Subpackage Descriptions
single |
LuaSec is a binding for OpenSSL/LibreSSL to provide SSL/TLS communication
in Lua. It takes an already established TCP connection and creates a
secure session between the pairs. For creating TCP connections it relies
on the LuaSocket module.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
LUA52 OFF Build with Lua 5.2
LUA53 ON Build with Lua 5.3
LUA54 OFF Build with Lua 5.4
Package Dependencies by Type
Download groups
main |
mirror://GITHUB/brunoos:luasec:v1.3.2 |
Distribution File Information
97293092ba385ab390decb6678bc8cbeffd5899bfbc49eb7ef4aa00f5e31c3d4 54925 brunoos-luasec-1.3.2.tar.gz
Ports that require lua-sec:lua53
No other ports depend on this one. |