Port variant std
Summary Interpreted object-oriented programming language
Package version 3.13.0_1
Keywords lang, python
Maintainer nobody
License Python Software Foundation License
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 11 NOV 2024, 23:28:05 UTC
Port created 19 OCT 2024, 00:01:48 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set This is the python313:std metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of python313:std.
primary Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems, and is extensible in C or C++. It is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface. Finally, Python is portable: it runs on many Unix variants, on the Mac, and on Windows 2000 and later.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the python313:std port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
man This is the man page subpackage of the python313:std port.
sqlite This package contains the sqlite module. It is separate due to the run time dependency on the sqlite library.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
DEBUG OFF Build with debugging support PYMALLOC ON Enable specialized mallocs
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) libffi:dev:std
libuuid:dev:std (sunos, linux)
Build and Runtime libffi:primary:std
libuuid:primary:std (sunos, linux)
Runtime (only) autoselect-python:single:std
sqlite:primary:std (sqlite subpackage)
Download groups
Distribution File Information
086de5882e3cb310d4dca48457522e2e48018ecd43da9cdf827f6a0759efb07d 22532980 Python-3.13.0.tar.xz
Ports that require python313:std
cython2:v13 Compiler to write C extensions for Python (3.13)
libpeas:v13 GObject-based plugins engine (3.13)
python-Automat:v13 Self-service finite-state machines (3.13)
python-Babel:v13 Internationalization utilities (3.13)
python-ConfigArgParse:v13 Drop-in replacement for argparse (3.13)
python-Cython:v13 Compiler to write C extensions for Python (3.13)
python-Deprecated:v13 Implements @deprecated decorator (3.13)
python-Django:v13 High-level Python Web framework (3.13)
python-Flask-Cors:v13 Cross Origin Resource Sharing extension (3.13)
python-Flask-RESTful:v13 Simple framework for creating REST APIs (3.13)
python-Flask:v13 Lightweight WSGI web application framework (3.13)
python-FormEncode:v13 HTML form validation and generation package (3.13)
python-Genshi:v13 Web output generation toolkit (3.13)
python-GitPython:v13 Python Git Library (3.13)
python-Jinja2:v13 Fully featured template engine (3.13)
python-Mako:v13 Super-fast template library (3.13)
python-Markdown:v13 John Gruber's Markdown implementation (3.13)
python-MarkupSafe:v13 Jinja2.Markup string implementation module (3.13)
python-Pillow:v13 Python Imaging Library (Fork) (3.13)
python-PyAudio:v13 Bindings for PortAudio v19 (3.13)
python-PyDriller:v13 Framework for MSR (3.13)
python-PyGObject:v13 Python bindings for GObject Introspection (3.13)
python-PyJWT:v13 JSON Web Token implementation in Python (3.13)
python-PyNaCl:v13 Binding to NaCl Cryptography library (3.13)
python-PyYAML:v13 YAML parser and emitter for Python (3.13)
python-Pygments:v13 Syntax highlighting package (3.13)
python-SQLAlchemy:v13 Database Abstraction Library (3.13)
python-Sphinx:v13 Python documentation generator (3.13)
python-Twisted:v13 Asynchronous networking framework (3.13)
python-Werkzeug:v13 Comprehensive WSGI web application library (3.13)
python-acme-tiny:v13 Issue and renew Let's Encrypt TLS certs (3.13)
python-aiohappyeyeballs:v13 Happy Eyeballs for asyncio (3.13)
python-aiohttp:v13 Async http client/server framework (3.13)
python-aiosignal:v13 List of registered asynchronous callbacks (3.13)
python-aiostream:v13 Asynchronous iteration operators (3.13)
python-alabaster:v13 Light, configurable Sphinx theme (3.13)
python-amqp:v13 Low-level AMQP client (3.13)
python-aniso8601:v13 Library for parsing ISO 8601 strings (3.13)
python-annotated-types:v13 Reusable constraint types (3.13)
python-ansible-core:v13 Radically simple IT automation (3.13)
python-ansible:v13 Radically simple IT automation (3.13)
python-anyio:v13 Layer built on asyncio or trio libraries (3.13)
python-appdirs:v13 Determines platform-specific directores (3.13)
python-asgiref:v13 ASGI specs, helper code, and adapters (3.13)
python-asn1:v13 Simple ASN.1 encoder and decoder (3.13)
python-asn1crypto:v13 Performant ASN.1 handling library (3.13)
python-astroid:v13 Abstract syntax tree with inference support (3.13)
python-async-timeout:v13 Asyncio-compatible timeout context manager (3.13)
python-atomicwrites:v13 Atomic file writes (3.13)
python-attrs:v13 Classes Without Boilerplate (3.13)
python-autopep8:v13 Automatic Python code formatter (3.13)
python-backports.entry-points-selectable:v13 Compatibility shim for importlib_metadata (3.13)
python-backports_abc:v13 Containers Base Classes backported fixes (3.13)
python-bcrypt:v13 Modern password hashing based on blowfish (3.13)
python-beautifulsoup4:v13 Screen-scraping library (3.13)
python-beniget:v13 Python static analyzer (3.13)
python-billiard:v13 Multiprocessing Pool Extensions (3.13)
python-black:v13 Uncompromising code formatter (3.13)
python-bleach:v13 Easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool (3.13)
python-blinker:v13 Fast object/object and broadcast signaling (3.13)
python-booleanOperations:v13 Boolean operations on paths (3.13)
python-borgbackup:v13 Deduplicated, encrypted, compressed backups (3.13)
python-boto3:v13 AWS SDK for Python (3.13)
python-botocore:v13 Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3 (3.13)
python-bottle:v13 WSGI-framework for small web applications (3.13)
python-breathe:v13 Sphinx Doxygen renderer (3.13)
python-build:v13 Simple, correct Python build frontend (3.13)
python-cached-property:v13 Decorator for caching properties in classes (3.13)
python-cachetools:v13 Extensible memoizing collections (3.13)
python-cattrs:v13 Composable complex class support for attrs (3.13)
python-celery:v13 Distributed Task Queue (3.13)
python-certifi:v13 Collection of SSL Root Certificates (3.13)
python-cffi:v13 Foreign Function Interface, C (3.13)
python-chardet:v13 Universal character encoding detector (3.13)
python-charset-normalizer:v13 Charset Detection, for Everyone (3.13)
python-click-didyoumean:v13 Enables git-like did-you-mean feature (3.13)
python-click-log:v13 Logging integration for Click (3.13)
python-click-plugins:v13 Registers external CLI commands (3.13)
python-click-repl:v13 REPL plugin for Click (3.13)
python-click-threading:v13 Multithreaded Click apps made easy (3.13)
python-click:v13 Optparse wrapper for CLI capabilities (3.13)
python-colorama:v13 Cross-platform colored terminal text (3.13)
python-commonmark:v13 Parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec (3.13)
python-compreffor:v13 CFF subroutinizer for fontTools (3.13)
python-configobj:v13 Config file reading, writing and validation (3.13)
python-constantly:v13 Symbolic constants in Python (3.13)
python-coreapi:v13 Python client library for Core API (3.13)
python-coreschema:v13 Core Schema (3.13)
python-coverage:v13 Code coverage measurement for Python (3.13)
python-croniter:v13 Iteration for datetime object like cron (3.13)
python-crontab:v13 Parse and use crontab schedules in Python (3.13)
python-cryptography:v13 Cryptographic recipes and primitives (3.13)
python-css-html-js-minify:v13 CSS HTML JS Minifier (3.13)
python-cssmin:v13 YUI compression algorithm (3.13)
python-cssselect:v13 CSS3 Selector parser and XPath translater (3.13)
python-cssutils:v13 Cascading Style Sheets library (3.13)
python-cu2qu:v13 Cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion (3.13)
python-ddt:v13 Data-Driven/Decorated Tests (3.13)
python-decorator:v13 Decorators for Humans (3.13)
python-deepdiff:v13 Deep difference and search of any object (3.13)
python-defusedxml:v13 XML bomb protection for stdlib modules (3.13)
python-deprecation:v13 Library to handle automated deprecations (3.13)
python-dictdiffer:v13 Library to diff and patch dictionaries (3.13)
python-dill:v13 Serialize all of Python (3.13)
python-distlib:v13 Distribution utilities (3.13)
python-distro:v13 Distro - an OS platform information API (3.13)
python-django-appconf:v13 Django configure defaults helper class (3.13)
python-django-bootstrap3:v13 Bootstrap 3 for Django (3.13)
python-django-celery:v13 Old django celery integration project (3.13)
python-django-colorful:v13 Django color field database (3.13)
python-django-compressor:v13 Django CSS/JS cache and compressor (3.13)
python-django-cors-headers:v13 Django handler for CORS server headers (3.13)
python-django-debug-toolbar:v13 Debug info of current request/response (3.13)
python-django-downloadview:v13 Serve files with Django and reverse-proxies (3.13)
python-django-extensions:v13 Extensions for Django (3.13)
python-django-filter:v13 Django dynamic filter of querysets (3.13)
python-django-formtools:v13 Set of abstractions for Django forms (3.13)
python-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar:v13 Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE (3.13)
python-django-js-asset:v13 Django forms.Media script tag (3.13)
python-django-model-utils:v13 Django model mixins and utilities (3.13)
python-django-mptt:v13 Django Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (3.13)
python-django-pglocks:v13 Advisory lock context for PostgreSQL (3.13)
python-django-prometheus:v13 Django app monitor with (3.13)
python-django-redis:v13 Redis cache backend for Django (3.13)
python-django-rich:v13 Extensions for using Rich with Django (3.13)
python-django-rq:v13 Django integration of Redis Queue (3.13)
python-django-solo:v13 Djanjo manipulator of database singletons (3.13)
python-django-stronghold:v13 Django app requiring login for all views (3.13)
python-django-suit:v13 Modern theme for Django admin interface (3.13)
python-django-tables2:v13 Table/data-grid framework for Django (3.13)
python-django-tagging:v13 Generic tagging application for Django (3.13)
python-django-taggit:v13 Reusable Django app for simple tagging (3.13)
python-django-timezone-field:v13 Django app that provides timezone info (3.13)
python-django-widget-tweaks:v13 Django template form field customizer (3.13)
python-djangorestframework:v13 Web APIs for Django, made easy (3.13)
python-dnspython:v13 DNS toolkit for Python (3.13)
python-docutils:v13 Python Documentation Utilities (3.13)
python-drf-spectacular-sidecar:v13 Swagger UI and Redoc builds for Django (3.13)
python-drf-spectacular:v13 OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST (3.13)
python-drf-yasg:v13 Django Swagger/OpenAPI spec generator (3.13)
python-dulwich:v13 Python Git Library (3.13)
python-e3-core:v13 Adacore testing and building tools (3.13)
python-easysnmp:v13 Library based on official Net-SNMP bindings (3.13)
python-et-xmlfile:v13 Low memory library for large XML files (3.13)
python-evdev:v13 Linux input handling subsystem bindings (3.13)
python-exceptiongroup:v13 Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) (3.13)
python-exhale:v13 C++ library API documentation generator (3.13)
python-eyed3:v13 Python audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3) (3.13)
python-fasteners:v13 Python package that provides useful locks (3.13)
python-feedparser:v13 Universal feed parser: RSS, CDF, Atom (3.13)
python-filelock:v13 Platform independent file lock (3.13)
python-filetype:v13 Infer file and MIME type of file or buffer (3.13)
python-flake8-builtins:v13 Python builtins validation tool (3.13)
python-flake8-import-order:v13 Import order validation tool (3.13)
python-flake8-quotes:v13 Flake8 lint for quotes (3.13)
python-flake8:v13 Source code checker wrapper (3.13)
python-flask-swagger:v13 Extract swagger specs from flask project (3.13)
python-flex:v13 Swagger Schema validation (3.13)
python-fontMath:v13 Perform math operations on font data (3.13)
python-fonttools:v13 Tools to manipulate font files (3.13)
python-freetype-py:v13 Freetype python bindings (3.13)
python-freezegun:v13 Let your Python tests travel through time (3.13)
python-frozenlist:v13 Mutable lists until Freeze set (3.13)
python-fs:v13 Python's filesystem abstraction layer (3.13)
python-funcsigs:v13 Signature functions backport from 3.3 (3.13)
python-funcy:v13 Fancy and practical functional tools (3.13)
python-furl:v13 URL manipulation made simple (3.13)
python-fusepy:v13 Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE (3.13)
python-future:v13 Compatibility layer for python 2 apps (3.13)
python-gast:v13 Generic Abstract Syntax Tree (3.13)
python-ghp-import:v13 Copies docs directly to gh-pages branch (3.13)
python-gi-docgen:v13 Documentation tool for GObject-based libs (3.13)
python-gitdb:v13 Git Object Database (3.13)
python-google-i18n-address:v13 Address validation for Google's i18n DB (3.13)
python-graphene-django:v13 Graphene Django integration (3.13)
python-graphene:v13 GraphQL Framework for Python (3.13)
python-graphql-core:v13 GraphQL implementation (3.13)
python-graphql-relay:v13 Relay library for graphql-core (3.13)
python-graphviz:v13 Simple Python interface for Graphviz (3.13)
python-greenlet:v13 Lightweight concurrent programming (3.13)
python-gunicorn:v13 WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX (3.13)
python-h11:v13 HTTP/1.1 implementation (3.13)
python-html5lib:v13 HTML parser based on WHATWG specification (3.13)
python-htmlmin:v13 HTML Minifier with seatbelts (3.13)
python-httpcore:v13 Minimal low-level HTTP client (3.13)
python-httplib2:v13 Comprehensive HTTP client library (3.13)
python-humanize:v13 Python humanize utilities (3.13)
python-hyperlink:v13 Featureful, immutable, and correct URL (3.13)
python-idna:v13 Int. Domain Names in Applications (3.13)
python-imagesize:v13 Size utility for jpeg/png/gif images (3.13)
python-importlib-metadata:v13 Read metadata from Python packages (3.13)
python-importlib-resources:v13 Read resources from Python packages (3.13)
python-incremental:v13 Library for versioning python projects (3.13)
python-inflection:v13 Port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python (3.13)
python-installer:v13 Library for installing Python wheels (3.13)
python-intervaltree:v13 Editable interval tree data structure (3.13)
python-invoke:v13 Pythonic task execution (3.13)
python-ioflo:v13 Flow Programming Automated Reasoning Engine (3.13)
python-ipaddress:v13 IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library (3.13)
python-isort:v13 Utility library to sort Python imports (3.13)
python-itsdangerous:v13 Trusted data handlers for unsafe env (3.13)
python-itypes:v13 Simple immutable types for python (3.13)
python-jedi:v13 Static analysis and autocompletion library (3.13)
python-jmespath:v13 JSON Matching Expressions (3.13)
python-json2html:v13 JSON to HTML Table Representation (3.13)
python-jsonargparse:v13 JSON argument and config file parser (3.13)
python-jsonpickle:v13 Serialize arbitrary object graph into JSON (3.13)
python-jsonpointer:v13 Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (3.13)
python-jsonschema-specifications:v13 JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies (3.13)
python-jsonschema:v13 Alternate implementation of JSON Schema (3.13)
python-jsonslicer:v13 Stream JSON parser with iterator interface (3.13)
python-junos-eznc:v13 Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers (3.13)
python-kani-fork-pynetbox:v13 NetBox API client library (3.13)
python-kitchen:v13 Cornucopia of useful code (3.13)
python-kombu:v13 Messaging library for Python (3.13)
python-lazy-object-proxy:v13 Fast and thorough lazy object proxy (3.13)
python-legacy-cgi:v13 Copy of dropped cgi and cgitb modules (3.13)
python-libnacl:v13 Python bindings for libsodium (3.13)
python-libversion:v13 Python bindings for libversion (3.13)
python-libxml2:v13 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.13)
python-lizard:v13 Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer (3.13)
python-loguru:v13 Python logging made (stupidly) simple (3.13)
python-lxml:v13 Binding to libxml2 and libxslt libraries (3.13)
python-macaddress:v13 MAC hardware identifier module (3.13)
python-markdown-include:v13 Include extension for Markdown (3.13)
python-markdown-it-py:v13 Port of Markdown-it, markdown done right (3.13)
python-markdown2:v13 Complete implementation of Markdown (3.13)
python-maturin:v13 Build and publish python rust packages (3.13)
python-mccabe:v13 McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 (3.13)
python-mdit-py-plugins:v13 Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py (3.13)
python-mdurl:v13 Markdown URL utilities (3.13)
python-meraki-netbox-plugin-pdu:v13 Power Distribution Unit plugin for Netbox (3.13)
python-mergedeep:v13 Deep merge function for 🐍 (3.13)
python-meson-python:v13 Meson Python build backend (PEP 517) (3.13)
python-mkdocs-autorefs:v13 Automatically link across pages in MkDocs (3.13)
python-mkdocs-get-deps:v13 List dependencies from by mydocs.yml file (3.13)
python-mkdocs-material-extensions:v13 MkDocs extension for Markdown (3.13)
python-mkdocs-material:v13 Documentation that simply works (3.13)
python-mkdocs:v13 Project documentation with Markdown (3.13)
python-mkdocstrings:v13 Documentation from sources for MkDocs (3.13)
python-mock:v13 Rolling backport of standard mock library (3.13)
python-more-itertools:v13 Iterable routine tools (3.13)
python-msgpack:v13 MessagePack serializer (3.13)
python-multidict:v13 Multidict implementation (3.13)
python-mutagen:v13 Read and write audio tags for many formats (3.13)
python-mwparserfromhell:v13 Parser for MediaWiki wikicode (3.13)
python-mypy-extensions:v13 Experimental extensions of mypy typechecker (3.13)
python-mypy:v13 Optional static typing for Python (3.13)
python-myst-parser:v13 Extended commonmark compliant parser (3.13)
python-n2g:v13 Need To Graph (3.13)
python-napalm:v13 Vendor-agnostic router interaction libary (3.13)
python-nb-service:v13 Netbox plugin for ITSM service mapping (3.13)
python-nb2an:v13 Netbox to Ansible config comparison tool (3.13)
python-ncclient:v13 Python library for NETCONF clients (3.13)
python-netaddr:v13 Network address manipulation library (3.13)
python-netbox-acls:v13 NetBox plugin for Access List management (3.13)
python-netbox-agent:v13 NetBox agent for server (3.13)
python-netbox-app-systems:v13 Application systems plugin for Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-bgp:v13 BGP related stuff (3.13)
python-netbox-config-backup:v13 NetBox Switch Configuration Backup Plugin (3.13)
python-netbox-ddns:v13 Dynamic DNS Connector for NetBox (3.13)
python-netbox-disk:v13 Netbox Disk Plugin (3.13)
python-netbox-dns:v13 Domain Name Services plugin for Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-fusioninventory-plugin:v13 Fusion inventory agent device import plugin (3.13)
python-netbox-gateways:v13 Manage simple prefix default gateways (3.13)
python-netbox-inventory:v13 Inventory asset management in NetBox (3.13)
python-netbox-is-risks:v13 Info Security risk plugin for Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-lists:v13 IP list generator for Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-maintenancecontract-plugin:v13 Manage Maintenance Contracts Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-napalm-plugin:v13 NetBox plugin for Napalm (3.13)
python-netbox-network-importer:v13 Tool to import network into Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-proxbox:v13 Proxmox plugin for Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-qrcode:v13 QR Code generation for netbox objects (3.13)
python-netbox-secretstore:v13 Netbox Secret Store (3.13)
python-netbox-slm:v13 Software Lifecycle Management Netbox Plugin (3.13)
python-netbox-static-routes-plugin:v13 Manage static routes in Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-users-and-computers:v13 Netbox plugin to manage Active Directory (3.13)
python-netbox-vpn-plugin:v13 Manage VPN Connections in Netbox (3.13)
python-netbox-vrf-context:v13 VRF Context plugin for Netbox (3.13)
python-netdoc:v13 Network documentation plugin for NetBox (3.13)
python-netifaces2:v13 Portable network interface information (3.13)
python-netifaces:v13 Portable network interface information (3.13)
python-netmiko:v13 Simplify CLI connections to network devices (3.13)
python-netutils:v13 Network automation helper functions (3.13)
python-nextbox-ui-plugin:v13 Topology visualization plugin for Netbox (3.13)
python-node-semver:v13 Port of node-semver (3.13)
python-nornir-netbox:v13 Netbox plugin for Nornir (3.13)
python-nornir-netmiko:v13 Netmiko's plugins for Nornir (3.13)
python-nornir-rich:v13 Pretty display functions for nornir (3.13)
python-nornir-utils:v13 Collection of simple plugins for nornir (3.13)
python-nornir:v13 Automation framework to manage devices (3.13)
python-nose:v13 Extends unittest to make testing easier (3.13)
python-ntc-templates:v13 TextFSM Templates for network devices (3.13)
python-numpy:v13 Array computing for Python (3.13)
python-oauthlib:v13 Spec-compliant OAuth implementation (3.13)
python-openapi-codec:v13 OpenAPI codec for Core API (3.13)
python-openpyxl:v13 Read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files (3.13)
python-ordered-set:v13 Custom MutableSet that stays in order (3.13)
python-orderedmultidict:v13 Ordered Multivalue Dictionary (3.13)
python-orderly-set:v13 Multiple Ordered Set implementations (3.13)
python-orjson:v13 Fast, correct Python JSON library (3.13)
python-ouilookup:v13 MAC lookup from OUI source at (3.13)
python-packaging:v13 Core utilities for Python packages (3.13)
python-paginate:v13 Divides large result sets into pages (3.13)
python-pandas:v13 Data structures for time series, statistics (3.13)
python-paramiko:v13 SSH2 protocol library (3.13)
python-parso:v13 Python Parser (3.13)
python-passlib:v13 Comprehensive password hashing framework (3.13)
python-patch-ng:v13 Library to parse and apply unified diffs (3.13)
python-patchman:v13 Django based patch status monitoring tool (3.13)
python-pathspec:v13 Library for git file pattern matching (3.13)
python-pbr:v13 Python Build Reasonableness (3.13)
python-pep8:v13 Python style guide checker (3.13)
python-phonebox-plugin:v13 Phone numbers management plugin for NetBox (3.13)
python-pika:v13 Pika Python AMQP Client Library (3.13)
python-pip:v13 Tool for installing python packages (3.13)
python-pipdeptree:v13 Utility to show package dependency tree (3.13)
python-pkgconfig:v13 Interface Python with pkg-config (3.13)
python-platformdirs:v13 Finds platform-specific directories (3.13)
python-pluginbase:v13 Development basis of flexible plugins (3.13)
python-ply:v13 Python Lex & Yacc (3.13)
python-polib:v13 Library to manipulate gettext files (3.13)
python-premailer:v13 Turns CSS blocks into style attributes (3.13)
python-progressbar:v13 Text progress bar library for Python (3.13)
python-prometheus-client:v13 Client for Prometheus monitoring system (3.13)
python-promise:v13 Promises/A+ implementation for Python (3.13)
python-prompt-toolkit:v13 Builds powerful interactive command lines (3.13)
python-propcache:v13 Accelerated property cache (3.13)
python-protobuf:v13 Protocol Buffers (3.13)
python-proxmoxer:v13 Support Proxmox API v2 (3.13)
python-psautohint:v13 Wrapper for Adobe's PostScript autohinter (3.13)
python-pspdfutils:v13 Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents (3.13)
python-psutil:v13 Process utilities module (3.13)
python-psycopg2:v13 Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter (3.13)
python-puremagic:v13 Magic file detection (3.13)
python-pyaml:v13 Produce readable YAML-serialized data (3.13)
python-pyasn1:v13 ASN.1 types and codecs (3.13)
python-pybind11:v13 Seamless operability with C++11 (3.13)
python-pycairo:v13 Bindings for cairo graphics library (3.13)
python-pyclipper:v13 Cython wrapper for the AJ Clipper library (3.13)
python-pycodestyle:v13 Python style guide checker (3.13)
python-pycountry:v13 ISO country and language databases (3.13)
python-pycparser:v13 C parser in Python (3.13)
python-pycryptodome:v13 Cryptographic library for Python (3.13)
python-pycryptodomex:v13 Cryptographic library for Python (3.13)
python-pycups:v13 Python bindings for libcups (3.13)
python-pydantic-core:v13 Core module for pydantic (3.13)
python-pydantic:v13 Data validation using Python type hints (3.13)
python-pyeapi:v13 Python Client for eAPI (3.13)
python-pyflakes:v13 Passive checker of Python programs (3.13)
python-pygit2:v13 Python bindings for libgit2 (3.13)
python-pylint:v13 Python code static checker (3.13)
python-pymdown-extensions:v13 Extension pack for Python Markdown (3.13)
python-pymemcache:v13 Pure Python memcached client (3.13)
python-pynetbox:v13 NetBox API client library (3.13)
python-pyocr:v13 Wrapper for OCR engines (Tesseract, etc) (3.13)
python-pyparsing:v13 Defines and executes parsing grammers (3.13)
python-pypdf:v13 PDF transformation library (3.13)
python-pypng:v13 Native library for handling PNG images (3.13)
python-pyproject-metadata:v13 PEP 621 metadata parsing (3.13)
python-pyproject_hooks:v13 Pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks (3.13)
python-pyquery:v13 Jquery-like library for python (3.13)
python-pyrsistent:v13 Persistent, Immutable data structures (3.13)
python-pyserial:v13 Python Serial Port Extension (3.13)
python-pytest-runner:v13 Scripts to add test support (3.13)
python-python-dateutil:v13 Extension to the standard datetime module (3.13)
python-python-debian:v13 Debian package related modules (3.13)
python-python-dotenv:v13 Sets environment from .env file (3.13)
python-python-gnupg:v13 Wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard library (3.13)
python-python-magic:v13 File type identification using libmagic (3.13)
python-python-memcached:v13 Pure python memcached client (3.13)
python-python-netbox:v13 Python NetBox Client (3.13)
python-python-slugify:v13 Unicode-capable slug generator (3.13)
python-python-sql:v13 Library to write SQL queries (3.13)
python-python-stdnum:v13 Handles standardized numbers and codes (3.13)
python-python3-openid:v13 OpenID support for servers and consumers (3.13)
python-pythran:v13 Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels (3.13)
python-pytidylib:v13 Wrapper around HTML Tidy (3.13)
python-pytz:v13 World timezone definitions (3.13)
python-pyudev:v13 Libudev binding (3.13)
python-pyvmomi:v13 VMware vSphere Python SDK (3.13)
python-pywikibot:v13 Python MediaWiki Bot Framework (3.13)
python-pyxdg:v13 Implementation of standards (3.13)
python-pyyaml-env-tag:v13 YAML tag for environment variables (3.13)
python-pyzmq:v13 Python bindings for 0MQ (3.13)
python-qrcode:v13 QR Code image generator (3.13)
python-raet:v13 Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport (3.13)
python-rcssmin:v13 CSS Minifier (3.13)
python-readtime:v13 Texing reading time calculator (3.13)
python-recommonmark:v13 Docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark (3.13)
python-redis:v13 Redis database and key-value store client (3.13)
python-referencing:v13 JSON Referencing + Python (3.13)
python-regex:v13 Alternative regular expression module (3.13)
python-relatorio:v13 Templating library for odt and pdf files (3.13)
python-reportlab:v13 Library for generating PDFs and graphics (3.13)
python-requests-cache:v13 Persistent cache for python requests (3.13)
python-requests-oauthlib:v13 Authentication support for Requests (3.13)
python-requests-toolbelt:v13 Utilities collection for Requests (3.13)
python-requests:v13 Python HTTP for Humans (3.13)
python-resolvelib:v13 Abstract dependencies resolver library (3.13)
python-rfc3987:v13 Parsing and validation of URIs and IRIs (3.13)
python-rich:v13 Rich text library (3.13)
python-rjsmin:v13 Javascript Minifier (3.13)
python-rlPyCairo:v13 Plugin for (3.13)
python-rpds-py:v13 Bindings to Rust persistent data structures (3.13)
python-rq-scheduler:v13 Job scheduling capabilities to Redis Queue (3.13)
python-rq:v13 Library for procesing background jobs (3.13)
python-ruamel.yaml.clib:v13 C based yaml reader/scanner and emitter (3.13)
python-ruamel.yaml:v13 YAML 1.2 parser/emitter (3.13)
python-rubymarshal:v13 Read and write Ruby-marshalled data (3.13)
python-s3transfer:v13 Amazon S3 Transfer Manager (3.13)
python-salt:v13 Remote execution and config mgmt system (3.13)
python-scikit-build-core:v13 Build backend for CMake based projects (3.13)
python-scipy:v13 Scientific library for Python (3.13)
python-scour:v13 Scour SVG Optimizer (3.13)
python-scp:v13 Scp module for paramiko (3.13)
python-semantic-version:v13 Library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme (3.13)
python-sentry-sdk:v13 Sentry client (3.13)
python-setuptools-git-ls-files:v13 Invokes git to list all files (3.13)
python-setuptools-git:v13 Revision control system plugin for Git (3.13)
python-setuptools-rust:v13 Setuptools Rust extension plugin (3.13)
python-setuptools-scm-git-archive:v13 Setuptools_scm plugin for git archives (3.13)
python-setuptools-scm:v13 Package to manage versions by scm tags (3.13)
python-setuptools:v13 Python package development process library (3.13)
python-sgmllib3k:v13 Py3k port of sgmllib (3.13)
python-sh:v13 Python subprocess replacement (3.13)
python-simpleeval:v13 Single expression evaluator library (3.13)
python-simplejson:v13 Fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder (3.13)
python-singledispatch:v13 Backport of single-dispatch functions (3.13)
python-sip:v13 Bindings generator for C/C++ libraries (3.13)
python-six:v13 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities (3.13)
python-skia-pathops:v13 Skia library bindings (3.13)
python-smartypants:v13 Python with the SmartyPants (3.13)
python-smmap:v13 Sliding window memory map manager (3.13)
python-sniffio:v13 Determine which async library is used (3.13)
python-snowballstemmer:v13 Snowball stemming library collection (3.13)
python-social-auth-app-django:v13 Social authentication for Django (3.13)
python-social-auth-core2:v13 Social authentication/registration (3.13)
python-social-auth-core:v13 Python social authentication made simple (3.13)
python-sortedcontainers:v13 Sorted List, Dict, and Set containers (3.13)
python-soupsieve:v13 Modern CSS selector implementation (3.13)
python-sphinx-rtd-theme:v13 Read the Docs theme for Sphinx (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-adadomain:v13 Sphinx "adadomain" extension (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp:v13 Sphinx extension: apple help books (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp:v13 Sphinx extension: Devhelp documents (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp:v13 Sphinx extension: Help support via HTML (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-jquery:v13 Use jQuery for newer Sphinx releases (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath:v13 Sphinx extension: Math via javascript (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp:v13 Sphinx extension: QtHelp documents (3.13)
python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml:v13 Sphinx extension: HTML serialization (3.13)
python-spin:v13 Developer tool for scientific libraries (3.13)
python-sqlparse:v13 Non-validating SQL parser (3.13)
python-statmake:v13 Applies STAT Stylespace to a variable font (3.13)
python-stevedore:v13 Dynamic plugins for Python applications (3.13)
python-strict-rfc3339:v13 Lightweight RFC 3399 timestamp functions (3.13)
python-svgwrite:v13 Python library to create SVG drawings (3.13)
python-swagger-spec-validator:v13 Validation of Swagger specifications (3.13)
python-tablib:v13 Format-agnostic tabular dataset library (3.13)
python-tenacity:v13 Retry code until it succeeds (3.13)
python-text-unidecode:v13 Most basic Text::Unidecode port (3.13)
python-textfsm:v13 Module for parsing semi-structured text (3.13)
python-toml:v13 Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language (3.13)
python-tomli:v13 Lil' TOML parser (3.13)
python-tomlkit:v13 Style preserving TOML library (3.13)
python-tornado:v13 Web framework and asynchronous networking (3.13)
python-tqdm:v13 Fast, Extensible Progress Meter (3.13)
python-transitions:v13 Extensible state machine implementation (3.13)
python-tryton:v13 Tryton desktop client (3.13)
python-trytond-account-asset:v13 Tryton module for assets management (3.13)
python-trytond-account-de-skr03:v13 German chart of accounts SKR03 module (3.13)
python-trytond-account-invoice-stock:v13 Tryton module to link stock and invoice (3.13)
python-trytond-account-invoice:v13 Tryton module for invoicing (3.13)
python-trytond-account-product:v13 Tryton module to add accounting on product (3.13)
python-trytond-account:v13 Tryton module for accounting (3.13)
python-trytond-company:v13 Tryton module with companies and employees (3.13)
python-trytond-country:v13 Tryton module with countries (3.13)
python-trytond-currency:v13 Tryton module with currencies (3.13)
python-trytond-party:v13 Tryton module with parties and addresses (3.13)
python-trytond-product:v13 Tryton module with products (3.13)
python-trytond-purchase:v13 Tryton module for purchase (3.13)
python-trytond-stock:v13 Tryton module for stock and inventory (3.13)
python-trytond:v13 Tryton server (3.13)
python-ttp-templates:v13 Template Text Parser Templates collections (3.13)
python-ttp:v13 Template Text Parser (3.13)
python-types-pytz:v13 Typing stubs for pytz (3.13)
python-typing-extensions:v13 Backported type hints for Python 3.5+ (3.13)
python-typogrify:v13 Filters to enhance web typography (3.13)
python-tzdata:v13 Provider of IANA time zone data (3.13)
python-ufoLib2:v13 UfoLib2 is a UFO font processing library (3.13)
python-uritemplate:v13 Implementation of RFC 6570 URI Templates (3.13)
python-url-normalize:v13 URL normalization for Python (3.13)
python-urllib3:v13 Powerful HTTP client library (3.13)
python-uuid:v13 UUID object and generation function (3.13)
python-validate_email:v13 E-mail format and existence checks (3.13)
python-vcversioner:v13 Extract version from version control tag (3.13)
python-vdirsyncer:v13 Synchronize calendars and contacts (3.13)
python-version-utils:v13 Library to compare package versions (3.13)
python-versioneer:v13 VCS-based management of version strings (3.13)
python-vine:v13 Python promises (3.13)
python-virtualenv:v13 Virtual Python Environment builder (3.13)
python-vobject:v13 Parser for iCalendar and vCard files (3.13)
python-voluptuous:v13 Python data validation library (3.13)
python-watchdog:v13 Filesystem events monitoring (3.13)
python-wcwidth:v13 Measures number of terminal column cells (3.13)
python-webencodings:v13 Legacy web character encoding aliases (3.13)
python-wheel:v13 Built-package format for Python (3.13)
python-wrapt:v13 Decorators, wrappers and monkey patching (3.13)
python-xdg:v13 XDG Base Directory variables (3.13)
python-xml2rfc:v13 Request For Comment authoring with XML (3.13)
python-xmltodict:v13 Makes XML feel like JSON (3.13)
python-xxhash:v13 Python binding for xxHash (3.13)
python-yamlordereddictloader:v13 Ordered YAML loader and dump for PyYAML (3.13)
python-yapf:v13 Formatter for Python code (3.13)
python-yarl:v13 Yet another URL library (3.13)
python-zipp:v13 Backport of pathlib wrapper for zip files (3.13)
python-zope.interface:v13 Interfaces for Python (3.13)
python-zstandard:v13 Zstandard bindings for Python (3.13)