plack::Middleware for redirect response (5.38)
perl-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody:538 Plack::Middleware to remove HTTP body (5.38)
perl-Plack:538 Glue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (5.38)
perl-Pod-Abstract:538 Abstract document tree for POD documents (5.38)
perl-Pod-Coverage:538 Checks comprehensiveness of documentation (5.38)
perl-Pod-Eventual:538 Read POD documents as trivial events (5.38)
perl-Pod-POM:538 POD Object Model (5.38)
perl-Pod-Parser:538 Modules for parsing POD format documents (5.38)
perl-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes:538 Catches common typos in POD (5.38)
perl-Pod-Spell:538 Formatter for spellchecking Pod (5.38)
perl-Pod-Strip:538 Remove POD from Perl code (5.38)
perl-Probe-Perl:538 Information about currently running perl (5.38)
perl-Proc-Daemon:538 Run Perl program(s) as a daemon process (5.38)
perl-Proc-ProcessTable:538 Extension to access the unix process table (5.38)
perl-Quantum-Superpositions:538 QM-like superpositions in Perl (5.38)
perl-Razor2-Client-Agent:538 UI routines for razor agents (5.38)
perl-Readonly:538 Create read-only scalars, arrays and hashes (5.38)
perl-Redis:538 Perl binding for Redis database (5.38)
perl-Ref-Util-XS:538 XS implementation for Ref::Util (5.38)
perl-Ref-Util:538 Utility functions for checking references (5.38)
perl-Regexp-Common:538 Commonly requested regular expressions (5.38)
perl-Regexp-IPv4:538 Regular expression for IPv4 addresses (5.38)
perl-Regexp-IPv6:538 Regular expression for IPv6 addresses (5.38)
perl-Regexp-Trie:538 Builds trie-ized regexp (5.38)
perl-Regexp-Util:538 General utility rexexp subroutines (5.38)
perl-Return-MultiLevel:538 Return across multiple call levels (5.38)
perl-Role-Tiny:538 Roles: small slice of Moose (5.38)
perl-SQL-Statement:538 SQL parsing and processing engine (5.38)
perl-SUPER:538 Control superclass method dispatch (5.38)
perl-Safe-Isa:538 Safe action on potential non-objects (5.38)
perl-Scope-Guard:538 Lexically-scoped resource management (5.38)
perl-Scope-Upper:538 Act on upper scopes (5.38)
perl-Sereal-Decoder:538 Fast and compact binary deserialization (5.38)
perl-Sereal-Encoder:538 Fast and compact binary serialization (5.38)
perl-Set-Object:538 Unordered collections (sets) of objects (5.38)
perl-Set-Scalar:538 Basic set operations (5.38)
perl-Shell-Config-Generate:538 Portably generate config for any shell (5.38)
perl-Shell-Guess:538 Returns likely shell in use (5.38)
perl-Smart-Args-TypeTiny:538 We are smart, smart for you (5.38)
perl-Smart-Args:538 Argument validation for you (5.38)
perl-Smart-Comments:538 Comments that do more than just sit there (5.38)
perl-Socket-GetAddrInfo:538 Address name resolving functions (5.38)
perl-Socket6:538 Provides routines to various IPv6 functions (5.38)
perl-Software-License-CCpack:538 Pack of Creative Commons licenses (5.38)
perl-Software-License:538 Provision of templates software licenses (5.38)
perl-Sort-Key-Top:538 Select and sort top n elements (5.38)
perl-Sort-Key:538 Fastest way to sort anything in Perl (5.38)
perl-Sort-Naturally:538 Sort lexically but with digits numerically (5.38)
perl-Sort-Versions:538 Module for sorting of revision-like numbers (5.38)
perl-Specio:538 Type constraints and coercions for Perl (5.38)
perl-Spiffy:538 Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You (5.38)
perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel:538 Read information from an Excel file (5.38)
perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX:538 Extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files (5.38)
perl-Starlink-AST:538 Interface to the Starlink AST library (5.38)
perl-Statistics-Basic:538 Collection of very basic statistics modules (5.38)
perl-Statistics-CaseResampling:538 Resampling and calculation of medians (5.38)
perl-Stream-Buffered:538 Temporary buffer to save bytes (5.38)
perl-String-CRC32:538 Cyclic Redundency Check generation (5.38)
perl-String-Random:538 Generate random strings based on a pattern (5.38)
perl-String-RewritePrefix:538 Rewrite strings based on prefixes (5.38)
perl-String-Tagged-Terminal:538 Formats terminal output (5.38)
perl-String-Tagged:538 String buffers with value tags on extents (5.38)
perl-String-Util:538 String processing utility functions (5.38)
perl-Struct-Dumb:538 Simple, lightweight record-like structures (5.38)
perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods:538 Sub::Exporter method helper routines (5.38)
perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive:538 Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it (5.38)
perl-Sub-Exporter:538 Exporter for custom-built routines (5.38)
perl-Sub-Identify:538 Retrieve names of code references (5.38)
perl-Sub-Info:538 Tool for inspecting subroutines (5.38)
perl-Sub-Install:538 Install subroutines into packages easily (5.38)
perl-Sub-Name:538 (Re)name a sub (5.38)
perl-Sub-Override:538 Extension for easily overriding subroutines (5.38)
perl-Sub-Quote:538 Generation of subroutines via string eval (5.38)
perl-Sub-Uplevel:538 Run function in a higher stack frame (5.38)
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Match:538 Match/Case syntax for Perl (5.38)
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try:538 Try/Catch/Finally syntax for Perl (5.38)
perl-Sys-MemInfo:538 Returns free and used physical memory (5.38)
perl-Sysadm-Install:538 Typical installation tasks for sysadmins (5.38)
perl-Task-Weaken:538 Ensure that a platform has weaken support (5.38)
perl-Template-Tiny:538 Small template toolkit (5.38)
perl-Template-Toolkit:538 Comprehensive template processing system (5.38)
perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu:538 Extension for GNU Readline/History Library (5.38)
perl-Term-Size-Any:538 Retrieve terminal size (5.38)
perl-Term-Size-Perl:538 Extension for retrieving terminal size (5.38)
perl-Term-Table:538 Format a header and rows into a table (5.38)
perl-TermReadKey:538 Change terminal modes
perl-Test-Base:538 Data Driven Testing Framework (5.38)
perl-Test-CPAN-Meta:538 Validate your CPAN META.json files (5.38)
perl-Test-CheckDeps:538 Check for presence of dependencies (5.38)
perl-Test-Class:538 Create xUnit/JUnit-style test classes (5.38)
perl-Test-ClassAPI:538 API for testing large class trees (5.38)
perl-Test-Compile:538 Assert that your Perl files compile OK (5.38)
perl-Test-Deep:538 Extremely flexible deep comparison (5.38)
perl-Test-Differences:538 String and data structure comparison (5.38)
perl-Test-Exception-LessClever:538 (DEPRECATED) Test::Exception simplified (5.38)
perl-Test-Exception:538 Test exception-based code (5.38)
perl-Test-Fatal:538 Helpers for testing code with exceptions (5.38)
perl-Test-File-ShareDir:538 Creates a Fake ShareDir for testing (5.38)
perl-Test-File:538 Test file attributes (5.38)
perl-Test-Fork:538 Test code which forks (5.38)
perl-Test-Kwalitee:538 Pre-release Kwalitee tester (5.38)
perl-Test-LeakTrace:538 Memory leak tracing functions (5.38)
perl-Test-LongString:538 Tests strings for equality (5.38)
perl-Test-MemoryGrowth:538 Assert when code increases memory usage (5.38)
perl-Test-MockModule:538 Override subroutines for unit testing (5.38)
perl-Test-MockObject:538 Emulates troublesome interfaces (5.38)
perl-Test-Most:538 Most commonly needed test functions (5.38)
perl-Test-Needs:538 Skip tests when modules not available (5.38)
perl-Test-NoWarnings:538 Prevent warning emissions during testing (5.38)
perl-Test-Number-Delta:538 Compare number differences within tolerance (5.38)
perl-Test-Pod-Coverage:538 Check for pod coverage in your distribution (5.38)
perl-Test-Pod:538 Check for POD errors in files (5.38)
perl-Test-Requires:538 Checks to see if the module can be loaded (5.38)
perl-Test-RequiresInternet:538 Easily test network connectivity (5.38)
perl-Test-Script:538 Basic cross-platform tests for scripts (5.38)
perl-Test-SharedFork:538 Utility module for Test::Builder for forks (5.38)
perl-Test-Simple:538 Basic utilities for writing tests (5.38)
perl-Test-TCP:538 Testing TCP program (5.38)
perl-Test-Taint:538 Checks for taintedness of variables (5.38)
perl-Test-Toolbox:538 Test::Toolbox - tools for testing (5.38)
perl-Test-UseAllModules:538 Do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules (5.38)
perl-Test-Warn:538 Perl extension to test methods for warnings (5.38)
perl-Test2-Suite:538 Tools built upon Test2 framework (5.38)
perl-Text-Aligner:538 Module to align text (5.38)
perl-Text-CSV_XS:538 Comma-Separated Values handling routines (5.38)
perl-Text-Diff:538 Perform diffs on files and record sets (5.38)
perl-Text-FindIndent:538 Heuristically determine the indent style (5.38)
perl-Text-Glob:538 Match globbing patterns against text (5.38)
perl-Text-Patch:538 Patches text with given patch (5.38)
perl-Text-SimpleTable:538 Simple eyecandy ASCII tables (5.38)
perl-Text-Soundex:538 Implementation of the soundex algorithm (5.38)
perl-Text-Table:538 Organize Data in Tables (5.38)
perl-Text-Template:538 Expand template text with embedded Perl (5.38)
perl-Text-Unidecode:538 ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (5.38)
perl-Text-VisualWidth-PP:538 Pure-perl multi-width character functions (5.38)
perl-Text-VisualWidth:538 Multi-width character trim functions (5.38)
perl-Text-WrapI18N:538 Multibyte text line wrapping module (5.38)
perl-Throwable:538 Role for classes that can be thrown (5.38)
perl-Tie-Cycle:538 Cycle through a list of values via a scalar (5.38)
perl-Tie-IxHash:538 Ordered associative arrays for Perl (5.38)
perl-Tie-ToObject:538 Tie to an existing object (5.38)
perl-Time-timegm:538 UTC version of mktime() (5.38)
perl-TimeDate:538 Parse date strings into time values (5.38)
perl-Tk-Zinc:538 Another graphics canvas (5.38)
perl-Tk:538 Tk - a Graphical User Interface Toolkit (5.38)
perl-Tree-DAG_Node:538 Binary N-ary tree (5.38)
perl-Try-Tiny:538 Minimal try/catch with preservation of $@ (5.38)
perl-Type-Tiny-XS:538 XS boost for Type::Tiny's type constraints (5.38)
perl-Type-Tiny:538 Moo(se) compatible type constraint (5.38)
perl-Types-Serialiser:538 Data types for common serialisation formats (5.38)
perl-UNIVERSAL-can:538 Work around bad code calling UNIVERSAL::can (5.38)
perl-UNIVERSAL-isa:538 Work around bad code calling UNIVERSAL::isa (5.38)
perl-UNIVERSAL-require:538 Require() modules from a variable (5.38)
perl-URI-cpan:538 URLs that refer to things on the CPAN (5.38)
perl-URI:538 Uniform Resource Identifiers (5.38)
perl-URL-Encode-XS:538 XS implementation of URL::Encode (5.38)
perl-URL-Encode:538 Handles application/x-www-form-encoded (5.38)
perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth:538 East Asian Width properties (5.38)
perl-Unicode-LineBreak:538 UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm (5.38)
perl-Unicode-String:538 String of Unicode characters (UTF-16BE) (5.38)
perl-Unicode-UTF8:538 Encoding and decoding of UTF-8 form (5.38)
perl-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded:538 Parser of application/x-www-form-urlencoded (5.38)
perl-WWW-RobotRules:538 Database of robots.txt-derived permissions (5.38)
perl-Web-Scraper:538 Web Scraping Toolkit (5.38)
perl-WebService-MusicBrainz:538 Web service API to MusicBrainz database (5.38)
perl-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream:538 Access IO of external processes via events (5.38)
perl-Wx-Scintilla:538 Scintilla source code editing for wxWidgets (5.38)
perl-Wx:538 Interface to the wxWidgets GUI toolkit (5.38)
perl-XML-DOM:538 Build DOM Level 1 compliant structures (5.38)
perl-XML-LibXML:538 Interface to Gnome xml2 library (5.38)
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport:538 Simple generic namespace processor (5.38)
perl-XML-Parser-Style-EasyTree:538 Parse xml to simple tree (5.38)
perl-XML-Parser:538 Perl module for parsing XML documents (5.38)
perl-XML-RegExp:538 Regular expressions for XML tokens (5.38)
perl-XML-SAX-Base:538 Base class for SAX Drivers and Filters (5.38)
perl-XML-SAX-Expat:538 SAX Driver for Expat (5.38)
perl-XML-SAX:538 Simple API for XML (5.38)
perl-XML-Simple:538 API for simple XML files (5.38)
perl-XML-TreePP:538 XML document parser and writer (5.38)
perl-XML-XPath:538 Parse and evaluate XPath statements (5.38)
perl-XML-XPathEngine:538 Re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees (5.38)
perl-XS-Parse-Keyword:538 XS functions for parsing keyword syntax (5.38)
perl-XString:538 Isolated String helpers from B (5.38)
perl-XXX:538 See Your Data in the Nude (5.38)
perl-YAML-LibYAML:538 YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml (5.38)
perl-YAML-PP:538 YAML 1.2 Processor (5.38)
perl-YAML-Tiny:538 Read/Write YAML files efficiently (5.38)
perl-YAML:538 YAML Ain't Markup Languageā„¢ (5.38)
perl-aliased:538 Use shorter versions of class names (5.38)
perl-common-sense:538 Sane defaults for Perl programs (5.38)
perl-enum:538 C style enumerated types and bitmask flags (5.38)
perl-inc-latest:538 Use modules bundled in inc/ if newest (5.38)
perl-lib-abs:538 Relative-to-absolate path converter (5.38)
perl-libwww-perl:538 World-Wide Web library for Perl (5.38)
perl-libxml-perl:538 No description provided (5.38)
perl-mod_perl:538 Persistent Perl interpreter for web server (5.38)
perl-namespace-autoclean:538 Keep imports out of your namespace (5.38)
perl-namespace-clean:538 Keep imports and functions out of namespace (5.38)
perl-strictures:538 Turn on strict and make most warnings fatal (5.38)
perl-subversion:538 Perl bindings to Subversion (v538)
pgplot:standard FORTRAN/C scientific graphic library
plan9port:standard Plan 9 from User Space
po4a:standard Tools to ease the translation of documentation
postgis:standard Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL
postgresql12:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql13:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql14:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql15:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql16:standard Powerful, open source object-relational database
qemu:standard Fast CPU emulator and virtualizer for x86 platform
qt5-qtbase:standard Qt5 - QtBase component
qt5-qtdeclarative:standard Qt5 - QtDeclarative component
qt5-qtimageformats:standard Qt5 - QtImageFormats component
qt5-qtlocation:standard Qt5 - QtLocation component
qt5-qtmultimedia:standard Qt5 - QtMultimedia component
qt5-qtscript:standard Qt5 - QtScript component
qt5-qtsensors:standard Qt5 - QtSensors component
qt5-qtsvg:standard Qt5 - QtSvg component
qt5-qttools:standard Qt5 - QtTools component
qt5-qtwebchannel:standard Qt5 - QtWebChannel component
qt5-qtx11extras:standard Qt5 - QtX11Extras component
qt5-qtxmlpatterns:standard Qt5 - QtXmlPatterns component
qt6-qtbase:standard Qt6 - QtBase component
qt6-qtdeclarative:standard Qt6 - QtDeclarative component
qt6-qtmultimedia:standard Qt6 - QtMultimedia component
qt6-qtquick3d:standard Qt6 - QtQuick3D component
qt6-qtquicktimeline:standard Qt6 - QtQuickTimeLine component
qt6-qtshadertools:standard Qt6 - QtShadertools component
qt6-qtsvg:standard Qt6 - QtSvg component
qt6-qttools:standard Qt6 - QtTools component
qt6-qttranslations:standard Qt6 - QtTranslations component
qt6-qtwayland:standard Qt6 - QtWayland component
rasqal:standard RDF Query Library for Redland
ravensys-gcc:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 13
redland:bdb RDF Application Framework (BDB backend)
redland:mysql RDF Application Framework (MySQL backend)
redland:pgsql RDF Application Framework (PostgreSQL backend)
redland:standard RDF Application Framework (SQLite backend)
redland:virtuoso RDF Application Framework (Virtuoso backend)
rrdtool:standard Round Robin Database tools
rsnapshot:standard Local and remote filesystem snapshot utility
rspamd:standard Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
snowball:standard String proc lang for creating stemming algorithms
spidermonkey:standard Standalone JS interpreter from Mozilla 115-esr
ssvnc:standard Enhanced TightVNC Viewer
stunnel:standard SSL/TLS offloading and load-balancing proxy
texi2html:standard Texinfo to HTML converter
texinfo:standard Typeset documentation system, multiple formats
texlive-bin:standard Binary and input files for TeXlive
thunderbird:standard Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
unibilium:standard Very basic terminfo library
video4linux:standard Video device drivers
vim:loaded VIsual editor iMproved (all options + X)
w3m:standard Pager/text-based WWW browser
webkit2:api40 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.0)
webkit2:api41 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.1)
webkit2:api60 Opensource browser engine using GTK4 (API 6.0)
weechat:standard Fast, light and extensible chat client
wget:standard Program to retrieve files via http/s and ftp
wireshark:standard Network traffic analyzer
xfce4-panel:standard Panel for the Xfce4 desktop environment
xfconf:standard Simple client-server configuration system for Xfce
xorg-pixman:standard Low-level pixel manipulation library
xorg-server:nest Nesting X server from X.Org
xorg-server:standard X.Org X server and related programs
xorg-server:virtual X virtual framebuffer server from X.Org
xorg-server:xephyr X server from X.Org based on kdrive
xorg-x11:standard X-Window system library
xorg-xkeyboard-config:standard X Keyboard Configuration Database
xscreensaver:standard Screen saver and locker for X11
ytnef:standard Unpack data in MS Outlook TNEF format
zip-ada:standard Zip compression library written in Ada
znc:standard Advanced IRC bouncer
zoom:standard Player for Z-Code, TADS and HUGO stories or games