Port variant v12
Summary Asyncio-compatible timeout context manager (3.12)
Package version 4.0.3
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v11
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 OCT 2023, 04:40:21 UTC
Port created 27 MAR 2022, 16:18:32 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single async-timeout ============= :alt: Chat on Gitter asyncio-compatible timeout context manager. Usage example ------------- The context manager is useful in cases when you want to apply timeout logic around block of code or in cases when ``asyncio.wait_for()`` is not suitable. Also it's much faster than ``asyncio.wait_for() because timeout`` doesn't create a new task. The ``timeout(delay, *, loop=None)`` call returns a context manager that cancels a block on *timeout* expiring:: from async_timeout import timeout async with timeout(1.5): await inner() 1. If ``inner() is executed faster than in 1.5`` seconds nothing happens. 2. Otherwise ``inner() is cancelled internally by sending asyncio.CancelledError into but asyncio.TimeoutError`` is raised outside of context manager scope. *timeout* parameter could be None for skipping timeout functionality. Alternatively, ``timeout_at(when)`` can be used for scheduling at the absolute time:: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() now = loop.time() async with timeout_at(now + 1.5): await inner() Please note: it is not POSIX time but a time with undefined starting base, e.g. the time of the system power on. Context manager has ``.expired`` property for check if timeout happens exactly in context manager:: async with timeout(1.5) as cm: await inner() print(cm.expired) The property is True if ``inner()`` execution is cancelled by timeout context manager. If ``inner() call explicitly raises TimeoutError cm.expired is False``. The scheduled deadline time is available as ``.deadline`` property:: async with timeout(1.5) as cm: cm.deadline Not finished yet timeout can be rescheduled by ``shift_by() or shift_to()`` methods:: async with timeout(1.5) as cm: cm.shift(1) # add another second on waiting cm.update(loop.time() + 5) # reschedule to now+5 seconds Rescheduling is forbidden if the timeout is expired or after exit from async with code block. Installation ------------ :: $ pip install async-timeout The library is Python 3 only! Authors and License ------------------- The module is written by Andrew Svetlov. It's *Apache 2* licensed and freely available.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY311 OFF Build using Python 3.11 PY312 ON Build using Python 3.12
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python312:dev:std
Build and Runtime python312:primary:std
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/a7/fa/e01228c2938de91d47b307831c62ab9e4001e747789d0b05baf779a6488c
Distribution File Information
7405140ff1230c310e51dc27b3145b9092d659ce68ff733fb0cefe3ee42be028 5721 async_timeout-4.0.3-py3-none-any.whl
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