Port variant standard
Summary Ravenports binary package manager
Package version 0.3.2
Homepage https://github.com/ravenports/rvn
Keywords raven
Maintainer John Marino
License ISCL
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 05 AUG 2024, 20:26:00 UTC
Port created 09 JUL 2024, 17:52:53 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the rvn-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of rvn-standard.
primary The rvn program is the package management tool used by Ravenports. It handles the manipulation of both locally built and remotely available binary packages. It operates very similarily to FreeBSD's pkg manager with almost identical commands in some cases, but it's been completely rewritten in Ada. Besides dropping cruft, the main differences is handling subpackages and variants, something pkg was never designed to do. This package also contains xvrn, a little program that can inspect and extract the rvn-formatted packages that rvn produces.
man This is the man page subpackage of the rvn-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
RUNTESTS OFF Run kyua tests after build
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) lua54:dev:standard
Download groups
main mirror://GITHUB/ravenports:rvn:v0.3.2
format mirror://GITHUB/ravenports:rvn-format:v3.5:src/rvn-format
sqlite https://www.sqlite.org/2023/
Distribution File Information
464f8d747308c254d27d6ade169b4d782a6507ea3875fb02759fd34c4137487e 270815 ravenports-rvn-0.3.2.tar.gz f0b8493fe4b9d3c932f9fdc55501de4ab4e190fe786ebb81757df8cbd91738af 127384 ravenports-rvn-format-3.5.tar.gz 1c6719a148bc41cf0f2bbbe3926d7ce3f5ca09d878f1246fcc20767b175bb407 3204841 sqlite-autoconf-3440200.tar.gz
Ports that require rvn:standard
ravenports:dragonfly Install turnkey Ravenports on DragonFly
ravenports:freebsd_amd64 Install turnkey Ravenports on FreeBSD/amd64
ravenports:linux Install turnkey Ravenports on Linux
ravenports:mbsd_amd64 Install turnkey Ravenports on MidnightBSD/amd64
ravenports:netbsd_amd64 Install turnkey Ravenports on NetBSD/amd64
ravenports:sunos Install turnkey Ravenports on Solaris 10u8
ravensys-root-dragonfly:REL62 DragonFly 6.2.2 builder system root
ravensys-root-dragonfly:standard DragonFly 6.4.0 builder system root
ravensys-root-freebsd_amd64:REL12 FreeBSD/AMD64 12.2 builder system root
ravensys-root-freebsd_amd64:standard FreeBSD/AMD64 13.2 builder system root
ravensys-root-linux:ABI26 Linux 2.6.32 builder system root
ravensys-root-linux:standard Linux 3.2.0 builder system root
ravensys-root-midnightbsd_amd64:standard MidnightBSD/AMD64 3.0.0 builder system root
ravensys-root-netbsd_amd64:standard NetBSD/AMD64 10.0 builder system root
ravensys-root:sunos Solaris 10 system root for Ravenports build env
ravensys-toolchain:standard Compiler and binutils toolchain for Ravenports