Port variant 538
Summary Multiple module implementation loader (5.38)
Package version 0.09
Keywords perl
Maintainer Perl Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants 540
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 19 JUN 2024, 02:19:47 UTC
Port created 14 JUN 2017, 04:26:08 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PERL_538 ON Build using Perl 5.38 PERL_540 OFF Build using Perl 5.40
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime perl-Module-Runtime:single:538
Download groups
main mirror://CPAN/ID:D/DR/DROLSKY
Distribution File Information
c15f1a12f0c2130c9efff3c2e1afe5887b08ccd033bd132186d1e7d5087fd66d 18553 Module-Implementation-0.09.tar.gz
Ports that require perl-Module-Implementation:538
perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope:538 Execute code after scope compilation (5.38)
perl-Class-Load:538 Working (require "Class::Name") and more (5.38)
perl-List-SomeUtils:538 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util (5.38)
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader:538 Read MaxMind DB files for IP address lookup (5.38)
perl-Package-Stash:538 Routines for manipulating stashes (5.38)
perl-Params-Validate:538 Validate method/function parameters (5.38)