Port variant 536
Summary Tiny replacement for Module::Build (5.36)
Package version 0.048
Keywords perl
Maintainer Perl Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants 538
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 28 APR 2024, 22:32:04 UTC
Port created 12 JUN 2017, 01:19:57 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single A tiny replacement for Module::Build
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PERL_536 ON Build using Perl 5.36 PERL_538 OFF Build using Perl 5.38
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime perl-CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic:single:536
Download groups
main mirror://CPAN/ID:L/LE/LEONT
Distribution File Information
79a73e506fb7badabdf79137a45c6c5027daaf6f9ac3dcfb9d4ffcce92eb36bd 22698 Module-Build-Tiny-0.048.tar.gz
Ports that require perl-Module-Build-Tiny:536
perl-Algorithm-Prefixspan:536 Prefix-projected Sequential Pattern mining (5.36)
perl-Algorithm-SAT-Backtracking:536 Simple Backtracking SAT solver (5.36)
perl-Algorithm-TokenBucket:536 Token bucket rate limiting algorithm (5.36)
perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler:536 Compile a log format string to perl-code (5.36)
perl-CLI-Osprey:536 MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity (5.36)
perl-Cookie-Baker:536 Cookie string generator / parser (5.36)
perl-Devel-CheckCompiler:536 Check the compiler's availability (5.36)
perl-HTTP-Daemon:536 Simple http server class (5.36)
perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser:536 PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser (5.36)
perl-HTTP-Headers-Fast:536 Faster implementation of HTTP::Headers (5.36)
perl-IO-Socket-Timeout:536 IO::Socket with read/write timeout (5.36)
perl-MooseX-Getopt:536 Role for processing command line options (5.36)
perl-MooseX-LazyRequire:536 Required attributes that fail only upon use (5.36)
perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures:536 Deprecated method declarations (5.36)
perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized:536 Moose roles with composition parameters (5.36)
perl-MooseX-Traits:536 Apply roles at object creation time (5.36)
perl-MooseX-Types-Common:536 Library of commonly used type constraints (5.36)
perl-MooseX-Types-Structured:536 Structured Type Constraints for Moose (5.36)
perl-MooseX-Types:536 Organise your Moose types in libraries (5.36)
perl-POSIX-strftime-Compiler:536 GNU C library compatible strftime (5.36)
perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout:536 Layer that adds read and write timeouts (5.36)
perl-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes:536 Catches common typos in POD (5.36)
perl-Readonly:536 Create read-only scalars, arrays and hashes (5.36)
perl-Redis:536 Perl binding for Redis database (5.36)
perl-Smart-Args-TypeTiny:536 We are smart, smart for you (5.36)
perl-Smart-Args:536 Argument validation for you (5.36)
perl-String-Util:536 String processing utility functions (5.36)
perl-Text-VisualWidth-PP:536 Pure-perl multi-width character functions (5.36)
perl-Web-Scraper:536 Web Scraping Toolkit (5.36)
perl-aliased:536 Use shorter versions of class names (5.36)