Port variant py310
Summary Dynamic DNS Connector for NetBox (3.10)
Package version 1.2.8
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v11
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 13 JUN 2023, 11:42:56 UTC
Port created 07 JAN 2023, 04:18:24 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single # Dynamic DNS Connector for NetBox This plugin lets you define DNS servers that support [RFC3007 Dynamic DNS Updates]. For each server you specify which domains and reverse DNS domains it is responsible for, and after that NetBox will automatically send DNS Updates to those servers whenever you change the DNS name of an IP Address in NetBox. Updates are sent from the worker process in the background. You can see their progress either by configuring Django logging or by looking at the Background Tasks in the NetBox admin back-end. For now all configuration is done in the NetBox admin back-end. A later version will provide a nicer user interface. ## Compatibility This plugin in compatible with [NetBox] v3.0.0 and greater, support for Netbox v2.11.0 is dropped in v1.1.4 due to UI implementation. ## Installation First, add `netbox-ddns` to your `/opt/netbox/local_requirements.txt` file. Create it if it doesn't exist. Then enable the plugin in `/opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/`, like: ```python PLUGINS = [ 'netbox_ddns', ] ``` And finally run `/opt/netbox/`. This will download and install the plugin and update the database when necessary. Don't forget to run `sudo systemctl restart netbox netbox-rq` like `` tells you!
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY310 ON Build using Python 3.10 PY311 OFF Build using Python 3.11
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-pip:single:py310
Build and Runtime python310:single:standard
Runtime (only) python-setuptools:single:py310
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/c5/fc/94a0eb7882c4866b0bd6acb7f8059a800f5aae81c31d55eeaad7a59de497
Distribution File Information
29225d2cf23feb91d3f93ef4763ab30ff57631140a9a33a8467a43b69629fa68 24313 netbox_ddns-1.2.8-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-netbox-ddns:py310
No other ports depend on this one.