Port variant std
Summary Command-line tools for transforming PDF files
Package version 11.10.0
Homepage No known homepage
Keywords print
Maintainer nobody
License ART20 , APACHE20 (dual)
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 15 FEB 2025, 04:25:08 UTC
Port created 22 NOV 2018, 04:08:04 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set This is the qpdf:std metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of qpdf:std.
primary QPDF is a program that can be used to linearize (web-optimize), encrypt (password-protect), decrypt, and inspect PDF files from the command-line. It does these and other structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files, reading a PDF file as input and creating a new one as output. It also provides many useful capabilities to developers of PDF-producing software or for people who just want to look at the innards of a PDF file to learn more about how they work. QPDF understands PDF files that use compressed object streams (supported by newer PDF applications) and can convert such files into those that can be read with older viewers. It can also be used for checking PDF files for structural errors, inspecting stream contents, or extracting objects from PDF files. QPDF is not PDF content creation or viewing software -- it does not have the capability to create PDF files from scratch or to display PDF files.
tools This package contains qpdf tools.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the qpdf:std port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
man This is the man page subpackage of the qpdf:std port.
docs This is the documents subpackage of the qpdf:std port.
examples This is the examples subpackage of the qpdf:std port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) cmake:primary:std
Build and Runtime zlib:primary:std
Runtime (only) qpdf:primary:std (tools subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:cxx_run:std (primary subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:libs:std (primary subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://SF/qpdf/qpdf/11.10.0
Distribution File Information
6295349aa18049f5f970bf0717aa76904ce326b6b14ce230cf96895f0c679fe3 19487550 qpdf-11.10.0.tar.gz
Ports that require qpdf:std
libcupsfilters:std Library for developing printing filters