Port variant std
Summary GNU variant of 'make' utility
Package version 4.4
Keywords devel
Maintainer nobody
License GPLv3
Other variants noprefix
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 11 AUG 2024, 22:51:45 UTC
Port created 24 MAR 2017, 20:26:16 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set This is the gmake:std metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of gmake:std.
primary GNU make is a tool that controls the generation of executables and other non-source files from source files. Its purpose is the same as that of the utility make(1).
dev This is the developer subpackage of the gmake:std port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
nls This is the native language support subpackage of the gmake:std port.
man This is the man page subpackage of the gmake:std port.
info This is the GNU Info manual page subpackage of the gmake:std port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) libiconv:dev:std
Runtime (only) indexinfo:single:std (info subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://GNU/make
Distribution File Information
581f4d4e872da74b3941c874215898a7d35802f03732bdccee1d4a7979105d18 2307891 make-4.4.tar.gz
Ports that require gmake:std
AdaID:std Simple Ada library for generating UUIDs
AdaSAT:std Implementation of a DPLL-based SAT solver in Ada
ImageMagick:std Suite to create, edit, compose, or convert images
ImageMagick:x11 Image manipulation tool suite with X support
OpenSP:std Collection of SGML/XML tools
QR-Code-generator:std High-quality QR Code generator library
R-BH:std Boost C++ Header Files
R-DBI:std R Database Interface
R-DCluster:std Spatial cluster of disease detection functions
R-DEoptimR:std Differential Evolution Optimization in Pure R
R-DT:std Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
R-Deriv:std Symbolic Differentiation
R-DiagrammeR:std Graph/Network Visualization
R-DiceDesign:std Designs of Computer Experiments
R-Formula:std Extended Model Formulas
R-GPfit:std Gaussian Processes Modeling
R-ISOcodes:std Selected ISO Codes
R-LearnBayes:std Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference
R-MatrixModels:std Modelling with Sparse and Dense Matrices
R-ModelMetrics:std Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics
R-NLP:std Natural Language Processing Infrastructure
R-PerformanceAnalytics:std Econometric Tools for Performance & Risk Analysis
R-Quandl:std API Wrapper for
R-R.methodsS3:std S3 Methods Simplified
R-R.oo:std R Object-Oriented Programming
R-R.utils:std Various Programming Utilities
R-R6:std Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics
R-RColorBrewer:std ColorBrewer Palettes
R-RCurl:std General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface
R-RMySQL:std Database Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R
R-ROAuth:std R Interface For OAuth
R-RPostgreSQL:std R Interface to the 'PostgreSQL' Database System
R-RSQLite:std SQLite Interface for R
R-RUnit:std R Unit Test Framework
R-Rcpp:std Seamless R and C++ Integration
R-RcppArmadillo:std Interface to Armadillo linear algebra library
R-RcppEigen:std Tnterface to Eigen linear algebra library
R-RcppProgress:std Progress bar with OpenMP support for C++
R-RcppRoll:std Efficient Rolling / Windowed Operations
R-Rdpack:std Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects
R-RgoogleMaps:std Overlays on Static Maps
R-RobStatTM:std Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods
R-Rook:std HTTP Web Server for R
R-SQUAREM:std Squared Extrapolation Methods for monotones
R-SnowballC:std Interface to Snowball UTF-8 stemmers library
R-SparseM:std Sparse Linear Algebra TH's Data Archive
R-TTR:std Technical Trading Rules
R-XML:std XML Parsing and generating tools
R-abind:std Combine Multidimensional Arrays
R-acepack:std ACE and AVAS multiple regression transformations
R-alphavantager:std Lightweight Interface to the Alpha Vantage API
R-anytime:std Anything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' Converter
R-askpass:std Password Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH
R-assertthat:std Easy Pre and Post Assertions
R-backports:std Backports of R-3.0.0+ functions
R-base64enc:std Tools for base64 encoding
R-bdsmatrix:std Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric Matrices
R-bibtex:std Bibtex Parser
R-bindr:std Parametrized Active Bindings
R-bindrcpp:std 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings
R-bit64:std S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers
R-bit:std Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections
R-bitops:std Bitwise Operations
R-blob:std Binary object data S3 class
R-brew:std Templating Framework for Report Generation
R-brio:std Basic R Input Output
R-broom:std Convert statistical analysis into Tidy tibbles
R-bslib:std Custom Bootstrap and Sass themes
R-caTools:std Moving window statistics tools
R-cachem:std Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning
R-callr:std Call R from R
R-car:std Companion to Applied Regression
R-carData:std Companion to Applied Regression Data Sets
R-caret:std Classification and Regression Training
R-cellranger:std Translate spreadsheet cell ranges
R-chron:std Date and Time objects
R-classInt:std Choose Univariate Class Intervals
R-cli:std Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces
R-clipr:std Read and Write from the System Clipboard
R-clock:std Date-Time Types and Tools
R-coda:std Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC
R-collapse:std Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
R-colorspace:std Colors and Palettes manipulation toolbox
R-commonmark:std Another version of markdown syntax
R-conflicted:std Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy
R-conquer:std Convolution-Type Smoothed Quantile Regression
R-covr:std Test Coverage for Packages
R-cowplot:std Streamlined Plot Themes and Annotations
R-cpp11:std C++11 Interface for R's C Interface
R-crayon:std Colored Terminal Output
R-credentials:std Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials
R-crosstalk:std Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets
R-curl:std Modern and Flexible Web Client for R
R-data.table:std Extension of 'data.frame'
R-dbplyr:std 'dplyr' Back End for Databases
R-ddalpha:std Depth-based classification and calculations
R-deldir:std Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet Tessellation
R-desc:std Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files
R-devtools:std Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
R-diagram:std Functions for Visualising simple graphs diagrams
R-dials:std Tools for Creating Tuning Parameter Values
R-dichromat:std Color Schemes for Dichromats
R-diffobj:std Diffs for R Objects
R-digest:std Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects
R-doBy:std Groupwise statistics and other utilities
R-doFuture:std Foreach parallelize via Future network
R-downlit:std Syntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking
R-downloader:std Download Files over HTTP and HTTPS
R-dplyr:std Grammar of Data Manipulation
R-dtplyr:std Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr'
R-dtt:std Discrete Trigonometric Transforms
R-dygraphs:std Interface to Dygraphs charting library
R-e1071:std Dept. of Statistics and Prob. Theory functions
R-eddington:std Compute a Cyclist's Eddington Number
R-ellipsis:std Tools for detecting function extension problems
R-english:std Translate Integers into English
R-evaluate:std Parsing and evaluation tools
R-expm:std Matrix Exponential, Log, 'etc'
R-fansi:std ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions
R-farver:std High Performance Colour Space Manipulation
R-fastmap:std Fast Data Structures
R-fontawesome:std Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons
R-forcats:std Tools for Working with Categorical Variables
R-foreach:std Provides Foreach Looping Construct
R-forecast:std Forecasting for time series and linear models
R-formatR:std Format R Code Automatically
R-fracdiff:std Fractionally Differenced ARIMA(p,d,q) model
R-fs:std Cross-platform File system operations
R-furrr:std Apply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures
R-future.apply:std Apply Function in Parallel using Futures
R-future:std Unified parallel and distributed processing
R-gargle:std Utilities for Working with Google APIs
R-gbRd:std Utilities for Processing Rd Objects and Files
R-gdata:std Various R Programming Tools for Data Manipulation
R-generics:std Model fitting S3 generics
R-geometry:std Mesh Generation and Surface Tessellation
R-gert:std Simple Git Client for R
R-ggforce:std Accelerating 'ggplot2'
R-ggmap:std Spatial Visualization with ggplot2
R-ggplot2:std Data visualizations using Grammar of Graphics
R-ggraph:std Grammar of Graphics implementation
R-ggrepel:std Positions non-overlapping text labels on gpplot2
R-ggvis:std Interactive Grammar of Graphics
R-gh:std 'GitHub' 'API'
R-git2r:std Provides Access to Git Repositories
R-gitcreds:std Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'
R-glmnet:std Generalized Linear Models for Lasso, etc
R-globals:std Identify Global Objects in R Expressions
R-glue:std Interpreted String Literals
R-gmodels:std Various R Programming Tools for Model Fitting
R-gmp:std Multiple Precision Arithmetic
R-googleVis:std R Interface to Google Charts
R-googledrive:std Interface to Google Drive
R-googlesheets4:std Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
R-gower:std Gower's Distance
R-graphlayouts:std Layout algorithms for network visualization
R-gridExtra:std Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics
R-gsubfn:std Utilities for Strings and Function Arguments
R-gtable:std Arrange 'Grobs' in Tables
R-gtools:std Various R Programming Tools
R-hardhat:std Construct Modeling Packages
R-haven:std Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files
R-hexbin:std Hexagonal Binning Routines
R-highr:std Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code
R-hms:std Pretty Time of Day
R-htmltools:std Tools for HTML
R-htmlwidgets:std HTML Widgets for R
R-httpuv:std HTTP and WebSocket Server Library
R-httr2:std Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
R-httr:std Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP
R-hunspell:std Stemmer, tokenizer and spell checker
R-ids:std Generate Random Identifiers
R-igraph:std Network Analysis and Visualization
R-infer:std Tidy Statistical Inference
R-influenceR:std Tools to quantify importance of network nodes
R-ini:std Read and Write '.ini' Files
R-inline:std Inline function calls to C, C++, and Fortran
R-ipred:std Improved Predictors
R-isoband:std Elevation grid isoline and Isoband generator
R-iterators:std Provides Iterator Construct
R-janeaustenr:std Jane Austen's Complete Novels
R-janitor:std Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data
R-jpeg:std Read and write JPEG images
R-jquerylib:std Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object
R-jsonlite:std High performance JSON parser and generator
R-knitr:std General-purpose dynamic report generation
R-labeling:std Axis Labeling
R-later:std Event loop scheduling utilities
R-lava:std Latent Variable Models
R-lazyeval:std Lazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation
R-leaflet.providers:std Leaflet Providers
R-leaflet:std Interactive web map creation via leaflet library
R-lexicon:std Lexicons for Text Analysis
R-lhs:std Latin Hypercube Samples
R-lifecycle:std Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions
R-linprog:std Linear Programming / Optimization
R-listenv:std Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
R-lme4:std Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4
R-lmtest:std Testing Linear Regression Models
R-locfit:std Local regression, likihood, density estimation
R-lpSolve:std Interface to Lp_solve to solve linear programs
R-lubridate:std Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
R-magic:std Create and Investigate Magic Squares
R-magrittr:std Forward-Pipe Operator for R
R-manipulateWidget:std Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts
R-maps:std Draw Geographical Maps
R-markdown:std Render Markdown with 'commonmark'
R-mathjaxr:std Using 'Mathjax' in Rd Files
R-matrixStats:std Matrix and Vector row/column functions
R-maxLik:std Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Related Tools
R-memoise:std 'Memoisation' of Functions
R-mgsub:std Safe, Multiple, Simultaneous String Substitution
R-microbenchmark:std Accurate Timing Functions
R-mime:std Map Filenames to MIME Types
R-miniUI:std Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens
R-minqa:std Derivative-free optimation algorithms
R-miscTools:std Miscellaneous Tools and Utilities
R-modeldata:std Data Sets Useful for Modeling Examples
R-modelenv:std Register tools for tidymodels package
R-modelr:std Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe
R-multcomp:std Simultaneous Inference in Parametric Models
R-munsell:std Utilities for Using Munsell Colours
R-mvtnorm:std Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
R-networkD3:std D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R
R-nlopt:std Call Optimization Solvers with .nl Files
R-nloptr:std R Interface to NLopt
R-nlts:std Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
R-numDeriv:std Accurate Numerical Derivatives
R-odbc:std DBI-compatible interface to ODBC databases
R-openssl:std Encryption, signature and certificate toolkit
R-openxlsx:std Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files
R-pROC:std Display and Analyze ROC Curves
R-padr:std Quickly Get Datetime Data Ready for Analysis
R-parallelly:std Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
R-parsnip:std Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions
R-partitions:std Additive Partitions of Integers
R-patchwork:std Composer of Plots
R-pbkrtest:std Parametric Bootstrap and Kenward Roger methods
R-pcaPP:std Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit
R-pillar:std Coloured Formatting for Columns
R-pkgbuild:std Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages
R-pkgconfig:std Private Configuration for 'R' Packages
R-pkgdown:std Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package
R-pkgload:std Simulate Package Installation and Attach
R-plm:std Linear Models for Panel Data
R-plogr:std 'plog' C++ Logging Library
R-plotly:std Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
R-plyr:std Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data
R-png:std Read and write PNG images
R-polyclip:std Polygon Clipping
R-polynom:std Univariate polynomial manipulations class
R-praise:std Praise Users
R-prettyunits:std Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities
R-processx:std Execute and Control System Processes
R-prodlim:std Censored event history analysis estimation
R-profvis:std Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code
R-progress:std Terminal Progress Bars
R-progressr:std Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
R-promises:std Promise-based asynchronous programing abstracts
R-proto:std Prototype Object-Based Programming
R-proxy:std Distance and Similarity Measures
R-ps:std List, Query, Manipulate System Processes
R-purrr:std Functional Programming Tools
R-pyinit:std P-Y Initial Estimator for Robust S-Regression
R-qdapRegex:std Regex removal, extraction and replacement tools
R-quadprog:std Functions to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems
R-quantmod:std Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework
R-quantreg:std Quantile Regression
R-ragg:std Graphic Devices Based on AGG
R-randomForest:std Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests
R-rappdirs:std Defines application directories
R-raster:std Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling
R-rbibutils:std Bibtex format reader and converter
R-rcmdcheck:std Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results
R-readr:std Read Rectangular Text Data
R-readxl:std Read Excel Files
R-recipes:std Preprocessing Tools to Create Design Matrices
R-reformulas:std Machinery for Processing Random Effect Formulas
R-rematch2:std Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching
R-rematch:std Match Regular Expressions with a Nicer 'API'
R-remotes:std Package installation from Remove repositories
R-repr:std Serializable Representations
R-reprex:std Prepare Reproducible Example Code via Clipboard
R-reshape2:std Second generation of data reshape package
R-rex:std Friendly Regular Expressions
R-rgexf:std Build, Import, and Export GEXF Graph Files
R-rgl:std 3D Visualization Using OpenGL
R-riingo:std R Interface to the 'Tiingo' Stock Price API
R-rio:std Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O
R-rjson:std JSON <=> R object converter
R-rlang:std Base type functions and core features for R
R-rmarkdown:std Dynamic Documents for R
R-robustbase:std Basic Robust Statistics
R-roxygen2:std In-Line Documentation for R
R-rprojroot:std Finding Files in Project Subdirectories
R-rrcov:std Scalable Estimators with High Breakdown Point
R-rsample:std General Resampling Infrastructure
R-rstudioapi:std Safely Access the RStudio API
R-rversions:std Query R SVN repository for version information
R-rvest:std Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages
R-s2:std Spherical Geometry Operators from S2 library
R-sandwich:std Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators
R-sass:std Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
R-scales:std Scale Functions for Visualization
R-selectr:std Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions
R-sentimentr:std Calculate Text Polarity Sentiment
R-servr:std Simple HTTP server - static and dynamic files
R-sessioninfo:std R Session Information
R-sets:std Generalized and customizable sets and intervals
R-sf:std Simple Features for R
R-sfd:std Space-Filling Design Library
R-sfsmisc:std Utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich
R-shape:std Functions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors
R-shiny:std Web Application Framework for R
R-shinyjs:std Javascript operations for Shiny apps
R-slam:std Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
R-slider:std Sliding Window Functions
R-snakecase:std Convert Strings into any Case
R-sourcetools:std Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code
R-sp:std Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
R-spData:std Datasets for Spatial Analysis
R-sparsevctrs:std Sparse Vectors for Use in Data Frames
R-spdep:std Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics
R-sqldf:std Manipulate R Data Frames Using SQL
R-statmod:std Statistical Modeling
R-stopwords:std Multilingual Stopword Lists
R-stringi:std Character string processing facilities
R-stringr:std Consistent wrappers for common string Operations
R-sys:std Powerful tools for running system commands in R
R-systemfonts:std System Native Font Finding
R-syuzhet:std Extracts sentiment-derived plot arcs from text
R-terra:std Spatial Data Analysis
R-testthat:std Unit Testing for R
R-textclean:std Text Cleaning Tools
R-textshape:std Tools for Reshaping Text
R-textshaping:std Binding to textshaping libraries
R-threejs:std Interactive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and Globes
R-tibble:std Simple Data Frames
R-tidygraph:std Tidy API for Graph Manipulation
R-tidymodels:std Easily Install and Load the 'Tidymodels' Packages
R-tidyquant:std Tidy Quantitative Financial Analysis
R-tidyr:std Tidy Messy Data
R-tidyselect:std Select from a Set of Strings
R-tidytext:std Text mining tool
R-tidyverse:std Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
R-timeDate:std Rmetrics - Chronological and Calendar Objects
R-timeSeries:std Financial Time Series Objects (Rmetrics)
R-timechange:std Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times
R-timetk:std Tool Kit for Working with Time Series
R-tinytex:std Tex Live and LaTex maintenance functions
R-tokenizers:std Fast tokenization of natural language text
R-tseries:std Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance
R-tsfeatures:std Time Series Feature Extraction
R-tune:std Tidy Tuning Tools
R-tweenr:std Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations
R-tzdb:std Time Zone Database Information
R-units:std Measurement Units for R Vectors
R-urca:std Time series unit root and cointegration tests
R-urlchecker:std Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions
R-usethis:std Automate Package and Project Setup
R-utf8:std Unicode Text Processing
R-uuid:std Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs
R-vcd:std Visualizing Categorical Data
R-vctrs:std Vector Helpers
R-viridis:std Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R
R-viridisLite:std Default color maps from Matplotlib Lite
R-visNetwork:std Network Visualization using 'vis.js' Library
R-vroom:std Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
R-waldo:std Find Differences Between R Objects
R-warp:std Group dates (yearly, monthly, by second, ...)
R-webshot:std Take Screenshots of Web Pages
R-whisker:std {{mustache}} for R, Logicless Templating
R-withr:std Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State
R-wk:std Lightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
R-workflows:std Modeling Workflows
R-workflowsets:std Create a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows
R-writexl:std Export Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' Format
R-xfun:std Supporting Functions for 'Yihui Xie' packages
R-xml2:std Interface to libxml2 for XML file parsing
R-xopen:std Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything
R-xtable:std Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML
R-xts:std EXtensible Time Series
R-yaml:std Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back
R-yardstick:std Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance
R-zeallot:std Multiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring Assignment
R-zip:std Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression
R-zoo:std Z-Ordered Observations for time series
R:std Statistical computing and graphics environment
a52dec:std ATSC A/52 stream decoder and library
ada-markdown:std Ada Markdown parser library
ada_language_server:std Microsoft Language Server Protocol for Ada
ada_libfswatch:std Ada binding to the libfswatch library
ada_spawn:std Simple API to spawn communicating processes
adacurses:std Ada95 bindings for ncurses
adasockets:std IPv4 socket library (TCP, UDP, and multicast)
agrep:std Approximate GREP for fast fuzzy string searching
ahven:std Ada unit test framework
alog:std Stackable logging framework for Ada
alsa-lib:std Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
anet:std Networking library for Ada
appstream-glib:std Library for reading and writing AppStream metadata
aqbanking:std Online banking interface and financial framework
argon2:std Reference C implementation of the Argon2 hash
arj:std Free and portable clone of the ARJ archiver
asciidoc:std Text document format for short documents
aspell-af:std Aspell Afrikaans dictionary
aspell-am:std Aspell Amharic dictionary
aspell-ar:std Aspell Arabic dictionary
aspell-ast:std Aspell Asturian dictionary
aspell-az:std Aspell Azerbaijani dictionary
aspell-be:std Aspell Belarusian dictionary
aspell-bg:std Aspell Bulgarian dictionary
aspell-bn:std Aspell Bengali dictionary
aspell-br:std Aspell Breton dictionary
aspell-ca:std Aspell Catalan dictionary
aspell-cs:std Aspell Czech dictionary
aspell-csb:std Aspell Kashubian dictionary
aspell-cy:std Aspell Welsh dictionary
aspell-de-alt:std Aspell German Old Spelling dictionary
aspell-de:std Aspell standard German dictionary
aspell-el:std Aspell Greek dictionary
aspell-en:std Aspell English dictionary
aspell-eo:std Aspell Esperanto dictionary
aspell-es:std Aspell Spanish dictionary
aspell-et:std Aspell Estonian dictionary
aspell-fa:std Aspell Persian (Farsi) dictionary
aspell-fi:std Aspell Finnish dictionary
aspell-fo:std Aspell Faroese dictionary
aspell-fr:std Aspell French dictionary
aspell-fy:std Aspell Frisian (Frysk) dictionary
aspell-ga:std Aspell Irish (Gaelic) dictionary
aspell-gd:std Aspell Scottish Gaelic dictionary
aspell-gl:std Aspell Galician dictionary
aspell-grc:std Aspell Ancient Greek dictionary
aspell-gu:std Aspell Gujarati dictionary
aspell-gv:std Aspell Manx Gaelic dictionary
aspell-hi:std Aspell Hindi dictionary
aspell-hil:std Aspell Hiligaynon dictionary
aspell-hr:std Aspell Croatian dictionary
aspell-hsb:std Aspell Upper Sorbian dictionary
aspell-hu:std Aspell Hungarian dictionary
aspell-hus:std Aspell Huastec (Tenek) dictionary
aspell-hy:std Aspell Armenian dictionary
aspell-ia:std Aspell Interlingua dictionary
aspell-id:std Aspell Indonesian dictionary
aspell-is:std Aspell Icelandic dictionary
aspell-it:std Aspell Italian dictionary
aspell-kn:std Aspell Kannada dictionary
aspell-ku:std Aspell Kurdi dictionary
aspell-ky:std Aspell Kirghiz dictionary
aspell-la:std Aspell Latin dictionary
aspell-lt:std Aspell Lithuanian dictionary
aspell-lv:std Aspell Latvian dictionary
aspell-mg:std Aspell Malagasy dictionary
aspell-mi:std Aspell Maori dictionary
aspell-mk:std Aspell Macedonian dictionary
aspell-ml:std Aspell Malayalam dictionary
aspell-mn:std Aspell Mongolian dictionary
aspell-mr:std Aspell Marathi dictionary
aspell-ms:std Aspell Malay dictionary
aspell-mt:std Aspell Maltese dictionary
aspell-nb:std Aspell Norwegian Bokmal dictionary
aspell-nds:std Aspell Low Saxon dictionary
aspell-nl:std Aspell Dutch dictionary
aspell-nn:std Aspell Norwegian Nynorsk dictionary
aspell-ny:std Aspell Nyanja dictionary
aspell-or:std Aspell Oriya dictionary
aspell-pa:std Aspell Punjabi dictionary
aspell-pl:std Aspell Polish dictionary
aspell-pt_BR:std Aspell Brazilian Portuguese dictionary
aspell-pt_PT:std Aspell European Portuguese dictionary
aspell-qu:std Aspell Quechua dictionary
aspell-ro:std Aspell Romanian dictionary
aspell-ru:std Aspell Russian dictionary
aspell-rw:std Aspell Kinyarwanda dictionary
aspell-sc:std Aspell Sardinian dictionary
aspell-sk:std Aspell Slovak dictionary
aspell-sl:std Aspell Slovenian dictionary
aspell-sr:std Aspell Serbian dictionary
aspell-sv:std Aspell Swedish dictionary
aspell-sw:std Aspell Swahili dictionary
aspell-ta:std Aspell Tamil dictionary
aspell-te:std Aspell Telugu dictionary
aspell-tet:std Aspell Tetum dictionary
aspell-tk:std Aspell Turkmen dictionary
aspell-tl:std Aspell Tagalog dictionary
aspell-tn:std Aspell Tswana dictionary
aspell-tr:std Aspell Turkish dictionary
aspell-uk:std Aspell Ukrainian dictionary
aspell-uz:std Aspell Uzbek dictionary
aspell-vi:std Aspell Vietnamese dictionary
aspell-wa:std Aspell Walloon dictionary
aspell-yi:std Aspell Yiddish dictionary
aspell-zu:std Aspell Zulu dictionary
aspell:std GNU spell checker
at-spi2-core:std Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atkmm16:std C++ bindings for ATK
atkmm:std C++ bindings for ATK
augeas:std Configuration editing tool and API
aunit:std Ada unit testing framework
autoconf213:std Automatic config tool for *nix (legacy version)
autoconf:std Unix platform automatic configuration tool
avahi:std Service Discovery using mDNS/DNS-SD
awesome:std Dynamic WM for X, highly configurable in Lua
aws:std Adacore Ada Web Server and framework
bash-completion:std Programmable completion library for Bash
bc:std GNU Command Line Calculator
binutils:std GNU binary tools
blogc:std Blogc is a blog compiler written in C
booch95:std Ada95 Booch Components
botan:std Crypto library written in C++
c-ares:std Asynchronous DNS resolver library
cairomm10:std C++ API for the cairo graphics library
cairomm:std C++ API for the cairo graphics library
caja:std File manager for the MATE desktop
cc65:std Complete cross development 6502 package
cdrdao:std Tool to write CD-Rs in Disk-At-Once Mode
cdrtools:std CD/DVD/BluRay command line recording software
cgit:std Fast web interface for git
chmlib:std Library for reading Microsoft ITSS/CHM formats
chocolate-doom:std Source port accurately recreating the DooM engine
clipit:std Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
comtrya:std Configuration Management for Localhost
consolekit:std Framework for defining and tracking users
coreutils:noprefix FSF core utilities (standard names)
coreutils:ravensys FSF core utilities for raven sysroot (no nls)
coreutils:std FSF core utilities (prefixed with g)
cryptopp:std C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
ctags:std Tagfile generator for vi and emacs clones
cups-filters:std OpenPrinting CUPS filters
cups:std Common UNIX Printing System
curl:embed Tiny curl PIC, http/s, file, scp protocol only
curl:std Tool and library for transferring data with URLs
cwm:std Minimalistic window manager for X11
cyrus-imapd:std High-performance mail store with IMAP support
cyrus-sasl:std Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL)
daemonize:std Tool to run a command as a daemon
dasm:std Versatile macro assembler for 8bit microprocessors
db18:std Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 18
db5:std Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 5
dbus-glib:std D-Bus GLib binding
dconf-editor:std Configuration database editor for GNOME
dconf:std Configuration database system for GNOME
deadbeef:std Ultimate music player for Unix-like systems
dejagnu:std Framework for testing other programs
desktop-file-utils:std Utilities for manipulating .desktop files
dhcp:std ISC DHCP Server and Relay Agent
dia:std Diagram creation program, similar to MS-Visio
diffutils:noprefix GNU diff utilities (standard names)
diffutils:ravensys GNU diff utilities for raven sysroot (no nls)
diffutils:std GNU diff utilities (prefixed with g)
djvulibre:std Utilities and Libraries for the DjVu image format
doas:std Simple sudo alternative
docbook2X:std Convert docbook into man and Texinfo
dos2unix:std DOS/MAC to UNIX Text File Format Converter
dovecot-pigeonhole:std Sieve implementation for Dovecot
dovecot:std Secure IMAP and POP3 server
dpkg:std Debian package maintenance system
dtc:std Device Tree Compiler
duktape:std Embeddable Javascript engine w. compact footprint
dwm:std Dynamic suckless window manager for X
ecl:std ANSI Common Lisp implementation
ed:std GNU version of line-oriented text editor
elixir:std Functional language built on top of Erlang VM
emacs:desktop GNU Emacs text editor with X11 support
emacs:std GNU Emacs text editor
enchant1:std Dictionary/spellchecking framework (legacy)
enchant:std Dictionary/spellchecking framework
erlang:std Concurrent functional programming language
espeak-ng:std Open source speech synthesizer
execline:std Light and secure sh(1)-like scripting language
exempi:std Parse Extensible Metadata Platform information
faac:std Encoder and encoding library for MPEG2/4 AAC
farstream:std Audio/video communications framework
feh:std Fast command line image viewer using Imlib2
ffmpeg5:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg6:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
filezilla:std Cross-platform graphical FTP, FTPS & SFTP client
findutils:noprefix GNU find utilities (standard names)
findutils:ravensys GNU find utilities for raven sysroot (no nls)
findutils:std GNU find utilities (prefixed with g)
firefox:std Mozilla web browser
flex:ravensys Fast lexical analyzer generator for raven sysroot
flex:std Fast lexical analyzer generator
flite:std Small run-time speech synthesis engine
florist:std POSIX Ada binding, IEEE Standards 1003.5(b,c)
fltk:std Light-weight cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
fluent-bit18:std Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder
fluent-bit:std Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder
fluxbox:std Fast and lightweight window manager
fontconfig:std XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
fonts-terminus:std Monospace bitmap font (for X11 and console)
forgejo:std Painless, self-hosted Git service (GitHub-like)
freealut:std OpenAL Utility Toolkit (ALUT)
freeimage:std Simple C/C++ bitmap graphics library
freeipmi:std IPMI remote console and system management software
freetds:std Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
freetype:std Free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
fribidi:std Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi Algorithm
frotz:std Infocom-style interactive fiction player
gamin:std Monitor files and directories for changes
garcon:std Library implementing menu specs
gcab:std Cabinet file library and tool
gcc12:std GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 12
gcc13:std GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 13
gcc14:std GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 14
gconf:std Configuration database system for GNOME
gcr3:std Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gcr:std Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gdb:std GNU debugger
gdbm:std GNU database manager
gdk-pixbuf:std Graphic library for GIMP toolkit
gdl:std GNOME Docking Library
geany:std Fast and lightweight IDE
geoclue:std D-Bus service to provide location information
getopt:std Replacement for getopt(1)
ghostscript:std Postscript and PDF Rendering Engine
giflib:std GIF image format library and tools
gimp:std GNU Image Manipulation Program
git-lfs:std Git extension for versioning large files
git:std Distributed version control system
glew:std OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glib:std Some useful routines of C programming
glpk:std GNU Linear Programming Kit
gmrun:std Small GTK based 'Run application' dialog
gnatcoll-bindings:std Core packages of GNAT Components Collection
gnatcoll-core:std Core packages of GNAT Components Collection
gnatcoll-db:std GNAT Components Collection - Database packages
gnatcross-binutils:FAMD64_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler linker (FreeBSD/AMD64 R12)
gnatcross-binutils:FARM64_R11 C/Ada cross-compiler linker (FreeBSD/ARM64 R11)
gnatcross-binutils:FI386_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler linker (FreeBSD/I386 R12)
gnatcross-binutils:MAMD64_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler linker: MidnightBSD/AMD64 R3
gnatcross-binutils:MI386_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler linker: MidnightBSD/I386 R3
gnatcross-binutils:NAMD64_R9 C/Ada cross-compiler linker (NetBSD/AMD64 R9)
gnatcross-binutils:SOL10 C/Ada cross-compiler linker (Solaris 10)
gnatcross-bootstrap:std Gnatcross-to-native compiler generator
gnatcross:FAMD64_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/AMD64 (R12)
gnatcross:FARM64_R11 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/ARM64 (R11)
gnatcross:FI386_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/I386 (R11)
gnatcross:MAMD64_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler, tgt: MidnightBSD/AMD64 (R3)
gnatcross:MI386_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler, tgt: MidnightBSD/I386 (R3)
gnatcross:SOL10 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: Solaris 10 (x86-64)
gnatdoc:std GNAT Documentation Generation Tool
gnatstudio:std Multilanguage IDE for Ada, SPARK, C/C++, and more
gnome-keyring:std Program that keeps passwords and other secrets
gnu-efi:std SDK for efi applications
gnupg:std GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnustep-base:std GNUstep Base Library
gnustep-make-bootstrap:std GNUstep Makefile package
gnustep-make:std GNUstep Makefile package
gnutls:std GNU Transport Layer Security library
gpgme:std GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API
gpr2tools:std Tools based on GPR2 library
gprbuild:std Adacore multi-language software build tool
greybird-gtk-theme:std Desktop theme suite for Xfce and more
groff:std GNU troff text-formatting system
gsettings-desktop-schemas:std Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop
gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec:std GStreamer1 ATSC A/52 stream (AC-3) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-aalib:std GStreamer1 ASCII art plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-bad:std GStreamer Multimedia Framework "Bad" Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-base:std GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-cairo:std GStreamer1 vector graphics plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-chromaprint:std GStreamer1 audio fingerprint extracting plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-curl:std GStreamer1 CURL-based output plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-dvdread:std GStreamer1 DVD access plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-faac:std GStreamer1 MPEG-2/4 AAC decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-faad:std GStreamer1 MPEG-2/4 AAC decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-flac:std GStreamer1 free lossless audio codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-flite:std GStreamer1 flite speech synthesis engine plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-gdkpixbuf:std GStreamer1 image decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-gme:std GStreamer1 gaming console sound chips emulator
gstreamer1-plugins-good:std GStreamer Multimedia Framework "Good" Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-jpeg:std GStreamer1 jpeg codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-lame:std GStreamer1 high-quality free mp3 encode plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libav:std GStreamer1 AV library plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libcaca:std GStreamer1 color ASCII art plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libpng:std GStreamer1 png plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-modplug:std GStreamer1 decoder based on modplug egine plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-mpeg2dec:std GStreamer1 MPEG stream decode plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-mpg123:std GStreamer1 MPEG Layer 1, 2, and 3 plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ogg:std GStreamer1 Ogg bitstream plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-pango:std GStreamer1 pango textoverlay plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-resindvd:std GStreamer1 DVD playback plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-sndfile:std GStreamer1 sndfile plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-soup:std GStreamer1 soup (SOAP) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-speex:std GStreamer1 speex voice plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-srt:std GStreamer1 Secure Reliable Transport plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-taglib:std GStreamer1 APEv2/ID3v2 tag plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-theora:std GStreamer1 theora plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-twolame:std GStreamer1 MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly:std GStreamer1 plugins with potential dist. problems
gstreamer1-plugins-v4l2:std GStreamer1 video4linux2 plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis:std GStreamer1 vorbis encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-vpx:std GStreamer1 vp8 codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-wavpack:std GStreamer1 wavpack codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-webp:std GStreamer1 WebP image decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x264:std GStreamer1 H.264 video encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x265:std GStreamer1 H.265 video encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x:std GStreamer1 XImageSrc plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-xshm:std GStreamer1 XvImageSink plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-xvideo:std GStreamer1 XImageSink plugin
gstreamer1:std Media applications framework
gtk-engines:std Theme engine for the GTK-2.0 toolkit
gtk-murrine-engine:std Murrine GTK+2 theme engine
gtk2:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk4:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtkada:std Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk3 components
gtkmm30:std C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+ v3
gtkmm40:std C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk4
gtksourceview3:std GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
gtkspell:std Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
guile:std GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
gumbo:std HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
gwenhywfar:std Networking and security application library
help2man:std Simple man page generator using program output
hexd:std Colourful, human-friendly hexdump tool
hiredis:std Minimalistic C client for Redis >= 1.2
hspell:aspell Aspell Hebrew dictionary
hspell:hunspell Hunspell Hebrew dictionary
html2text:std Converts HTML documents into plain text
hunspell-de:std Hunspell German dictionary
hwdata:std Database of IDs used in PCI, PNP and USB devices
icon-naming-utils:std Mapping for icons to naming scheme
icu:std International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
intltool:std Tools to internationalize various kinds of data
ipmitool:std Command-line interface to IPMI-enabled devices
irrlicht:std High performance realtime 3D engine
iso-codes:std Lists of country, language and currency iso names
iverilog:std Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
jade:std SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
jansson:std JSON data encoding and manipulation library
joe:std Joe's Own Editor
jq:std Command-line JSON processor
json-glib:std JSON (RFC 4627) interface for Glib
judy:std General purpose dynamic array library
kakoune:std Modal code editor with a focus on interactivity
kf6-kio:std KF6 network transparent access to files and data
kf6-kirigami:std KF6 components for building adaptable UIs
kf6-kparts:std KF6 plugin framework for user interface components
klavaro:std Flexible touch typing tutor and trainer
kmod:std Linux kernel module management tools and library
krb5:std MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system
l-smash:std MP4 muxer and other tools
l3afpad:std Light-weight and simple GTK+3 text editor
lal-refactor:std Collection of Ada source code refactoring tools
lame:std Fast MP3 encoder kit
ldns:std Library for programs conforming to DNS RFCs
less:std Popular open-source file pager
libIDL:std Library for creating trees of CORBA IDL files
libadalang-tools:std Development tools based on libadalang
libb64:std Base64 Encoding/Decoding Routines
libbsd:std Utility functions from BSD systems
libcanberra:std Implementation of the XDG sound theme specs
libcdio-paranoia:std Accurately read audio from Compact Discs
libcdio:std Compact Disk input and control library
libcmis:std Client library for the CMIS interface
libcroco:std CSS2 parsing library
libcss:std CSS parser and selection engine
libcupsfilters:std Library for developing printing filters
libdbi-drivers:mysql MySQL driver for libdbi
libdbi-drivers:pgsql PostgreSQL driver for libdbi
libdbi-drivers:sqlite SQLite driver for libdbi
libdbusmenu:std Library for passing menus over DBus
libdom:std Implementation of the W3C DOM
libdrm:std Direct Rendering Module services kernel interface
libdvdcss:std Portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdnav:std DVD navigation library
libdvdread:std Library to read DVD images
libe-book:std Library for import of reflowable e-book formats
libetonyek:std Import filter for Apple Keynote presentations
libexif:std Library to access EXIF files (extended JPEG files)
libexo:std Xfce application development library
libexttextcat:std N-Gram-Based Text Categorization library
libffcall:std Foreign funct call ifaces for embed interpreters
libffi:std Foreign Function Interface
libfilezilla:std C++ lib for building platform-independent programs
libfm-extra:std Extra library of PCManFM file manager
libfm:std Core library of PCManFM file manager
libgee:std GObject collection library
libgepub:std GObject based epub documents handling library
libgpg-error:std Common error values for all GnuPG components
libgpr2:std Parser for GPR Project files
libgsf:std Extensible I/O abstraction of file formats
libgtop:std GNOME library to collect system monitoring data
libgudev-devd:std GObject bindings for libudev
libgudev:std GObject bindings for libudev
libhubbub:std HTML5 compliant parsing library
libidn2:std IDNA2008 internationalized domain names library
libidn:std Internationalized Domain Name support library
libjwt:std JSON Web Token implementation in C
libkate:std Codec for karaoke and text encapsulation for Ogg
liblqr:std Seam-carving C/C++ library called Liquid Rescaling
libmanette:std Simple GObject game controller library
libmatekbd:std MATE keyboard management library
libmatemixer:std Mixer library for MATE
libmaxminddb:std MaxMindDB GeoIP2 database library
libmikmod:std Portable MikMod sound module library
libmpack:std Small binary serialization/RPC library
libmtp:std Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library
libmypaint:std Library for making brushstrokes
libnatpmp:std Library for NAT Port Mapping Protocol
libnftnl:std Library providing netlink programming API
libnice:std Implementation of ICE standard (RFC 5245)
libnsbmp:std Decoding library for BMP & ICO image file formats
libnsfb:std NetSurf framebuffer library
libnsgif:std Decoding library for the GIF image file format
libnslog:std NetSurf Parametric Logging Library
libnspsl:std NetSurf Public Suffix List handling library
libnsutils:std NetSurf generalised utility library
libnumbertext:std Library for converting numbers to text
libofx:std Open Financial eXchange (OFX) Library
libopusenc:std High-level API for encoding .opus files
libpaper:std Library for paper size management
libparserutils:std Library for building efficient parsers
libpcap:std Network packet capture library
libppd:std Library for retro-fitting legacy printer drivers
libreoffice:std Free Software Productivity Suite
librevenge:std Library for REVerses ENGineered formats filters
librsvg:std SVG vector-graphic files rendering library
libsass:std C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
libsecret:std Library to access the secret service API
libsigcxx2:std Typesafe signal framework for C++
libsigcxx:std Typesafe signal framework for C++
libsmi:std Library to access SMI management information
libsndfile:std Library for reading and writing sound files
libsoup-2.4:std Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C
libsoup:std Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C
libsparkcrypto:std Cryptographic library implemented in SPARK
libspiro:std Library to simplify the drawing of curves
libstrophe:std Lightweight XMPP library
libsvgtiny:std NetSurf SVG decoder
libtasn1:std ASN.1 structure parser library
libtcod:std Roguelike game development library
libtermkey:std Keyboard entry processor library
libtickit:std Terminal Interface Construction Kit
libtomcrypt:std Comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit
libtommath:std Theoretic multiple-precision integer library
libucl:ravensw Libucl without utils, curl, lua, or ssl support
libucl:std Universal configuration library parser
libuninameslist:std Library of Unicode names and annotation data
libunique:std Library for single instance applications
libunistring:std Unicode string library
libuv:std Multi-platform support for asynchronous I/O
libva:std VAAPI wrapper and dummy driver
libvisio:std Import filter and tools for MS Visio Diagrams
libvisual:std Abstraction library between apps and visual plugin
libvolume_id:std Library to provide file system type information
libvpx:std VP8 Video Codec SDK
libvss:std High level string and text processing library
libvterm:std VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator
libwapcaplet:std String internment library
libwnck:std GNOME window navigator construction kit library
libxfce4ui:std Xfce UI library containing various GTK+ widgets
libxfce4util:std Xfce utility library for non-GUI components
libxfce4windowing:std Windowing concept abstraction lib X11 / Wayland
libxklavier:std Library providing a high-level API for XKB
libxml2:std XML parser library for GNOME
libxmlxx:std API 5.0 C++ wrapper for libxml2 parser library
libxslt:std XSLT C library for GNOME
libyaml:std YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
lighttpd:std Lightweight high-performance web server
linux-api-headers:std Linux kernel headers sanitized for userspace
liveMedia:std Live555 streaming media library
loudmouth:std Lightweight Jabber client library
lua-bitop:lua51 Bitwise operations on numbers for Lua 5.1
lua-bitop:lua52 Bitwise operations on numbers for Lua 5.2
lua-bitop:lua53 Bitwise operations on numbers for Lua 5.3
lua-bitop:lua54 Bitwise operations on numbers for Lua 5.4
lua-lgi:lua52 Bindings using gobject-introspection for Lua 5.2
lua-lgi:lua53 Bindings using gobject-introspection for Lua 5.3
lua-luarocks:lua52 Package manager for Lua modules (Lua 5.2)
lua-luarocks:lua53 Package manager for Lua modules (Lua 5.3)
lua-luarocks:lua54 Package manager for Lua modules (Lua 5.4)
lua-socket:lua52 Comprehensive networking module for Lua 5.2
lua-socket:lua53 Comprehensive networking module for Lua 5.3
lua-socket:lua54 Comprehensive networking module for Lua 5.4
luajit-openresty:std Just-in-time compiler for Lua, OpenResty branch
lz4:std LZ4 compression library, lossless and very fast
lzip:std LZMA lossless data compressor
lzlib:std Lib providing in-memory LZMA (de)compression
m17n-db:std Data files for the m17n library
marco:std Fully-fledged but low-frills WM for the MATE DE
mate-backgrounds:std Collection of backgrounds for MATE
mate-desktop:std MATE desktop common UI API library
mate-icon-theme:std MATE desktop default icon theme
mate-menus:std MATE implementation of the FreeDesktop Menu Spec
mate-polkit:std MATE frontend to the Polkit framework
mate-settings-daemon:std Settings daemon for MATE
mate-terminal:std Terminal emulator for MATE
mate-themes:std Collection of themes and icons for MATE
mate-user-guide:std MATE user guide
matreshka:std Ada framework for information systems development
mbedtls13:std Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
mbedtls:std Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
megatools:std Command line tools for MEGA.NZ cloud drive
menu-cache:std Caching mechanism for freedesktop-compliant menus
mesa:std Mesa 3D Graphics Library
microhttpd:std Small acme http server
midnight-commander:desktop Free Norton Commander clone (X11)
midnight-commander:std Free Norton Commander clone
mikmod:std Ncurses-based module audio player
monit:std Unix system management and proactive monitoring
mousepad:std Simple text editor for the Xfce DE
mozjs128:std Standalone JS interpreter from Mozilla 128-esr
mpg123:std Console MP3 player and decoder library
mupdf:std Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer
mypaint-brushes1:std Legacy brushes used by MyPaint v1.x
mypaint-brushes:std Brushes used by MyPaint v2.x
nasm:std General-purpose x86 and amd64 assembler
netpbm:std Toolkit for manipulation of graphic images
netsurf-buildsystem:std Buildsystem for the Netsurf browser and libs
nettle:std Low-level cryptographic library
nmap:std Port scanning utility for large networks
nodejs:std Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript
nsgenbind:std NetSurf Generator for JavaScript bindings
nspr:std Platform-neutral API for system-like functions
nss:std Application security development libraries
obuparse:std Simple and portable single file AV1 OBU parser
ocl-icd:std Utility to regenerate the GNU info page index
openal:std Cross-platform 3D audio API
openblas:std Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
openbox:std Configurable and lightweight X11 window manager
openh264:std Cisco implementation of H.264 codec
openjade:std SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
openjdk:std OpenJDK Java Development Kit (version 21)
openldap:std Lightweight Directory Access Protocol server
optipng:std Advanced PNG optimizer
opus:std IETF audio codec for both speech and music
opusfile:std Opus playback library
p7zip:std File archiver with high compression ratio
pango:std Open-source framework for rendering of i18n text
pangomm14:std C++ bindings for Pango
pangomm:std C++ bindings for Pango
parallel:std Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
parole:std Gstreamer-based media player for Xfce
patch:noprefix GNU patch utility with unprefixed program name
patch:std GNU patch utility
patchelf:std ELF Utility to modify dynamic linker and RPATH
pciutils:std Library / tools to access PCI bus config registers
pcmanfm:std Extremely fast and lightweight file manager
pcsc-ada:std Ada binding to Smart card interface (PC/SC)
perl-Alien-gmake:538 Find or build GNU Make (5.38)
perl-Alien-gmake:540 Find or build GNU Make (5.40)
perl-IO-Compress-Brotli:538 Read/write Brotli buffers/streams (5.38)
perl-IO-Compress-Brotli:540 Read/write Brotli buffers/streams (5.40)
perl-mod_perl:538 Persistent Perl interpreter for web server (5.38)
perl-mod_perl:540 Persistent Perl interpreter for web server (5.40)
php82-opcache:std PHP 8.2 extension: opcache (shared memory cache)
php82:std PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.2
php83-opcache:std PHP 8.3 extension: opcache (shared memory cache)
php83:std PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.3
php84-opcache:std PHP 8.4 extension: opcache (shared memory cache)
php84:std PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.4
pidgin:std Multi-protocol instant messaging client
pigz:std Parallel Implementation of GZip
pinentry:fltk Assuan passphrase entry dialog (FLTK)
pinentry:gnome3 Assuan passphrase entry dialog (GNOME3)
pinentry:ncurses Assuan passphrase entry dialog (ncurses)
pinentry:qt5 Assuan passphrase entry dialog (Qt5)
pinentry:std Assuan passphrase entry dialog (console)
portaudio:std Cross platform audio I/O library
postgis:std Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL
postgresql-libversion:std Pg extension supporting version string comparison
postgresql13:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql14:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql15:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql16:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql17:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
prettier-ada:std Ada port of prettier formatter
profanity:std Console based XMPP client
protobuf-c:std C bindings for Google's Protocol Buffers
pstotext:std Extract text from PostScript or PDF files
python-PyAudio:v12 Bindings for PortAudio v19 (3.12)
python-PyAudio:v13 Bindings for PortAudio v19 (3.13)
python-libxml2:v12 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.12)
python-libxml2:v13 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.13)
python312:std Interpreted object-oriented programming language
python313:std Interpreted object-oriented programming language
qemu:std Fast CPU emulator and virtualizer for x86 platform
qscintilla:qt5 Qt5 port of the Scintilla C++ editor control
qscintilla:qt6 Qt6 port of the Scintilla C++ editor control
qt5-qtbase:std Qt5 - QtBase component
ragel:std Finite state machine compiler
rarian:std Documentation metadata library
rasqal:std RDF Query Library for Redland
ravensys-binutils:std GNU binary tools for Ravenports toolchain
ravensys-gcc:std GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 14
rdesktop:std RDP client - Windows NT/2000/2003 Terminal Server
re2:std Fast, safe, thread-friendly C++ regex library
redis:std Persistent key-value database with net interface
redland:bdb RDF Application Framework (BDB backend)
redland:mysql RDF Application Framework (MySQL backend)
redland:pgsql RDF Application Framework (PostgreSQL backend)
redland:std RDF Application Framework (SQLite backend)
redland:virtuoso RDF Application Framework (Virtuoso backend)
reduce:std Codemist Std Lisp general-purpose computer system
rgbds:std Gameboy development system with assembler/linker
ristretto:std Light-weight image viewer for Xfce
rofi:std Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
rrdtool:std Round Robin Database tools
ruby-ffi:v32 Foreign Function Interface library (v32)
ruby-ffi:v33 Foreign Function Interface library (v33)
ruby-ffi:v34 Foreign Function Interface library (v34)
rust:std Systems programming language from Mozilla
sassc:std Libsass command line driver
sbcl:std Steel Bank Common Lisp
scdoc:std Small man page generator
screen:std Multi-screen window manager
sdl1:std Cross-platform multimedia development API
sdl1_image:std Load images of various formats as SDL surfaces
sdl1_mixer:std SDL multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl1_net:std SDL cross-platform networking library
sdl1_ttf:std SDL1 TrueType font rendering library
sdl2:std Cross-platform multimedia development API
sdl2_mixer:std SDL multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl2_net:std SDL cross-platform networking library
sed:ravensys GNU stream editor for sysroot (no nls)
sed:std GNU stream editor
shadowsocks-libev:std Secure socks5 proxy
skalibs:std general-purpose low-level C libraries
slime:std Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs
smartmontools:std S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools and daemon
smpeg:std SDL MPEG video/audio player and library
snowball:std String proc lang for creating stemming algorithms
sope:std Set of GNUstep web application frameworks
sound-theme-freedesktop:std Default sound theme based on FreeDesktop spec
source-highlight:std C/C++ and Java sources to HTML converter
sparforte:std Shell and scripting for mission-critical projects
speech-dispatcher:std Common interface to speech synthesis
ssvnc:std Enhanced TightVNC Viewer
startup-notification:std Library used to monitor application startup
stella:std Multi-platform Atari 2600 emulator
swig:std Scripting Language Interface Compiler for C/C++
sword:std Framework for manipulating Bible texts
tcpdump:std Tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
templates-parser:std Templated text stream library
termbox2:std Library for creating text-based UIs
texi2html:std Texinfo to HTML converter
texinfo:std Typeset documentation system, multiple formats
texlive-bin:std Binary and input files for TeXlive
thunar:std File manager for Xfce
thunderbird:std Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
tig:std Text-mode interface for git
tilda:std Quake-style popup terminal
timidity:std Software synthesizer and MIDI converter / player
tinycdb:std Create and read constant databases
tor:std Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
toxic:std Ncurses-based Tox client
tree-sitter:std Incremental parser generator tool and library
tree:std Display tree-view of directories
tumbler:std D-Bus thumbnailing service for Xfce
uacme:std Plain C ACMEv2 client with minimal dependencies
uclcmd:std Command line tool for UCL configuration files
ucpp:std C preprocessor and lexer
unfs3-sunrpc:std User-space implementation of the NFSv3 server spec
unfs3:std User-space implementation of the NFSv3 server spec
unibilium:std Very basic terminfo library
usb-modeswitch:std USB mode switching tool
vala:std Compiler for the GObject type system
vde2:std User-mode virtual ethernet infrastructure
veracrypt:std Strong disk encryption based on TrueCrypt
video4linux:std Video device drivers
vim:loaded VIsual editor iMproved (all options + X)
vim:std VIsual editor iMproved (basic options)
vimb:std Vim-like browser
vlc:std Qt based multimedia player and streaming server
wget2:std File retrieval tool using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP
wireshark:std Network traffic analyzer
wpa_supplicant:std Supplicant (client) for WPA/802.1x protocols
wv:std Library and tools to access MS Word files
wxWidgets30:gtk2 GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk2)
wxWidgets30:std GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk3)
wxWidgets:std GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
x264:std H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Encoder
xblas:std Extra Precise Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
xclip:std Command line interface to the X11 clipboard
xdelta3:std Binary delta generator and RCS replacement library
xdg-utils:std Basic desktop integration functions
xfburn:std Optical Disc burning application for Xfce
xfce4-appfinder:std Application finder and launcher for Xfce
xfce4-dev-tools:std Xfce development tools
xfce4-notifyd:std Simple notification daemon for Xfce
xfce4-panel:std Panel for the Xfce4 desktop environment
xfce4-power-manager:std Power manager for Xfce
xfce4-screenshooter:std Screenshot utility and panel plugin for Xfce
xfce4-session:std Session manager for the Xfce DE
xfce4-settings:std Settings manager for Xfce
xfce4-terminal:std Terminal emulator for Xfce
xfconf:std Simple client-server configuration system for Xfce
xfdesktop:std Desktop manager for the Xfce DE
xfwm4:std Standard-complient window manager from Xfce
xmlsec:std XML Security Library
xmlto:std Front-end to an XSL toolchain
xorg-sgml-doctools:std Stylesheets and entities for X.Org documentation
xorg-xaw:std X Athena Widgets library
xorg-xcb-render-util:std Convenience functions for the Render extension
xorg-xcb-util-cursor:std XCB cursor library
xorg-xcb-util-image:std Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions
xorg-xcb-util-keysyms:std Standard X key constants and keycode conversion
xorg-xcb-util-wm:std Framework for window manager implementation
xorg-xcb-util-xrm:std XCB utility functions for the X resource manager
xorg-xcb-util:std Module with libxcb/libX11 extension libraries
xorg-xcb:std X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) library
xscreensaver:std Screen saver and locker for X11
xvid:std ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xxhash:std Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
yelp:std Help browser for the GNOME desktop
zeromq:std High-performance, asynchronous messaging library
zoom:std Player for Z-Code, TADS and HUGO stories or games
zstd:std Fast real-time compression algorithm (aka zstd)
zxcvbn-c:std Password strength estimator
zziplib:std Provide transparent read access to zipped data