Port variant std
Summary KF6 Extra modules and scripts for CMake
Package version 6.11.0
Homepage https://api.kde.org/frameworks/extra-cmake-modules/html/index.html
Keywords devel
Maintainer Michael Reim
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 15 FEB 2025, 23:54:25 UTC
Port created 07 MAR 2024, 20:16:13 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set This is the kf6-extra-cmake-modules:std metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of kf6-extra-cmake-modules:std.
primary The Extra CMake Modules package, or ECM, adds to the modules provided by CMake, including ones used by find_package() to find common software, ones that can be used directly in CMakeLists.txt files to perform common tasks and toolchain files that must be specified on the command line by the user.
man This is the man page subpackage of the kf6-extra-cmake-modules:std port.
docs This is the documents subpackage of the kf6-extra-cmake-modules:std port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-Sphinx:single:v12
Build and Runtime qt6-qtbase:primary:std
Download groups
main https://download.kde.org/stable/frameworks/6.11/
Distribution File Information
69fdab5f0fedfb73d1accff5012d510b486e1dd75c711e925a6912a3e71814b0 325944 kde6/extra-cmake-modules-6.11.0.tar.xz
Ports that require kf6-extra-cmake-modules:std
copyq:std Qt6-based clipboard manager
kf6-attica:std Open Collaboration Services API library
kf6-baloo:std KF6 file indexing and file search framework
kf6-breeze-icons:std Breeze icon theme for KDE
kf6-karchive:std KF6 library for handling archive formats
kf6-kauth:std KF6 abstraction for system policy / auth features
kf6-kbookmarks:std KF6 bookmarks management library
kf6-kcalendarcore:std KF6 access to and handling of calendar data
kf6-kcodecs:std KF6 library for string manipulation
kf6-kcolorscheme:std KF6 classes to interact with KColorScheme
kf6-kcompletion:std KF6 text completion helpers and widgets
kf6-kconfig:std KF6 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf6-kconfigwidgets:std KF6 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf6-kcontacts:std KF6 support for vCard contacts
kf6-kcoreaddons:std KF6 add-ons to QtCore
kf6-kcrash:std KF6 library for crash analysis and bug reports
kf6-kdbusaddons:std KF6 add-ons to QtDBus
kf6-kded:std KF6 extensible daemon for system level services
kf6-kdoctools:std KF6 documentation generation from docbook
kf6-kfilemetadata:std KF6 library for extracting metadata from files
kf6-kglobalaccel:std KF6 lib supporting global workspace shortcuts
kf6-kguiaddons:std KF6 utilities for graphical user interfaces
kf6-ki18n:std KF6 advanced internationalization framework
kf6-kiconthemes:std KF6 icon GUI utilities
kf6-kidletime:std KF6 idle time reporting of user and system
kf6-kimageformats:std KF6 plugins for QImage extra file formats support
kf6-kio:std KF6 network transparent access to files and data
kf6-kirigami:std KF6 components for building adaptable UIs
kf6-kitemmodels:std KF6 item models extending Qt model-view framework
kf6-kitemviews:std KF6 widget add-ons for Qt Model/View
kf6-kjobwidgets:std KF6 widgets for tracking KJob instance
kf6-knotifications:std KF6 cross-platform popup notifications library
kf6-kparts:std KF6 plugin framework for user interface components
kf6-kpty:std KF6 interfacing with pseudo terminal devices
kf6-kquickcharts:std KF6 module providing high-performance charts
kf6-kservice:std KF6 advanced plugin and service introspection
kf6-kstatusnotifieritem:std KF6 Implementation of Status Notifier Items
kf6-ktextwidgets:std KF6 Text editing widgets
kf6-kwallet:std KF6 safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
kf6-kwidgetsaddons:std KF6 add-ons to QtWidgets
kf6-kwindowsystem:std KF6 library for accessing the windowing system
kf6-kxmlgui:std KF6 fw for managing menu and toolbar actions
kf6-purpose:std KF6 offer available actions for a specific purpose
kf6-qqc2-desktop-style:std KF6 desktop style for Qt Quick Controls 2
kf6-solid:std KF6 hardware integration and detection
kf6-sonnet:std KF6 plugin-based spell checking library
kf6-threadweaver:std KF6 helper for multithreaded programming
kphotoalbum:std Image viewer and organizer for KDE
layer-shell-qt:std Qt lib exposing Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol
libkdcraw:std LibRaw interface for KDE
libkexiv2:std Exiv2 library interface for KDE
okular:std KDE universal document viewer
phonon:std KDE multimedia framework
plasma-activities:std Core components for the KDE's Activities System
plasma-wayland-protocols:std Plasma-specific protocols for Wayland