Port variant v11
Summary Abstract dependencies resolver library (3.11)
Package version 1.0.1
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v12
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 OCT 2023, 04:40:21 UTC
Port created 19 JUN 2021, 01:15:55 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ========== ResolveLib ========== ResolveLib at the highest level provides a Resolver class that includes dependency resolution logic. You give it some things, and a little information on how it should interact with them, and it will spit out a resolution result. Intended Usage ============== :: import resolvelib # Things I want to resolve. requirements = [...] # Implement logic so the resolver understands the requirement format. class MyProvider: ... provider = MyProvider() reporter = resolvelib.BaseReporter() # Create the (reusable) resolver. resolver = resolvelib.Resolver(provider, reporter) # Kick off the resolution process, and get the final result. result = resolver.resolve(requirements) The provider interface is specified in ``resolvelib.providers``. You don't need to inherit anything, however, only need to implement the right methods. Terminology =========== The intention of this section is to unify the terms we use when talking about this code base, and packaging in general, to avoid confusion. Class and variable names in the code base should try to stick to terms defined here. Things passed into ``Resolver.resolve()`` and provided by the provider are all considered opaque. They don't need to adhere to this set of terminologies. Nothing can go wrong as long as the provider implementers can keep their heads straight. Package ------- A thing that can be installed. A Package can have one or more versions available for installation. Version ------- A string, usually in a number form, describing a snapshot of a Package. This number should increase when a Package posts a new snapshot, i.e a higher number means a more up-to-date snapshot. Specifier --------- A collection of one or more Versions. This could be a wildcard, indicating that any Version is acceptable. Candidate --------- A combination of a Package and a Version, i.e. a "concrete requirement". Python people sometimes call this a "locked" or "pinned" dependency. Both of "requirement" and "dependency", however, SHOULD NOT be used when describing a Candidate, to avoid confusion. Some resolver architectures refer this as a "specification", but it is not used here to avoid confusion with a *Specifier*. Requirement ----------- An intention to acquire a needed package, i.e. an "abstract requirement". A "dependency", if not clarified otherwise, also refers to this concept. A Requirement should specify two things: a Package, and a Specifier. Contributing ============ Please see [developer documentation].
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY311 ON Build using Python 3.11 PY312 OFF Build using Python 3.12
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-pip:single:v11
Build and Runtime python311:single:std
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/d2/fc/e9ccf0521607bcd244aa0b3fbd574f71b65e9ce6a112c83af988bbbe2e23
Distribution File Information
d2da45d1a8dfee81bdd591647783e340ef3bcb104b54c383f70d422ef5cc7dbf 17194 resolvelib-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-resolvelib:v11
python-ansible-core:v11 Radically simple IT automation (3.11)